Does junk food need the tobacco treatment?

Does junk food need the tobacco treatment?

Obesity is the leading cause of poor health yet little is being done to make junk food less accessible. Should we take a leaf from the anti-tobacco lobby?

'This is what happened when I used a $9.95 disposable enema kit’

'This is what happened when I used a $9.95 disposable enema kit’

"I’m alone and I’m on the bathroom floor and I have a bottle of wine worth of coffee in my butt. I think to myself, what the hell am I doing?"

Good news, cheese can help you live longer

Good news, cheese can help you live longer

Is it time you set aside the kale and gorge yourself on brie?

The bizarre way your smartphone is upsetting your hormones

The bizarre way your smartphone is upsetting your hormones

And how this is impacting your two favourite things: sleep and sex.

The foods to eat to help certain parts of your body

The foods to eat to help certain parts of your body

There’s a fascinating link between the look of certain produce and the organs they nutritionally benefit. Here Vaia Pappas investigates.

These are the STIs on the rise in Australia

These are the STIs on the rise in Australia

A new report has revealed details about the sexual health of Australians.

Yoghurt, garlic, probiotics: Natural solutions for good health down there

Yoghurt, garlic, probiotics: Natural solutions for good health down there

It’s not exactly water-cooler chat but bacterial imbalances of the vagina are very common.

The treatment that can help morning sickness and alleviate anxiety

The treatment that can help morning sickness and alleviate anxiety

If your nausea is next-level and you're looking for an alternative way to address stress, this is the lesser-known treatment you need to know about.

These before and after pics will compel you to give up alcohol

These before and after pics will compel you to give up alcohol

Should you be giving up your evening wine for a soda and lime?

Could worrying actually make you sick?

Could worrying actually make you sick?

If you’re a hypochondriac, you could be hurting yourself with your anxieties.

‘Everything you know about healthy food is a lie’

‘Everything you know about healthy food is a lie’

Are we being conned by the food industry?

Kendall Jenner has sleep paralysis. This is why you should care

Kendall Jenner has sleep paralysis. This is why you should care

Kendall Jenner is known for her modelling chops and impeccable style, but this week she’s made headlines for something a little more sinister.

Guys, it's time to woman up and take on the gig

Guys, it's time to woman up and take on the gig

Birth control for men is nigh, so why are we finding it so difficult to comprehend?

How women are ditching their periods for good

How women are ditching their periods for good

Melanie no longer spends days in bed suffering from period pain. She’s one of a growing number of women undergoing a quick new procedure.

Could a daith piercing cure your migraines?

Could a daith piercing cure your migraines?

Yes, it's a little offbeat. But before you roll your eyes, here's what you need to know about the method some people swear by.

Some Australian supermarkets are selling dangerous or banned foods

Some Australian supermarkets are selling dangerous or banned foods

An alarming number of food imported into Australia and sitting on supermarket shelves contain banned toxic substances, according to a new investigation.

Wine tastes better with cheese, according to science

Wine tastes better with cheese, according to science

We’ve always known this but now it’s official: wine does, in fact, taste better with cheese.

Easy hacks to feel healthier from yogi Kate Kendall

Easy hacks to feel healthier from yogi Kate Kendall

You don't need to overhaul your entire life to feel good.

This simple trick will ensure you eat smaller portions

This simple trick will ensure you eat smaller portions

Your eyes might be bigger than your stomach, but this science-approved mind trick can help you cut your portion size in half.

“Walking healed my life – literally”

“Walking healed my life – literally”

Clinical exercise physiologist and sport scientist Drew Harrisberg uses walking as a way to manage his diabetes. Here's why.

A yogi tells us how to get your best summer body ever

A yogi tells us how to get your best summer body ever

From laughing more to dry brushing, here is how Active Yogi's Kate Kendall is prepping for summer.

The big weight loss secret finally revealed

The big weight loss secret finally revealed

No, it's not a juice cleanse or six week challenge. This is the 'secret' to losing weight, and permanently keeping it off.

The health fads that need a reality check

The health fads that need a reality check

From chia seeds to spirulina, this is what you should actually be eating.

How a poo pill could change your life

How a poo pill could change your life

Could you take a poo pill? To be clear, would you swallow another person’s poo in a tablet? Because if the answer is ‘no’, you could be missing out o...

This hack will make cheap wine taste better

This hack will make cheap wine taste better

Turn a $10 bottle into a $30 drop.

The incredible power of infomercials

The incredible power of infomercials

Ever wondered who buys all those bizarre health and beauty products being spruiked on morning TV? Turns out alot of us.

Mackenzie Dern is the next UFC superstar

Mackenzie Dern is the next UFC superstar

An insight into the woman dominating mixed martial arts.

Can one hour of exercise a day counteract the damage your desk job is doing?

Can one hour of exercise a day counteract the damage your desk job is doing?

Could something as simple as a long walk after (or even to) work really balance out all that sitting you do?

Is fertility hereditary?

Is fertility hereditary?

The short answer? It's complicated. This is what you need to know.

Actually, why do our eyes twitch?

Actually, why do our eyes twitch?

A doctor tells us why our eyes do a dance of their own every now and again, when we should be worried and when it's time to cut down on the coffee.

What do guys really think of girls with lip fillers?

What do guys really think of girls with lip fillers?

“I think I’d be worried to pash them… Does that stuff move around in there?”

Are hot workouts actually healthy?

Are hot workouts actually healthy?

Hot mat Pilates, sweaty vinyasa, steamy cycling, or a burning barre class. A new wave of heated exercise classes are hot right now - but are they even good...

The seven things I wish someone told me about extreme weight loss

The seven things I wish someone told me about extreme weight loss

"At my heaviest, I was classified as obese. I had a terrible relationship with food and struggled with my weight and an eating disorder. I lost 20kg a...

Practical ways to avoid a burnout

Practical ways to avoid a burnout

These simple changes to your daily routine could be the key to eliminating unnecessary stress from your daily life.

Even Victoria's Secret angels get insecure about their bodies

Even Victoria's Secret angels get insecure about their bodies

We spoke to Aussie supermodel Bridget Malcolm about staying fit, healthy and confident.

How to cut your sugar intake in half

How to cut your sugar intake in half

In his new film, Damon Gameau experiments with sugar consumption, living on a diet of apparently 'healthy' foods. Here's what he discovered.

Sleep, diet or exercise: What is the key ingredient for weight loss?

Sleep, diet or exercise: What is the key ingredient for weight loss?

We know there are no shortcuts when it comes losing weight - and keeping it off. But there is one thing you need to focus on if you want long lasting resul...

The seven day mind, food and beauty detox

The seven day mind, food and beauty detox

We’re all familiar with juice cleanses and detoxes that help to clear our bodies of toxins and aid with our digestion, but what about mind and our skin?

Jesinta Campbell shares her health and wellbeing routine

Jesinta Campbell shares her health and wellbeing routine

"The older you get, you realise how much more important it is to feel good, rather than just look good."

This one tiny tweak to your coffee order can lead to weight loss over time

This one tiny tweak to your coffee order can lead to weight loss over time

Could the particular coffee a day keep the calories away?

Lindy Klim speaks candidly about her health and wellness routine

Lindy Klim speaks candidly about her health and wellness routine

"I use to have a very negative approach to food. I think it started from my modelling days. It has taken me a long time and a lot of therapy to get ov...

Is this the fittest couple in the world?

Is this the fittest couple in the world?

These two have officially taken #relationshipgoals to the next level.

Low-calorie champagne: bubbles with half the amount of sugar is coming

Low-calorie champagne: bubbles with half the amount of sugar is coming

It's vegan, organic and more importantly diet-friendly, writes Danielle Colley.

Researchers find gluten in gluten-free foods

Researchers find gluten in gluten-free foods

Thought all your imported gluten-free products were, you know, actually gluten-free? Turns out they can’t be trusted.

The birth control pill may be linked to depression

The birth control pill may be linked to depression

Women taking the common contraceptive pill may be at increased risk of depression, especially from skin patches, a study has found.

Am I iron deficient, or just tired?

Am I iron deficient, or just tired?

A doctor shares what you should look out for if you're constantly tired, and how to know if your exhaustion is normal or not.

How to choose the right moisturiser when you have acne

How to choose the right moisturiser when you have acne

Not moisturising correctly can actually cause the skin to become more congested, leading to breakouts.

Aussie eating habits are worse than we thought, according to a new study

Aussie eating habits are worse than we thought, according to a new study

We're eating too much junk food. Here's how to switch things up.

The problem with the yummy mummy 'cult'

The problem with the yummy mummy 'cult'

"We’re given this message that the most important part about having a baby is what you look like afterwards."

Instragram #fitspo selfies aren't always what they seem

Instragram #fitspo selfies aren't always what they seem

Here's how a US trainer proves those post-work selfies are (mostly) just smoke and mirrors.

When you lose weight, where does the fat go?

When you lose weight, where does the fat go?

Because honestly, we've all pondered this at one point or another.

Could a pill mean no need for gym?

Could a pill mean no need for gym?

It sounds like the ultimate cheat. Pop a pill, and reap the benefits of a sweat sesh at the gym, simply by tricking your body into thinking it has exercise...

Is there such thing as being too clean?

Is there such thing as being too clean?

Yes. And it's making your immune system attack itself. Here's what you can do to help.

Can't stand meditating? Here's what to do instead

Can't stand meditating? Here's what to do instead

What if losing circulation to your legs, torturing yourself to sit still, and trying to “bliss out” just isn’t your thing?

Why you should approach sleep like a gym class

Why you should approach sleep like a gym class

It’s sleep training but not as you know it.

Should you fast before exercising?

Should you fast before exercising?

It goes against what you might’ve been taught, but actually, there’s a surprising benefit to exercising on an empty stomach.

These are the exercise moves you just cannot skip

These are the exercise moves you just cannot skip

Burpess are on this list. Because of course they are.

Khloe Kardashian isn't missing her slim figure, she’s missing the “runner’s high”

Khloe Kardashian isn't missing her slim figure, she’s missing the “runner’s high”

The reality star's bizarre throw-back pic gives us an insight into how exercise really makes us feel.

'My penis was too big' - another pathetic example of explaining rape

'My penis was too big' - another pathetic example of explaining rape

It's 2016, why do men still not understand consent?

This is why you’re attracted to jerks

This is why you’re attracted to jerks

A new study explains why you always go for guys who are narcissists.

The best time for sex, sleep and a workout, according to science

The best time for sex, sleep and a workout, according to science

Being a better version of you might all lie in when you do certain things.

“You don’t get over the loss of a child, but you learn to live with it”

“You don’t get over the loss of a child, but you learn to live with it”

R U OK? Day ambassador Angela Perry lost her baby at six days old, what followed was a grief she wasn't equipped to handle by herself.

“I wish people didn’t treat me like I was a problem needing to be fixed”

“I wish people didn’t treat me like I was a problem needing to be fixed”

In 2013, Anni woke up in a hospital bed, she had tried to end her life.

Why men move on quicker after a relationship ends

Why men move on quicker after a relationship ends

Taylor may have called it quits but we predict Tom will move on first.

13 real life one-night stands

13 real life one-night stands

52 percent of women admit to having had a one-night stand. Here are some tales of success, awkwardness and straight-up disappointment.

Coffee to become extinct? Say it isn't so

Coffee to become extinct? Say it isn't so

Our morning hit might soon come to an end.

"A dimple saved my life"

"A dimple saved my life"

Claire Warner is raising awareness of the lesser known sign of breast cancer.

Want lasting love? This is the ideal age gap

Want lasting love? This is the ideal age gap

The age difference between you and your partner could make or break the relationship.

This is the reason you can't stop eating bread

This is the reason you can't stop eating bread

Scientists have discovered that there might be a sixth taste.

The food that boosts productivity more than money

The food that boosts productivity more than money

Apparently, we would be happy to work for pizza.

Would you pass the Australian Survivor fitness test?

Would you pass the Australian Survivor fitness test?

How cut do you need to be to make the cut on Australian Survivor?

What it's like to attend plus-size yoga

What it's like to attend plus-size yoga

“People automatically assume that overweight is unhealthy and that’s not always the case."

“I had sex every day for a year”

“I had sex every day for a year”

US author Brittany Gibbons got down and dirty with her husband for 365 days in a row. Here’s what she discovered.

The words wellness gurus live by

The words wellness gurus live by

Five accomplished women share the mottos that keep them striving for greatness.

The key to being happy? Stop trying to be happy

The key to being happy? Stop trying to be happy

Happiness is something fleeting and special, not forever. And that’s okay.

"How I came to find my spirit animal"

"How I came to find my spirit animal"

Niki Waldegrave went on a three-day relaxing retreat – with very surprising results.

Seven Year Switch’s Jackie’s secret to exercising with a bump

Seven Year Switch’s Jackie’s secret to exercising with a bump

The TV star and fitness expert makes exercises with a baby on the way look easy but the reality is a little different.

Worried about bad breath? Here's what to do

Worried about bad breath? Here's what to do

Defeat this social annoyance once and for all.

Are slogan tees actually inspiration? We investigate

Are slogan tees actually inspiration? We investigate

When Ali Stephenson was confronted with the worlds “I don’t sweat, I sparkle” on a recent gym trip, she decided enough was enough.

Lena Dunham and Jemima Kirke come together to champion 'real' bodies

Lena Dunham and Jemima Kirke come together to champion 'real' bodies

This is the type of body love we want to see more of.

Do you suffer from toilet anxiety?

Do you suffer from toilet anxiety?

You may snigger but some Australians are too petrified to poo in public causing all sorts of issues.

Our smartphones are making us weaker

Our smartphones are making us weaker

From Pokémon Go to Tinder, smartphones have brought everything from ‘catching them all’ to 'dating them all’ to our fingertips. But...

How commuters rack up the calories

How commuters rack up the calories

No, you're not imaging things. This is how your nightmare commute is affecting your health.

Women who live near nature live longer

Women who live near nature live longer

It’s time leave the city life behind for a cabin in the woods – or any lush, verdant setting, for that matter.

Sweat lodges: harmful or healing?

Sweat lodges: harmful or healing?

The growing interest in sweat lodges has shaken up the natural health movement. Here, Jenny Hewett weighs up the benefits and dangers.

14 myths about back pain debunked by experts

14 myths about back pain debunked by experts

Back pain is a bigger health problem in Australia than in any other country in the world and will affect at least 80 per cent of us during our lifetimes.