Get Naked London party: UK's new nude nightclub opening postponed due to shortage of lockers

A boon for clubbers who can never decide what to wear on a night out, the self-explanatory Get Naked London party was due to launch in London over the weekend. But in what is sure to be a depressing blow for nightlife-loving naturists, its launch has been indefinitely postponed due to logistical difficulties.

Organiser Joshua Walker explained that unexpectedly high demand had brought into focus impediments that would have prevented the night from running as seamlessly as hoped. One significant obstacle was the insufficient number of lockers available to safely store the belongings of the many prospective visitors who had indicated they would fully embrace the spirit of the night by disrobing entirely. Another was a reservation that there were insufficient security personnel in force to ensure visitors would rub along happily.

See also: London's first nude restaurant

Despite the setback, Walker is committed to ensuring the party commences soon. Though full nudity will be encouraged, the night is most accurately described as being 'clothing optional' with revellers invited to come "glammed up, semi-dressed or nude. Those looking to bare all are invited to be tastefully body painted."

Friday's launch party was to have been held in the "swanky basement" of Soho's The Takeover Club, but it remains to be seen where the revitalised Get Naked London will ultimately be held. Had the event gone ahead as planned, it would have featured hula hoopists, musicians and naked models proffering complimentary shots.

Unusual though the premise may seem, it is with recent precedent. Last summer saw The Bunyadi, a pop-up naked restaurant, open in London for three months. A waiting list of more than 46,000 people clamoured to eat in the 42-cover venue, where dinner cost about £60 ($98) per person.

Served by "minimally clothed" staff, diners sat within bamboo booths and were served vegan dishes on hand-made clay crockery.

In Paris, meanwhile, it was announced in September that a nudist park is to be opened in the city. Though it will be a first for the capital, France is the world's leading nudist destination with some 100 nude beaches and 20,000 nudist campsite places. A number of other European cities, such as Berlin, Munich and Barcelona, already offer designated nudist spaces.

The Telegraph, London

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