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Frugal Christmas planning

While money isn’t everything, we all know that living within our means makes for a happier new year than splurging beyond our budget and having a fiscal hangover that hampers all that we want to achieve by the following Christmas.


The most wonderful Christmas memories I have are those where I sat down and relaxed. Those Christmases were orchestrated by my mother, who made it look so easy. My mother’s Christmas advice is : “Don’t make it so hard for yourself. Do it ahead of time - it’s your Christmas too”.

This year will be MY Christmas where I actually get to sit down for Christmas lunch and not worry about what comes next, what I’ve forgotten and whose drink is empty. I want to savour my family, the occasion and the joy that Christmas is.

I’m going to wrap ahead of time. I’m going stick to my Christmas budget and I’m going to make a Christmas feast that doesn’t have me on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

I’m going to get into the craft, the socialising , I’m going to teach my girls a few new Christmas carols this year.

I’m going to do it without going broke, I’m going to be organised - just like my Mum - I want to do this Christmas RIGHT for me, and my family. And I want to do it without breaking the bank and worrying that we won’t be able to afford to get through January or February without living on baked beans.

How to do Christmas without going broke

I find keeping a Christmas list can help you stay organised but also allow you to feel like you’re not about to blow the budget. Christmas can easily overwhelm us and by writing things down, you’ll find yourself whistling a Christmas carol whilst you tick items off and keep your finances under control.

This is what I call my ‘nine list’ - it’s the nine vital things we all need to think about to ensure we allocate the right amount of money - and time - to our Christmas plans.

1) Location

  • Where will you spend Christmas day?
  • Will you be at home?
  • Will you be travelling?
  • Will you be sharing your time?
  • Combination of the above?

2) Gifts

Sort your Christmas gift buying strategy by thinking about:

  • Budget - be realistic, have a figure in mind and stick to it - try to avoid impulse buys
  • Research what to buy - what can you get that is suitable and available at a competitive price?
  • Do your research early. That way, you can take advantage of sales in the weeks and even months before Christmas. For example, Kidspot is this year taking part in the Biggest Online Shopping Night on 26 October. There’ll be big savings on heaps of brands, so make sure you check it out (site goes live on 28 September.)
  • Wrapping, tags, cards - will you buy, make or dig out what you already have?
  • Making your own gifts - what, when and who will make them?
  • If you will be travelling with the Christmas gifts , will you have room in your luggage to pack them or will you send ahead?
  • Research interstate and International postage deadlines and get these out of the way first.

3) Menu

If you are cooking a Christmas meal:

  • How many people are you cooking for?
  • What time of the day?
  • What needs to be refrigerated, cooked in an oven, microwaved - how can you minimise the stress on the day?
  • Do you need to consider catering for children, allergies and dietary intolerances?
  • What can you make ahead?
  • Where are the cheapest and best places to shop nearby?
  • Do you have a wet or hot weather plan as a back up if the climate isn’t in your favour?

4) Travelling

Are you travelling for Christmas? If so:

  • Can you manage to organise a Christmas celebration if you are travelling on the road or in a destination where they don’t celebrate Christmas?
  • How can you squeeze in a celebration? Will Skype or phone calls suffice?
  • How can you contribute if you are a Christmas guest at another person’s home?
  • Will you need a holiday after Christmas to get over the chaos?
  • 5) socialising
  • Work out your Christmas social calendar. Think about:
  • Which Christmas concerts and performances will be in your calendar?
  • Which social get-togethers with your friends will be vital?
  • Work Christmas parties are a necessary evil - have you planned a babysitter?
  • Will any church or religious and spiritual activities be on your agenda?
  • What about a local Carols by Candlelight or Santa visit?

6) Christmas house preparation

Hosting Christmas? If so:

  • How will you manage to clean the house and also do all that Christmas shopping, planning and cooking?
  • Will you need to plan music?
  • How you will accommodate any extra house guests?
  • Think about your Christmas decorating
  • Will you need to do any decluttering to make space for all those presents?

8) Charity

  • Are you involved in any food drives?
  • Do you have an annual charity donation or do you plan to start one?
  • Do you want to volunteer any time over the season to help the church or nearby charities to share the Christmas spirit?

9) Correspondence

  • Are you planning on including a family update letter in the Christmas cards you send out?
  • Which Christmas cards will you send - store bought, charity cards or cards you make yourself?
  • Christmas memories - are there any photo gifts, cards or other ideas you can send to family and friends.