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Kidspot Things To Do

Snowflake ballerinas paper craft

Penny Flanagan

Making paper snowflakes is a fun paper craft that kids can’t get enough of. But what about turning those pretty snowflakes into ballet skirts for a company of colourful paper ballerinas? Once you start, you won’t stop until you have enough tiny dancers to stage Swan Lake.

You will need


  • Trim one sheet of A4 paper into a square. The easy way to do this is to fold it on the diagonal so that two edges meet and then trim off the excess bit.
  • Fold the square on the diagonal.  Fold it on the diagonal again and then one more time.
  • Now draw a curved line across the triangle’s base (see video) and trim it off so that your triangle  has a curved lower edge. (You can use a CD to create a neat curve if you’re not confident eye-balling it.)
  • Now make some cuts into all three sides of the triangle (see video).
  • When you open it out, you should now have a pretty snowflake.
  • Use the template to create a ballerina.  Fold the other A4 sheet in half, lengthways, place the template on the fold and cut a mirror image that will be your ballerina.
  • Now get the snowflake and fold it in half again.  Make a small shallow cut in the centre, about 4cm in length (see video).  This will be the skirt’s waistband where you will slide the ballerina through.
  • Keeping the ballerina folded in half, slip her through the waistband hole you just cut so that she’s wearing the skirt.

See how easy that was?  Now you can make a whole company of ballerinas and thread them onto a string to create a garland.