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Kidspot Pregnancy

Your Pregnancy - Week 21

You are now 21 weeks pregnant (the beginning of week 22). Your baby is around 25 cm long from head to toe (10 inches) and weighs just under 1/2 a kilogram (about 1 pound).

Most women have definitely felt their baby move inside them by now, although the sensations may still be sporadic and infrequent. A few women are still waiting!

To read more about feeling your baby move you can click here.

Your baby’s skin is being increasingly covered by vernix. This is a thick, white, greasy cream that protects their skin in their watery environment. Vernix disappears by about 40 weeks, but if your baby is born at 39 weeks or less, you will notice it is still on their skin. Your baby’s eyelids are still fused shut but the retinas of their eyes are fully developed and they now have distinct eyelashes and eyebrows. Your baby’s hair follicles are now pigmenting to give them hair colour, looking dark, fair or red!

To ask a question about your pregnancy or developing baby email our midwife Melissa here.

Physical changes
Braxton Hicks
After about 20 weeks of pregnancy many women experience Braxton Hicks contractions. These are practise contractions of the uterus, also known as tightenings. Braxton-Hicks contractions tone the uterine muscles as well as physically stimulating your unborn baby. Every time your baby feels the uterus tightening around them, it is similar to a massage!

Women often describe Braxton-Hicks contractions as a hardness or mild cramping of their belly. Some women liken it to a tight band being pulled across their uterus, which usually eases if they change position or what they are doing. Most women find Braxton Hicks contractions painless and many women are not even aware they are happening, perhaps until their caregiver points one out to them while feeling their belly at a pregnancy visit. However, Braxton Hicks contractions can feel quite strong and painful for a few women, even labour-like, especially if this is not their first baby.

You can read more about Braxton Hicks contractions here.

Emotional reactions
As your baby grows and your belly swells, the physical changes of pregnancy become much more evident. Some women like their belly and feel beautiful, strong and sensual, while others feel unsure or unhappy. How you feel about your pregnant body is very individual but generally everyone goes through some level of adjustment. Your personal concept of your body image can also affect your relationship with your partner (if you have one), as well as how they perceive your changing body.

You can read more about body image during pregnancy here.

Other considerations
Making love during pregnancy
Some women experience Braxton Hicks contractions during love-making or when climaxing. These are a normal part of pregnancy after about 20 weeks and are not of any concern, generally subsiding after a short while.

As the pregnancy progresses and your baby grows bigger and stronger, you and/or your partner may be able to feel the baby move, perhaps during love making (as the baby can move at any time). Most people find this fascinating and/or amusing. Others feel a little disconcerted, or somewhat put off, or even concerned or scared. You can read more here.

Natural therapies in pregnancy
Healers – Reiki
Healers and those who perform Reiki are people who believe they have a gift that allows them to ‘lay hands’ upon a person and transfer energy or power from the world /universe or God (or some form of spirituality) via their body to another person’s body to heal itself. It is not really understood how healing or Reiki works. It is thought the client’s brain waves may be stimulated during the treatment, therefore speeding up the body’s ability to heal itself. Imbalances are thought to be rectified through promoting a feeling of relaxation and well-being. People being treated describe various feelings including tingling sensations, emotional upheaval and mental clarity. You can read more here.