No more cookie cutters. We let you be you.

Other live chat providers force you into a cookie cutter experience. You can do this but not that, and if you want to do this other thing, it requires a very expensive handholding agreement. That’s not how we roll. We let you be you. We give you everything you need to create an experience that is uniquely your brand.

Customize Everything
Showcase your brand the way you want, and fine-tune what works on your terms, as much as you like.
Offer Choices
Be everywhere your customers are, and manage all channels from one pane of glass. Yes, one.
Easy to Use
BoldChat is easy to implement, scale and use right out of the box. Not included: bad customer service.
One solution. Consistent customer experience.
Trusted by the companies you trust.

“[Using BoldChat] our conversion rate has increased 33% and our NPS has improved 21%.”

– Mike Blaine, Senior Director of Customer Service
Take BoldChat for a spin. A very valuable spin.

Chatters spend 60% more per purchase than non-chatters. And proactive chat increases a site’s engagement by 313% – for mobile, it’s 421%. Experience the results for yourself.

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