Apparently workplace rudeness is contagious, according to science

Cassandra Green

Be nice, everyone.

Photo: iStock

We’ve all experienced a sly dig from a colleague - or two - but now scientists have found that incivility breeds incivility.

In a recent study from the University of Arkansas, researchers looked into this phenomenon in relation to ego depletion theory, which basically says that we all only have a certain supply of willpower that, eventually, runs out and causes us to become frustrated.

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The study examined workplaces for two weeks and realised that experiencing continuous incivility at work, especially if it's in the morning, led to decreased levels of one’s self-control throughout the day. This, in turn, led to more negativity later in the day. Scientists dubbed this concept “incivility spirals” and it pretty much confirms what we already knew: being around a bad mood can rub off on you. Ugh.

It’s important to note that 'incivility' was outlined from Andersson and Pearson’s definition as “low intensity deviant behaviour with ambiguous intent to harm the target, in violation of workplace norms for mutual respect,” which may include derogatory remarks, ignoring co-workers and using condescending tones. The study did not analyse more detrimental behaviours such as bullying or harassment.

And, aside from THAT kind of behaviour having a major effect on our personal wellbeing, the researchers found that the annual cost of a person experiencing incivility at work is USD$14,000 per employee. Perhaps that’s a stat to bring up the next time your colleague throws shade in your direction...

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De-politicise your workplace

Speaking clearly and openly with your colleagues rather than behind their back or in secret can help de-politicise the workplace. This could be done in performance meetings, but you can also practice it every day in your common interactions with co-workers.

Obtaining and understanding the company's code of conduct could also be of use to put your experiences in context.

Engage with human resources

They’re there to help! Their goal is to make sure everything is okay for employees and the business so they’re a good in between mediator.

You could also chat to them about making work proceedings more see-through, which would help reduce the “ambiguity and uncertainty that extort a larger tax on sensemaking.”

Learn how your brain works

The study looks at the way people understand their workplace through construal theory.

The idea is that some people construe meaning at high levels, this is essentially ‘big picture’ thinking. These employees will most likely overlook a slight in efforts to reach the main goal of “making friends at work.”

However, there are also people with low construal levels, who look for the details and specifics of every situation. These employees are more likely to be annoyed and react with their own incivility.

Try to be aware of how you’re thinking and how others are reacting to your words for a more peaceful workday.

Motivate your leaders

Any workplace is a team, and by being honest and open with your bosses you can overcome contagious rudeness. Chat to them about motivating high construal levels by emphasising the bigger picture, framing things positively and highlighting the desirability of activities.

Positive vibes will flow through the office with this more abstract, objective mindset.