Welcome to Santarchy, the original resource for global Santacon events.
Each December Santas visit cities around the world, engaging in a bit of Santarchy as part of the annual Santacon events.
It all started back in 1994 when several dozen Cheap Suit Santas paid a visit to downtown San Francisco for a night of Kringle Kaos organized by the Cacophony Society. Things have reached Critical Xmas and Santarchy is now a global phenomenon.
PLEASE NOTE: We are not associated with any commercial Santacon websites that are attempting to cash in on Santarchy. The Santacon events have always been advertising-free events without sponsorships.
If your city has a Santacon website, let us know and we will add it to the list.
This site is maintained by Scott Beale aka "Santa Squid" (retired), with occasional input from John Law aka "Santa Melmoth" (retired), both veterans of the great Santa wars 1994-98.
Santa's Bag
This blog runs on WordPress (ask Santa to bring it to you for Christmas)
Here are some of the cities that are targeted for Santarchy invasions each Christmas season. If your city has a permanent Santacon website, let us know and we will add it to the list.