Arena Publications


The Australian magazine of Left political, social and cultural commentary

Csatlakozott 2009. augusztus

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  1. How a 'typo' nearly derailed the Paris climate deal

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  2. Ever wanted to know how to solve a cryptic crossword? Come along to the Cryptic Crossword Seminar, 3-5pm, 17 Jan ’16

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  3. Taliban Meeting Allegedly Devolves Into Gunfight, Leading to Reports That Its Leader is Dead | VICE News

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  4. Encounters exhibition: a stunning but troubling collection of colonial plunder

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  5. Why Australia needs a new model for universities

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    nov. 26.

    Donald Trump performed an impression of a disabled reporter during a rally

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    80% of Syrian people now live in poverty, and life expectancy has fallen by twenty years.

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  8. Consume more, conserve more: sorry, but we just can’t do both | George Monbiot | Comment is free | The Guardian

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    nov. 24.

    26 lies Donald Trump has told since running for President

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    nov. 24.

    Sam Harris: I’d vote for ‘dangerously deluded religious imbecile’ Ben Carson over Noam Chomsky

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  11. Women in Academia Crossing North–South Borders: Gender, Race, and Displacement, eds Z. Arashiro & M. Barahona

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  12. Australia to claim success on climate target, with help of accounting rules | Environment | The Guardian

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    . has launched a new campaign to address incarceration of Indigenous Australians

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  14. Outside Powers Must End Their Proxy Wars in Syria

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  15. An FBI Informant Seduced Eric McDavid Into a Bomb Plot. Then the Government Lied About It.

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  16. Obama's drone war a 'recruitment tool' for Isis, say US air force whistleblowers

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    nov. 16.

    We need more Indigenous rangers around the country, but they need more support

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  18. Paris attacks: we all have our own ways of dealing with tragedy | First Dog on the Moon

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  19. G20 Countries Spend $452 Billion A Year Propping Up Fossil Fuel Companies

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