Bug management

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Bug icon - Noun project 198.svg
Spider Web - Noun project 813.svg

Wikimedia's Phabricator installation is used to track problem reports and feature requests related to MediaWiki code, other Wikimedia-specific components (such as extensions or tools), and Wikimedia wikis (such as Wikipedia).

Sorting and solving bug reports is a collaborative effort by users and developers of the community together with Wikimedia's bugwrangler.

Activity scope

Bug management is a perennial activity. Anyone can contribute! Activities include:

  • coordinating, triaging, and organizing the current bug reports in Phabricator
  • writing documentation for bug management

Also see Bugwrangler for tasks.


For Bug Reporters

For Project Maintainers

For Developers

For Triagers / Bugsquad Community

For Phabricator Administrators / the Bugwrangler

For everybody (General / Misc)