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vde   Welcome to's Support desk, where you can ask MediaWiki questions!

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    • PHP
    • Database
  2. Please include the URL of your wiki unless you absolutely can't. It's often a lot easier for us to identify the source of the problem if we can look for ourselves.
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function startUp() of startup.js is not getting executed by IE11

2 (talkcontribs)

function startUp() of startup.js is not getting executed by IE11. For this, other javascript files are not getting load through load.php and which is causing problem rendering collapsable div.

These four javascript files are not getting loaded in IE11 although they are successfully getting downloaded in other browsers.





Any idea why it is not working?

Thanks, Sourab (talkcontribs)

Mediawiki version is 1.26.3 and php version is 5.6.22. There is no error showing in console.

Reply to "function startUp() of startup.js is not getting executed by IE11"

Saving specific sides from a broken Ubuntu

9 (talkcontribs)


because of a HDD failure of the Host VM my Ubuntu Installation with the MediaWiki installed on it is broken. I am able to boot from a LiveCD and access the mounted HDD, however wasnt able to fix the OS.

My question now is: is it possible to get two specific wiki sides with only access to the file system? I dont really care for the rest but these sides are pretty important for me and yes i know i am an idiot for not making a proper backup.

Thank you!

Wargo (talkcontribs)

Yes, you can access database files and script files (core, extensions, config...). (talkcontribs)

Okay where can i find them?

Wargo (talkcontribs)

By default it's in /var/www and /var/lib/mysql. Maybe you can describe error? (talkcontribs)

Thank you for the fast response!

Well there isnt really an error for Mediawiki, its just that i am not able to repair the original server. I tried to just shift the folders to another (my Nagios) Server, but all i get is

"A database query error has occurred. This may indicate a bug in the software."

I guess the database has to be connected?

Malyacko (talkcontribs)

Depends on how you "shift the folders" and which command triggers that error message. Clear steps to reproduce the problem are welcome. :)

AhmadF.Cheema (talkcontribs)

If the only thing you did was just copy-paste the folders to another server then the "A database query error has occurred. This may indicate a bug in the software." error most likely indicates that the MediaWiki files cannot connect to the the database. (talkcontribs)

Pretty much that, i just shifted the folders, which is obviously not working.

My new idea is to install a new Mediawiki from scratch, is there a posibility to import the old stuff with what is left of the /www amd /mysql folders? Like i sayed before it doesnt has to be pretty, a raw output would work fine. Is this viable?

Thank you very much!

Reply to "Saving specific sides from a broken Ubuntu"

Problem Partial Text in a line should be centered

Tuttikanone (talkcontribs)


I have a little formatting problem. I have to comment a code line of a configuration and the comment (no mediawiki comment)

should be centered . Here is the example:

ip-address <span style="background:yellow"></span> <center>(* Loopback0 address *)</center>

The comment of the code is centered but not in the same line.

How can I prevent the line break? Someone an idea?

Kind regards


2A03:2880:11:1FEB:FACE:B00C:0:8000 (talkcontribs)

Reply to "Problem Partial Text in a line should be centered"sorry cgeh na plzzz

Reply to "Problem Partial Text in a line should be centered"

Redirect / Search does not work properly

1 (talkcontribs)

Hi everyone,

I have two problems with my mediawiki.

  1. If I search for a specific page, which exists, I just recive an result-page instead of being transfered to that page.
  2. If I create a redirect page with "#REDIRECT["Destination Page"]" with no more chars than those (especially not leading), that page will only present the text for redirection instead of redirect immetiately. In addition, the "Destination Page", which exists, will be layouted as if it does NOT exist. By clicking on the destination, I can edit that page as if it is new to the system.

I think, both problems may be related, but I have no clue, how to solve them.

Can anyone help me out with this problem, please? =(

Reply to "Redirect / Search does not work properly" (talkcontribs)

I want to install pear for mail support, but I don't know where to install it. My MediaWiki is on an unbuntu server. The instructions provided here: don't tell me if I have to install it in the mediawiki root folder or in the folder where all the other ubuntu folders are (bin, boot, etc, home, lib and so on). Which is the correct destination for it? And are the instructions from that page good? The ones under Email Support. (talkcontribs)

That page clearly details how to install pear, run: sudo apt-get install php-pear You don't need to worry about where to install it, that's the package manager's job. (talkcontribs)

Thanks! That's all I needed to know.

Reply to "Mail"

Codes work in one page but the identical codes do not work in another page.

Kuhitkuhit (talkcontribs)

Here is a page where the "iframe" extension works: created in 2010

Here is another page with the same codes but the "iframe" extension does not work. created in 2016 after version upgrade

I can't figure out why it works in one page but does not work in another. The only difference in those two pages are the titles and the creation dates of the pages.

The version that is used in this wiki is MediaWiki 1.25.3 and the (talkcontribs)

That page contains in place of the iframe. Clearly that extension is only allowed in protected pages. (talkcontribs)

<!-- FHM_iFrame: page unprotected. -->***

Reply to "Codes work in one page but the identical codes do not work in another page."

onAlternateEditPreview question

Summary by Anthomyjaycorman

Figured it out:  you must populate $previewHTML with the HTML output you want to be displayed. $content contains incoming page content in markup, so to get corresponding HTML, instantiate a ParserOptions object so you can call getText():

$text = ContentHandler::getContentText( $content ); //Returns MediaWiki markup

$opt = ParserOptions::newFromUser($wgUser);


$out = $wgParser->parse($text, $title, $opt, true, true);


Anthomyjaycorman (talkcontribs)

New to PHP, not to coding, puzzled by why the code in this extension doesn't work. I know the handler gets called, because if I uncomment the //$previewHTML="TEST"; line and comment out the other logic, the preview page displays accordingly. However, as written, all I get is a blank preview page. My understanding is that $previewHTML contains the HTML to be displayed - what am I doing wrong?

public static function onAlternateEditPreview( $editor, &$content, &$previewHTML, &$parserOutput ) {

$color = '#F9FF33';

$words = array(







'ad hoc',

'vice versa',







'out of the box',

'on the fly',




foreach( $words as $word )


$replace = '<span style="background-color: ' . $color . ';">' . $word . '</span>';

$previewHTML= str_replace( $word, $replace, $previewHTML);



return false;


Rfnx (talkcontribs)


I am working on a new Mediawiki site, and I am having a problem with some images:

Since I have migrated the site to a new server all new images do not appear, instead there is an empty box:


I am doing the same as before in the other articles:


1) Uploading (FTP) the image to the /image folder on my server

2) Setting the Tags. e.g.:

[[Datei:Eleutherococcus_senticosus.jpg|miniatur|rechts|Illustration von ''Borstige Taigawurzel'']]

In the sites I have made before, everything is working fine, but the new sites, do not show the images.

Can you please hlep me and tell me what I am doing wrong?


Rafael (talkcontribs)

Hi Rafael,

your problem is that files inside the images/ folder cannot be accessed currently. E.g. the Engelwurz image has these URLs (thumb and original):

which gives an error 403.

Other images in that folder however can be accessed, e.g.

Please make sure that access to all files in the images/ folder and in all of its subfolders is allowed!

Rfnx (talkcontribs)

the rights are the same for both images:

-rw-r--r-- 1 web6 client0  552332 Dec 29  2015 800px-AngelicaArchangelica1.jpg

-rw-r--r-- 1 web6 client0   94598 Dec 29  2015 Eleutherococcus_senticosus.jpg

like the Panax Picture:

-rw-r--r-- 1 web6 client0  154498 Dec 29  2015 Panax_quinquefolius.jpg

the access to all files is allowed! You can see it here:

I dont know why there is a copy in "thumb/4/45/" or 4/45/" folder, i think its issued by the websites upload.

Rfnx (talkcontribs)

and I've tried to chmod 775 the rights for:

they look like this now on the server:


-rwxrwxr-x 1 web6 client0 552332 Nov  9 01:07 800px-AngelicaArchangelica1.jpg


drwxrwxr-x 2 web6 client0 4096 Nov  9 01:18 800px-AngelicaArchangelica1.jpg

but the box is still empty:

Ciencia Al Poder (talkcontribs)

Yes, most likely a filesystem permission issue on those images since they were imported from another server. You probably need to change the owner of the images folder, recursively.

Rfnx (talkcontribs)

@Ciencia Al Poder

I migrated the whole kvm image to another server, so the permissions to the folder are the same as before:

drwxr-xr-x  8 web6 client0   4096 Nov  9 01:04 images

Only the IP changed.

The web6 user and its group client0 do have web access.

Rfnx (talkcontribs)

I also wonder why the image is displayed when i click on my empty Imagebox on

It leads to

Is that a metatag thing? (talkcontribs)

External images, which are coming from wikipedia, are not your problem.

Whatever you have done to file, please do the same for the other files as well! This file can be viewed now while it could not when I wrote my first post!

Rfnx (talkcontribs)

OK, thank you, it was really a rights issue!

You made my day!

Rfnx (talkcontribs)

One other thing :

I made a new article and found out that the same problem appeard again

Is there a way to tell my Mediawiki to set the correct rights to the thumbs-folder and any subfolders it creates itself?

This has been no problem before as far i remember

Thanks (talkcontribs)

What is it that you have changed with the existing files to make them work?

Reply to "Image not shown Issue"
Haroun al Mouwahid (talkcontribs)


I would like to update my mediawiki 1.15.5-7 that work under postgres. However, Ive an error message when I try this command :

root@server:/usr/share/mediawiki/maintenance# php update.php WikiSysop --pass $Pass ($Pass is set of obviously)

MediaWiki 1.15.5-7 Updater

No superuser credentials could be found. Please provide the details of a user with appropriate permissions to update the database. See AdminSettings.sample for more details.

What's the problem please ? What is this credential ? (talkcontribs)

Version 1.15 is really old and updating it is a good idea!

MediaWiki 1.15 is trying to read the database credentials from AdminSettings.php.

However, you do not need this file at all: When you are doing the upgrade, you will usually first upgrade the files of the installation and only afterwards run the update.php script. With other words: At the point where you are using update.php, you will already be using your new version of MediaWiki. The supported versions currently are 1.23, 1.26 and 1.27 and none of them is using AdminSettings.php anymore.

Haroun al Mouwahid (talkcontribs)

Ok thanks a lot. However, if I take the 1.26 or 1.27 files, how I do, I have to delete the old files or I uncompress the new files ABOVE the olders ? (talkcontribs)

You should extract the new files into a new folder to make sure that old files are out of the way. Then you move over the files, which you still need (like LocalSettings.php or the contents of the images/ folder for example).

More details are on page upgrade!

Haroun al Mouwahid (talkcontribs)

Thank you but it still not working :( :( :(

Actually my old version 1.15.5-7 was in /var/lib/mediawki working with postgres 9.1 and the config file in /etc/mediawiki/LocalSettings.php

I have downloded mediawiki 1.26.4 and extracted the content in /etc/mediawiki-1.26.4 then and I have copied the /etc/mediawiki/LocalSettings.php in /opt/mediawiki-1.26.4/LocalSettings.php

Idem for images : cp -p /var/lib/mediawiki/images /opt/mediawiki-1.26.4/images and chown www-data: /opt/mediawiki-1.26.4/images.

Then I have tryied again : root@server:/usr/share/mediawiki/maintenance# php update.php WikiSysop --pass $Pass and here is what it yields :

PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class SiteConfiguration in /usr/share/mediawiki/includes/SiteConfiguration.php on line 18

root@server:/opt/mediawiki-1.26.4/maintenance# sudo -u postgres psql -d wikidb -c "select user_name,user_password from mwuser where user_name like '%Sysop%';"

user_id | user_name | user_password


80 | WikiSysop |  :B:3a0ae96a:e442723142df548e474a7905cc23c6632

(1 row)

wikidb=# select * from user_groups where ug_user like '%80%';

ug_user | ug_group


80 | sysop

(1 row)

WTF ? (talkcontribs)

I found your topic Topic:T1iv2xnsaqu13zvr from 7 months ago. In that topic you told us that you were using a number of different MediaWiki installation, which would be linked somehow. Is that still what you are trying to update here? (At least the error message is the same.)

You currently have

/etc/mediawiki-1.26.4  => MW 1.26
/opt/mediawiki-1.26.4/LocalSettings.php => New LocalSettings.php file
/opt/mediawiki-1.26.4/images => New images/ folder

Then you tried

$/usr/share/mediawiki/maintenance# php update.php WikiSysop --pass $Pass

As far as I understand it, you are running this command on the old installation. Make sure to run it from inside /opt/mediawiki-1.26.4/maintenance/ instead - and leave away the parameters:

/opt/mediawiki-1.26.4/maintenance/#php update.php

Also in Topic:T1iv2xnsaqu13zvr Ciencia gave you an advice on what to do with the weird directory structure, which you are currently having.

Haroun al Mouwahid (talkcontribs)

Hi, yes during this moment I tried a lot of things but it was not working, I admit that I did not do the rights manipulations and I should forget it for while. Now I can work on this update, at least till the end of the next week.... You can trust me, since Im talking to you, I tried exactly what I said in this thread, it means :

- Uncompress the mediawiki 1.26.4 in /opt/mediawiki-1.26.4

- Copy the old images from /var/lib/mediawiki/images to /opt/mediawiki-1.26.4/images (+ chown -R www-data: /opt/mediawiki-1.26.4/images)

- I have copied my old /etc/mediawiki/LocalSettings.php to /opt/mediawiki-1.26.4/LocalSettings.php

- Then I tried /opt/mediawiki-1.26.4/maintenance/#php update.php (with or without WikiSysop --pass $Pass), that it yields this error :

PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class SiteConfiguration in /usr/share/mediawiki/includes/SiteConfiguration.php on line 18

However, I just read your message and you told me, I have to put the NEW LocalSettings.php in /opt/mediawiki-1.26.4 and therefore Im wondering how can I obtain the new one ??? To have it I have to create a new vhost to point to /opt/mediawiki-1.26.4 (ok no pb) after it asks me to install this new mediawiki .... (talkcontribs)

I do trust you in what you say; I just have to understand what it means.

With the "new" LocalSettings.php file I just mean the copy, which you created when you put that file into the folder /opt/mediawiki-1.26.4/. You can just continue using this copy of the file. There is no need to "install the wiki again" or something like that in order to create a new file with different content. The file can just be used as is.

I have now checked the source code of SiteConfiguration.php and line 18 does not contain a class declaration. See Actually, although you now executed the update.php file from the right directory, the error message is still mentioning the folder /usr/share/mediawiki, which is the old installation!

I don't know why the Ubuntu guys have split up the installation files into different locations and what they have done to make the one location link to the other. However, you still have to make sure that the old files are not used anymore!

Haroun al Mouwahid (talkcontribs)

1 : Yes, I don't know why it uses the /usr/share/mediawiki path instead the path where Im ... The problem is I have to keep this path because when it will work, I should prepare a package to update all our servers (we have a lot of MW 1.15.5-7 unfortunatly ...)

2 : I don't understand for the LocalSettings.php, you mean I can use the old one as well ? and I have to put it in /opt/mediawiki-1.26.4 ?

Haroun al Mouwahid (talkcontribs)

So I tried something else. I had a /etc/apache2/conf.d/mediawiki.conf with :

Alias /mediawiki /var/lib/mediawiki

<Directory /var/lib/mediawiki>

<Location /mediawiki> etc ...

Then today I created /etc/apache2/conf.d/mediawiki126.conf

Alias /mediawiki126 /opt/mediawiki-1.26.4

<Directory /opt/mediawiki-1.26.4/>

<Location /mediawiki126> etc ...

I deleted the old LocalSettings of MW 1.15 in /opt/mediawiki-1.26.4

Then I typed the URL https://localhost/mediawiki126 and set up the new configuration :

DbType : postgres

DbName : wikidb126

install account : postgres

DB account for web access : wikiuser (as before)

Admin account : WikiSysop (as before)

Ok the install has worked, but for the owner of the wikidb126 that I had to change despite the fact I specified wikiuser for db account, its owner will be postgres :

postgres=# \l

List of databases

Name | Owner | Encoding | Collate | Ctype | Access privileges


postgres | postgres | UTF8 | en_US.UTF-8 | en_US.UTF-8 |

wikidb | wikiuser | UTF8 | en_US.UTF-8 | en_US.UTF-8 |

wikidb126 | postgres | UTF8 | en_US.UTF-8 | en_US.UTF-8 |

postgres=# alter database wikidb126 owner to wikiuser;


postgres=# \l

Name | Owner | Encoding | Collate | Ctype | Access privileges


wikidb | wikiuser | UTF8 | en_US.UTF-8 | en_US.UTF-8 |

wikidb126 | wikiuser | UTF8 | en_US.UTF-8 | en_US.UTF-8 |

postgres=# \du

List of roles

Role name | Attributes | Member of


postgres | Superuser, Create role, Create DB, Replication | {}

wikiuser | | {}

After I change the db target : $wgDBname = "wikidb"; (instead of wikidb126, there are the 2 databases) and I start the update :

/opt/mediawiki-1.26.4/maintenance/# php update.php

MediaWiki 1.26.4 Updater

Your composer.lock file is up to date with current dependencies!

Going to run database updates for wikidb

Depending on the size of your database this may take a while!

Abort with control-c in the next five seconds (skip this countdown with --quick) ... 0

...index mwuser_pkey already set on mwuser table.

...index mwuser_user_name_key already set on mwuser table.

...index pagecontent_pkey already set on pagecontent table.

Renaming sequence ipblocks_ipb_id_val to ipblocks_ipb_id_seq

Renaming sequence rev_rev_id_val to revision_rev_id_seq

Renaming sequence text_old_id_val to text_old_id_seq

Renaming sequence rc_rc_id_seq to recentchanges_rc_id_seq

Renaming sequence log_log_id_seq to logging_log_id_seq

Renaming sequence pr_id_val to page_restrictions_pr_id_seq

Renaming sequence category_id_seq to category_cat_id_seq

Creating sequence archive_ar_id_seq

Creating sequence externallinks_el_id_seq

...category table already exists.


Altering column 'user_properties.up_user' to be DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED

Altering column 'watchlist.wl_user' to be DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED

Refreshing add_interwiki() ...A database query error has occurred.


Function: DatabaseBase::sourceFile( /opt/mediawiki-1.26.4/maintenance/postgres/archives/patch-add_interwiki.sql )

Error: 42501 ERROR:  must be owner of function add_interwiki

What's happen again ?

Haroun al Mouwahid (talkcontribs)

Obviously I did a chown -R root: /opt/mediawiki-1.26.4 + chown -R www-data: /opt/mediawiki-1.26.4/images/

Haroun al Mouwahid (talkcontribs)

The update is done now but I ve got an Internal error (error 500). Here is what I did :

- mv /usr/share/mediawiiki /usr/share/mediawiiki_old (to avoid update.php looks for something in /usr/share/mediawiki/includes/SiteConfiguration.php)

- Replaced $wgDBuser = "wikiuser"; and $wgDBpassword = "wikiuser_password"; by $wgDBuser = "postgres"; and $wgDBpassword = "";

Then I started /opt/mediawiki-1.26.4/maintenance# php update.php

MediaWiki 1.26.4 Updater

Your composer.lock file is up to date with current dependencies!

Going to run database updates for wikidb

Depending on the size of your database this may take a while!

Abort with control-c in the next five seconds (skip this countdown with --quick) ... 4


...index mwuser_pkey already set on mwuser table.

...index mwuser_user_name_key already set on mwuser table.


Populating img_sha1 field

Done 0 of 80, 0.000%


Done 80 files in 0.2 seconds

Fixing protocol-relative entries in the externallinks table...

Done, 0 rows updated.

Populating fa_sha1 field from fa_storage_key

Done 0 files in 0.0 seconds

Updating *_from_namespace fields in links tables.

...doing page_id from 1 to 200

...doing page_id from 200 to 399

...doing page_id from 399 to 598

Set the local repo temp zone container to be private.

Purging caches...done.

Done in 10 s.

Then I typed the URL https://localhost/mediawiki but the server told me :

Set $wgShowExceptionDetails = true; at the bottom of LocalSettings.php to show detailed debugging information. One done, here is the error :

Internal error

A database error has occurred

Query: SELECT page_id,page_namespace,page_title,page_restrictions,page_counter,page_is_redirect,page_is_new,page_random,page_touched,page_latest,page_len FROM page WHERE page_namespace = '0' AND page_title = 'Main_Page' LIMIT 1

Function: Article::pageData

Error: 1 ERROR: column "page_counter" does not exist

LINE 1: ...ge_id,page_namespace,page_title,page_restrictions,page_count...



#0 /usr/share/mediawiki/includes/db/Database.php(616): DatabasePostgres->reportQueryError('ERROR: column ...', 1, 'SELECT page_id...', 'Article::pageDa...', false)

#1 /usr/share/mediawiki/includes/db/Database.php(1026): Database->query('SELECT page_id...', 'Article::pageDa...')

#2 /usr/share/mediawiki/includes/db/Database.php(1106): Database->select('page', Array, Array, 'Article::pageDa...', Array, Array)

#3 /usr/share/mediawiki/includes/Article.php(369): Database->selectRow('page', Array, Array, 'Article::pageDa...')

#4 /usr/share/mediawiki/includes/Article.php(381): Article->pageData(Object(DatabasePostgres), Array)

#5 /usr/share/mediawiki/includes/Wiki.php(300): Article->pageDataFromTitle(Object(DatabasePostgres), Object(Title))

#6 /usr/share/mediawiki/includes/Wiki.php(60): MediaWiki->initializeArticle(Object(Title), Object(WebRequest))

#7 /usr/share/mediawiki/index.php(116): MediaWiki->initiaIndeed the page_counter does not exist anymore seeing that you deleted it jerk !!! lollize(Object(Title), NULL, Object(OutputPage), Object(User), Object(WebRequest))

#8 {main}

Haroun al Mouwahid (talkcontribs)

Indeed the page_counter column does not exist anymore seeing that you deleted it jerk !!!! lol

wikidb=# \d page

Table ""

Column       |           Type           |                       Modifiers                        


page_id            | integer                  | not null default nextval('page_page_id_seq'::regclass)

page_namespace     | smallint                 | not null

page_title         | text                     | not null

page_restrictions  | text                     |

page_is_redirect   | smallint                 | not null default 0

page_is_new        | smallint                 | not null default 0

page_random        | numeric(15,14)           | not null default random()

page_touched       | timestamp with time zone |

page_latest        | integer                  | not null

page_len           | integer                  | not null

titlevector        | public.tsvector          |

page_content_model | text                     |

page_links_updated | timestamp with time zone |

page_lang          | text                     |

Ohhh please !!! PLEEEEEEEEEAASEEEEE !!! (talkcontribs)

Glad to hear that the wiki now is basically working. Since the folder /usr/share/mediawiiki /usr/share/mediawiiki_old then will no longer be used, you most likely can remove that one.

Information on an error 500 usually is available in the Apache error log.

That the page_counter column has been deleted from the database is correct. You now need to figure out, where in the source code this column still is used. Maybe you still have to update a few extensions? (talkcontribs)

I still noticed one thing: Your latest error message (the Postgres error, which tells you that the page_counter column no longer is there), is still coming from /usr/share/mediawiki/, from your old installation.

Please make sure that this old installation no longer is used. You said you would have moved the files away into a different folder?!

Reply to "Updating mediawiki 1.15.5-7"

This content can’t be shown in a frame.

3 (talkcontribs)


I added widgets 1.2.1 to my work mediawiki, edited the LocalSettings.php and added "$IP/extensions/Widgets/Widgets.php"; When I check the version in special pages I can see that is loaded and working fine

When I add "Google forms" I get "This content can’t be shown in a frame. There is supposed to be some content here, but the publisher doesn’t allow it to be displayed in a frame. This is to help protect the security of any information you might enter into this site."

If I used sample google forms pages from anywhere on the net, google or even here in mediawiki my pages load fine but when I make my own google form always het this error.

Using wamp to host our work wiki to our LAN.

Product Version
MediaWiki 1.27.1
PHP 5.6.25 (apache2handler)
MySQL 5.7.14
ICU 57.1

Thank you (talkcontribs)

Does Manual:$wgEditPageFrameOptions help? (talkcontribs)

No it does not help.  :(

Reply to "This content can’t be shown in a frame."