
Thought for the dayNovember 16 2016

Hi Oscar, I read that the Ascendant is the most important part of the natal chart. Could you clarify how the Sun, Moon, and Ascendant relate to our character? Donna Hi Donna, What's more important, taste, temperature or texture? They're all key elements in making a dish taste good. Although the Ascendant possibly reveals the most personal part of us, it's only one of the ingredients. The Ascendant is how we see, the Moon how we feel and the Sun how we act. And they're all part of the same pie!

You should read your 2016 Guide to the Future. Inside it you'll find page after page of insights and predictions all about you and what's in store for you in the year ahead. It's as close as I can get you to a one-to-one reading with me. Make your future a wonderful future. Download your 2016 Guide to the Future here.


Mar 21 - Apr 20

Take it easy. Go gently. Tread lightly. Duck, dodge, dive. See what's coming and get out of its way. Some people take offence too easily. It's as if they stand by the road, watching traffic racing by. They say, 'Did you see that? If I had stepped out then, I would have been run over!' But even in the absence of traffic lights, pedestrians use their intelligence to get safely from side to side. A situation is making you nervous now. But you are brave and smart. Trust yourself, and you'll find there's nothing to fear from it. Now, although the Super Moon is beginning to wane it is still super-powerful, super-potent and full of possibility. And so you can still seize the rare moment. Download your 2017 Guide to the Future and use the amazingly accurate predictions it contains to make your future, a better future. We've extended the 20% DISCOUNT for one more day. Download yours now! (OFFER EXTENDED UNTIL THE END OF TODAY)

Apr 21 - May 21

You can't do what you want to do, nor can you make yourself do what you have to do. You can, though, do what someone else wants you to do. You can do it with grace - not out of a sense of obligation or charity, but out of respect. You can get more involved, more submerged in the very sea you would most like to swim out of. Why should you? Because, while it may not always be wise to compromise, any sincere efforts you make now to help a sensitive situation, will be amply rewarded with future freedoms. Now, although the Super Moon is beginning to wane it is still super-powerful, super-potent and full of possibility. And so you can still seize the rare moment. Download your 2017 Guide to the Future and use the amazingly accurate predictions it contains to make your future, a better future. We've extended the 20% DISCOUNT for one more day. Download yours now! (OFFER EXTENDED UNTIL THE END OF TODAY)

May 22 - June 22

'Three cheers for chaos. Let's hear it for upheaval. Ladies and gentlemen, put your hands together and give a warm round of applause to absolute insanity.' It is a shame that we don't welcome real trouble in such a way. If we could, we might thoroughly unnerve the forces of instability and throw them off their stride. Then they might skulk away in search of some easier target. As your ruler links to Uranus, something crazy arises. Greet it with an attitude of gratitude and it may yet start to make perfect sense. Now, although the Super Moon is beginning to wane it is still super-powerful, super-potent and full of possibility. And so you can still seize the rare moment. Download your 2017 Guide to the Future and use the amazingly accurate predictions it contains to make your future, a better future. We've extended the 20% DISCOUNT for one more day. Download yours now! (OFFER EXTENDED UNTIL THE END OF TODAY)

Jun 23 - Jul 23

The people to whom we feel the greatest sense of emotional connection are often the same folk who have the highest potential to annoy or unnerve us. We can all feel benignly disposed towards strangers. We don't know very much about them and we don't have very much to do with them. So, for as long as they just remain strangers, we can imagine all kinds of things about them. You're beginning to wish that you knew a certain someone a little less well. Just try to look beyond the way in which they exasperate you. Now, although the Super Moon is beginning to wane it is still super-powerful, super-potent and full of possibility. And so you can still seize the rare moment. Download your 2017 Guide to the Future and use the amazingly accurate predictions it contains to make your future, a better future. We've extended the 20% DISCOUNT for one more day. Download yours now! (OFFER EXTENDED UNTIL THE END OF TODAY)

Jul 24 - Aug 23

We've been talking, this week, about the relationship between the past and the future, and how you can make the most out of the elusive and slippery concept that we call 'now'. The message from the skies is clear. Your life deserves to be lived. Your existence deserves to be celebrated. What's stopping you from making the most of every moment? This is not the time to blame someone else. You've got a heart and your heart yearns to be happy. It can be happy as long as you focus on what's good right now. Now, although the Super Moon is beginning to wane it is still super-powerful, super-potent and full of possibility. And so you can still seize the rare moment. Download your 2017 Guide to the Future and use the amazingly accurate predictions it contains to make your future, a better future. We've extended the 20% DISCOUNT for one more day. Download yours now! (OFFER EXTENDED UNTIL THE END OF TODAY)

Aug 24 - Sep 23

'It is a dog-eat-dog world out there.' That's what people say when they want to sound as if they are talking tough. But dogs rarely eat other dogs. Even fewer and further between are the folk who have no kindness or heart. Actually, this isn't a dog-eat-dog world at all. It's populated by pussy cats, snuggling up contentedly with their other furry feline friends. Is there a risk that you may be overly generous towards someone today? Not really. There would be a far greater risk attached to being overly defensive. Now, although the Super Moon is beginning to wane it is still super-powerful, super-potent and full of possibility. And so you can still seize the rare moment. Download your 2017 Guide to the Future and use the amazingly accurate predictions it contains to make your future, a better future. We've extended the 20% DISCOUNT for one more day. Download yours now! (OFFER EXTENDED UNTIL THE END OF TODAY)

Sep 24 - Oct 23

Does anybody really know what's going on? Surely someone can furnish us with an explanation? Plenty of people say they can, but do they know any more than we do - or are they just pretending? Most of us would admit that there are limits to our understanding. Some questions just can't be easily answered. There are times when indecision is a valuable commodity. If someone is telling you that one plan is implausible and another is preferable, pause before accepting their advice. What do they really know? Now, although the Super Moon is beginning to wane it is still super-powerful, super-potent and full of possibility. And so you can still seize the rare moment. Download your 2017 Guide to the Future and use the amazingly accurate predictions it contains to make your future, a better future. We've extended the 20% DISCOUNT for one more day. Download yours now! (OFFER EXTENDED UNTIL THE END OF TODAY)

Oct 24 - Nov 22

Why should you be in the wrong today? It is, I suppose, just within the bounds of possibility. It has, after all, happened in the past. You may have been wrong once or twice before, but you don't make many mistakes. Apart from when you mistakenly think you're wrong when actually, you're right. Are you wrong to pursue your current policy? Someone else may think so, and their reasons for thinking this may be understandable. I don't think so, though... and I don't think you think so, either! Now, although the Super Moon is beginning to wane it is still super-powerful, super-potent and full of possibility. And so you can still seize the rare moment. Download your 2017 Guide to the Future and use the amazingly accurate predictions it contains to make your future, a better future. We've extended the 20% DISCOUNT for one more day. Download yours now! (OFFER EXTENDED UNTIL THE END OF TODAY)

Nov 23 - Dec 21

Statisticians tell us that most accidents happen at home. That's not as worrying as it sounds. It's just that, if we ever do encounter trouble, the laws of chance say it is likely to occur wherever we spend most time. And most of us spend most of our time at home! If our homes aren't as safe, it's only because we tend to relax there, becoming more safety-conscious in unfamiliar environments. But the unknown really represents no threat to you at all right now. And as for what you know, there's nothing to fear there either! Now, although the Super Moon is beginning to wane it is still super-powerful, super-potent and full of possibility. And so you can still seize the rare moment. Download your 2017 Guide to the Future and use the amazingly accurate predictions it contains to make your future, a better future. We've extended the 20% DISCOUNT for one more day. Download yours now! (OFFER EXTENDED UNTIL THE END OF TODAY)

Dec 22 - Jan 20

How have you managed to find space to read this zodiac forecast? Did you avoid the line of admirers who were waiting to pay you compliments and shower you with affection? You didn't notice them? Ah, such modesty is a part of your charm. Anyway, there's soon going to be no denying the heights to which your popularity is rising. You are fast becoming a shining star - and Venus, as it passes through your sign, will be helping you find many ways to turn that charm to your advantage. It's time to enjoy life. Now, although the Super Moon is beginning to wane it is still super-powerful, super-potent and full of possibility. And so you can still seize the rare moment. Download your 2017 Guide to the Future and use the amazingly accurate predictions it contains to make your future, a better future. We've extended the 20% DISCOUNT for one more day. Download yours now! (OFFER EXTENDED UNTIL THE END OF TODAY)

Jan 21 - Feb 19

It is never too late to apologise. Nor is it ever too late to start doing things the right way, even after many years of following a less than sensible plan. We can't just say, 'Well, that's the way it has always been for me and there's no point in trying to change it now. If you want change to happen, you can make it happen. If you want a vast improvement in a relationship, an arrangement or in the quality of your daily life, there are now plenty of constructive steps you can take to bring all this about. Now, although the Super Moon is beginning to wane it is still super-powerful, super-potent and full of possibility. And so you can still seize the rare moment. Download your 2017 Guide to the Future and use the amazingly accurate predictions it contains to make your future, a better future. We've extended the 20% DISCOUNT for one more day. Download yours now! (OFFER EXTENDED UNTIL THE END OF TODAY)

Feb 20 - Mar 20

The stock market, as events have proved, is a law unto itself. Even experts cannot always explain why some prices go up whilst others go down. If enough people believe an offering has potential, the value will increase - regardless of the reality. This may be why people who work in the financial world dress smartly. An air of authority helps to disguise the fact that they are practising a kind of magic. Something in your world now makes little or no sense. But if you keep your belief it will yet bring wonderful rewards. Now, although the Super Moon is beginning to wane it is still super-powerful, super-potent and full of possibility. And so you can still seize the rare moment. Download your 2017 Guide to the Future and use the amazingly accurate predictions it contains to make your future, a better future. We've extended the 20% DISCOUNT for one more day. Download yours now! (OFFER EXTENDED UNTIL THE END OF TODAY)