Barack and Michelle Obama's Halloween dance give us couple goals, again

Barack and Michelle Obama's Halloween dance give us couple goals, again
Image credit: Getty Images

Cue Malia and Sasha’s eternal embarrassment.

As the President and First Lady of the United States, one doesn’t get much downtime to practice one's dance skills, a fact which most likely came across the minds of Barack and Michelle Obama during their most recent performance.

At their last annual White House Halloween, the POTUS and FLOTUS took to the stage to perform for a group of children. Their choice of song, Thriller, by Michael Jackson, of course.

However, despite the Presidential pair’s love of making playlists and putting on music festivals, their performance of Thriller was well, lacking a certain enthusiasm.

Despite their moves, however, the Obamas do get points for singing along. Not convinced? Watch the video below and be your own judge. 

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