Who we are & what we do

We are the youth and student section of the Democratic Socialists of America, and a national organization of recognized campus chapters and several hundred activists. We organize on college and high school campuses to fight for the immediate needs of workers and students, while building our capacity to fight for more radical and structural changes in the long term. Ultimately, we are part of the international struggle to build a better world, and we call the better society we are fighting for democratic socialism.

We are proud of our unique status as one of the few national, multi-issue left-wing student organizations in the United States. Twice a year we meet at our winter outreach conference and summer leadership retreat to share our experiences and build a national community. We encourage young socialists to explore social and political issues on our blog, The Activist.

The Activist

Blog for Young Democratic Socialists, the youth section of Democratic Socialists of America. Mention our blog online using #TheActivistYDS.

The Red Letter

Quarterly newsletter for Young Democratic Socialists, the youth section of Democratic Socialists of America. Mention our newsletter online using #RedLetterYDS.

Latest News

New Chapters: Fall2016

The Young Democratic Socialists has four new chapters this semester just as mid-terms are coming! Learn more about new chapters at University of Oregon, University of Southern California, University of Texas at Dallas, and University of Wisconsin at Madison. If you want to start a chapter, please fill out this form

YDS's Hannah Zimmerman in The Nation

Hannah Zimmerman was the youngest Bernie Sanders delegate in the United States. She led High Schoolers for Bernie Sanders and now sits on our Coordinating Committee, the Young Democratic Socialists national elected leadership. The Nation interviewed her and other democratic socialist Sanders delegates. Learn more about her experience and what is next for the Political Revolution here.


YDS in "Necessary Trouble"!



Radical journalist Sarah Jaffe's new book "Necessary Trouble" chronicles and connects protest movements since the Great Recession such as the Tea Party, Occupy, Black Lives Matter, Moral Monday, Fight for Fifteen, and many more.