Every year, Forbes magazine compiles a list of the world's biggest ballers. Measuring earnings before subtracting management fees and taxes between June 1, 2015 to June 1, 2016, Forbes studies data from Nielsen, Pollstar, IMDB, Box Office Mojo and more as well as interviews with agents, managers, lawyers, industry insiders and the celebrities named to work out who comes out on top.

Beating out the likes of Justin Bieber, (who at 22 is the list's youngest member) Adele, The Weeknd and Rihanna was, once again, Taylor Swift - she took out the Forbes 100 highest paid celebs of 2016 back in July.

Swift Stats:
-Banked $170 million in a year
-1989 world tour grossed a quarter of a billion dollars
-Signed lucrative endorsement deals with Apple, Diet Coke, Keds and more
-Estimated net worth: $250 million

View the full list, including Ed Sheeren, Drake, Jennifer Lawrence, Rihanna and Justin Bieber here

Which celebrity topped the Forbes 30 Under 30 list?