Friday, November 18, 2016

Pope Rages at Catholic Cardinals

[Vox] In an interview with Raymond Arroyo on EWTN's The World Over, Edward Pentin stated that his sources have confirmed with him that "Pope Francis not happy at all," with the letter of the four Cardinals on the matter of heretical clauses and sacrilegious actions in Amoris Laetitia. Pentin continued that he, the Pope, is "boiling with rage." He had been "given two months," to respond to the four, and has refused.

"Boiling with rage."

How very sad.

To you priests and bishops in Rome who are faithful to the Church and know first hand what is happening there, whom do you really serve by your silence?

Do you serve Christ and through Him, His flock for their salvation?

What are you afraid of?

 Your priesthood is worth nothing if you allow this to continue.

Read further at Vox...


Communist Vientam's Head of State and Party Chief: "Guest of Pope Francis"

Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam: The new
State and Party Chief Will Visit Pope Francis on November 23rd
(Rome) In 2016, the "Ostpolitik" was reactivated by the Vatican. This "New Ostpolitik"  mainly concerns the relationship with the People's Republic of China . Yet it still seems ready to embrace another communist country: Vietnam.
This refers to the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, of the Communist Party of Vietnam  which rules dictatorially as the Unity Party. The Communists have dominated North Vietnam since 1945 and  United Vietnam since 1976.
Asthe Vietnamese press agency VNA news site, Vietnam Plus  reported yesterday, Vietnam's state and party leader Tran Dai Quang I will pay a state visit to Italy. "On 23 November he will also visit the Vatican as a guest of Pope Francis."
There is no freedom of press in Vietnam, which is why the news is official. The phrase "as a guest of Pope Francis" indicates that this is not an official visit, but rather one of the privileges of Francis, which Francis prefers in contrast to his predecessors, and which account for more than half of all audiences. In contrast to the official audiences, the Vatican does not share anything that happens in private audiences.
The first meeting of a communist Vietnamese president with a Pope took place in 2009. Nguyen Minh Triet met with  Benedict XVI. in an official audience. It was an encounter that was interpreted as a sign of the desire to normalize relations.
Tran Dai Qaung has made his career in the police and intelligence, most recently holding a general's rank. Since 1997, he became a member of the political office of the Communist Party Vietnam. In 2006, he became Deputy Secretary of Defense, 2011 Security Minister. In 2011, he was elected to the Central Committee of the Communist Party.
Since 2 April 2016, Tran Dai Quang is State and Party Chairman and Chairman of the National Security and Defense Council.
The regime praises the religious freedom that prevails in the country. However, most Christians disagree.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Asianews
Trans: Tancred

The Election of the USCCB President is "Not a Referendum on the Pope"

Edit: this was posted before the USCCB results that ++Cupic tried to spin.

(Washington) The episcopate of the USA is rumored to be against Pope Francis. The latest evidence of this is a warning from Pope-confidant Bishop Cupich, Archbishop of Chicago and designated Cardinal, that the elections on the presidency of the bishops' conference are "no referendum on the pope". It was a warning that was not entirely in vain.

Weight shift

Cupich was designated by Pope Franziskus as a left-wing successor to Cardinal Francis George, Archbishop of Chicago, one of the most important bishops' seats in the world. The appointment was understood by the other bishops as a definitive hint. Further appointments followed. Observers see in this the Pope's intention to renovate the "conservative" bishops' conference.
In the 1970s it was still different in the USA. Leading bishops were in a progressive hand. It took 25 years to implement a change of direction. John Paul II was more hesitant in bishops' appointments in the US, while Benedict XVI. with Cardinal Burke was more determined. Pope Francis knows fewer considerations, which is why his transformation, should he consistently push it forward, has to take place over a much shorter period.
At first he drove Cupich like a nail into the  Bishops' flesh. When the other bishops did not send the new Archbishop of Chicago as a representative to the family synod to Rome, Pope Francis himself personally appointed him. Next Saturday, he created him as a cardinal. Another stage of weight shifting.

Cupich becomes Cardinal, Chaput does not

The cardinal -in-spe has been thanked for his loyalty.  Cupich defended the controversial post-synodal document Amoris laetitia  and has been rewarded by Francis with the dignity of Cardinal. He wanted what the pope wanted, said Cupich. Since the pope still does not say what he wants, Cupich's statement shows that he has access to information which is denied to the public.

Bishop's Conference in Baltimore

In contrast, Archbishop Charles Chaput of Philadelphia, whose guidelines issued for his archdiocese that despite Amoris laetitia, reaffirms the Church's teaching marriage and morality, has been passed over again by Francis at the Cardinal appointments, although Philadelphia is one of the Archdiocese traditionally associated with the cardinalatial dignity.
Archbishop Cupich has now given an understanding of what Pope Francis apparently thinks and expects. He criticized his confreres among the bishops  and told them and the public why they were opposing Francis: "because they do not understand what it means to be bishop of the Catholic Church."
These words are part of an interview Cupich gave the US Jesuit magazine America. The occasion was the Autumn Assembly of the Bishops' Conference, which began yesterday in Baltimore.
The main point of the interview was the presidential election in the US and the situation in the American Episcopate (USCCB). As for the election of Donald Trump as the 45th President of the USA, Cupich emphasizes "the deep divisions" in American society.

Election of a new President and his Deputy

On the situation in the Episcopal Conference, he said that the election of the President was not a "referendum on the pope".  Cupich urged his confreres to "support the successor of Peter."
At the Autumn Assembly, the bishops elect the successor to Archbishop Joseph Edward Kurtz of Louisville as President of the Episcopal Conference and his deputy. One term only lasts three years in the USA. Re-election is not intended. It is customary for the deputy to become the new president.

Cardinal DiNardo

This office was held Cardinal Daniel DiNardo, the Archbishop of Galveston-Houston, during the term of office 2013-2016. In November 2013, the "Conservative" DiNardo won 62 percent against the "Conservative" Chaput of Philadelphia, who received 38 percent of the votes. As early as the summer of 2013, Chaput had already expressed the opinion that Church-minded Catholics have "difficulties" in understanding Pope Francis.
Ten candidates are running for the office of the president. Cardinal DiNardo is considered a favorite. [He won] He was one of the thirteen cardinals, who in October 2015, at the beginning of the Second Episcopal Synod, complained about the Synod Rules of Procedure in a letter to Pope Francis, and criticized the impression of the "prefabricated results".
Archbishop Chaput was also a candidate. The nine non-electors will automatically be considered applicants for the Deputy Office. After the vote setback a year ago over the synodals, Archbishop Cupich prefers not to be counted again. It was eagerly awaited whether Chaput would be elected deputy president this time, presumably to be president in 2019.

The Compromise

There were "some bishops," who are very "regrettable," says Cupich, "who oppose the pope" or "work against him." He is supposed to be the chief. The bishop's office can only be exercised with the collegiality. He explained that Archbishop Chaput was not a suitable (vice) president of the bishops' conference.
Instead, he looked towards the south-west, without naming a name, but on the other hand, a theme of central importance to Pope Francis. Cupich expressed the hope that all the bishops of the United States would work for "illegal immigrants and their families" to "defend and voice them". [+Gomez]

Archbishop Jose Gomez

Donald Trump had announced the expulsion of 2.5 million illegal immigrants. According to official estimates, at least eleven million illegal immigrants remain in the US. President Obama has also deported millions of illegals. Since Obama is of the political left, this point has not been addressed by the left-wing media. Under a President Trump, this is likely the change abruptly, as the Jesuit magazine America well suggests.
What Cupich did not say so clearly, the magazine sought to explain. They recommended the Archbishop of Los Angeles, Jose Horacio Gomez, as a suitable candidate. Gomez belongs to Opus Dei, and the group of "conservative" bishops. Within the framework of the given majority relations, Cupich was looking for the candidate, who could be interpreted most closely in the sense of Pope Francis.  Above all, it was to prevent Chaput.
Gomez is a native Mexican who came to the USA due to his pastoral activity and was granted nationality in 1995. Latin Americans represent 40 percent of Catholics in the United States. His election  America let to be understood, would be a signal of an anti-immigration policy.
Archbishop Cupich also mentions "violence, violation of human rights, environmental degradation, poverty, arms trafficking and corruption."
The elections that took place today brought a compromise with which both sides can live. The open confrontation was avoided. The new president was, as expected, Cardinal DiNardo. The new deputy, and most likely, the next president in 2019,  will be [is] Archbishop Gomez of Los Angeles. Both are decisive defenders of the right to life and the family.
The intricacies of why he prefers Archbishop of Chicago Gomez to Chaput are to be sought in the inner church parties. They have much to do with Pope Francis and his political course, which he would like to inject in the world church. Neither Gomez nor Chaput are representative of this course. In contrast to Gomez, Chaput has already indirectly challenged the Pope. Moreover, because of his Mexican origins, Gomez is simply easier to "integrate" into the course desired by the Pope.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Infovaticana / Wikicommons
Trans: Tancred
Link to Katholisches...

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Diocese of Chur: Conflict Regarding the Successor of the Faithful Bishop Huonder Ignites

Progressive Insurrection in the Diocese of Chur
(Bern) Progressive Swiss Catholics are again attempting an uprising. Several movements have launched a  petition "It's enough!" [Es Reicht!]. In this way they demand the appointment of an Apostolic Administrator for the Bishopric of Chur by Pope Francis. The leader of the insurrection is the regional Vicar General, Martin Kopp, who has been responsible for central Switzerland since 2002.

The Diocese of Chur in Switzerland is one of the oldest and most important diocese in the German-speaking world. It also includes Romansh Switzerland and the Italian valleys of Graubünden. Once, parts of Tyrol and Vorarlberg and Liechtenstein belonged to the diocese.

Progressive fight against Chur's Bishop

Not only is Graubünden subject to the Bishop of Chur, but also other Swiss cantons, namely Schwyz, Nidwalden, Obwalden, Uri, Glarus, and the canton of Zurich, which has been reformed for 500 years and has been liberal for 200 years. This has not a little to do with the attacks by progressive Church circles against the Chur bishops, which have lasted for decades.
Bishop Wolfgang Haas, who was enthroned in 1990, had so much resistance against him that the Vatican withdrew him. For this, the Principality of Liechtenstein was separated from Chur and designated as an independent diocese. In order to express the disapproval with the Swiss progressives, the Vatican made Vaduz an Archdiocese and Haas its first archbishop.
As Bishop of Chur he was followed for ten years by the hermit Benedictine Amédée Grab. The Liberals, whom he tried to involve, calmed down somewhat, but then, with all the greater intolerance, have rebeled against Bishop Vitus Huonder, who has been in office since 2007.

Yesterday: Own Diocese of Zurich - Today: no Bishop

Occasions are always found when the basic consensus is denied, because a "different" church has long been desired. Since it was not possible to force Bishop Huonder to his knees, the canton of Zurich wants to secede and establish itself as an independent diocese. 30 per cent of Zurichers profess themselves as Reformed, 27 per cent as Catholics.

Regional Vicar General Martin Kopp, the author of the initiative "Es reicht!"

On April 21, 2017, Bishop Huonder will complete his 75th year of life. In Chur no one really expects that Pope Francis would extend his office.
It's about the succession. The progressive church circles dream of a "reformed" church, which is remote from Rome. In this picture the Pope is especially disturbing to these same circles, even if he is called Francis. For this reason, there is a demand for a separate diocese of Zurich has now been abandoned. Chur is an ancient diocese, Zurich would be a new diocese and would be more directly under the supervision and control of Rome. They do not want that at all!
This is why the new suggestion by Bishop Sikar Kopp is not to appoint a successor but to appoint an apostolic administrator. The Progressives want to prevent a second bishop Haas or a second Bishop Huonder and would like to have a bishop separate from Rome.
"Without a new beginning the Diocese of Chur is dead," exclaimed episcopal vicar Martin Kopp on 24 October in the Daily News, which repeatedly turned to attacks against Bishop Huonder and the Catholic Church. "It can not go on like this so far," says Kopp, who had already conflicted in the past with his bishop and  closest collaborators. He has defended "homo-blessings" and liturgical slapstick.

"Tensions" provoked by Progressives

The faithful Chur Society of Priests replied on the 26th of October that although we share Kopp's view that "tensions in the diocese of Chur" must be overcome.  "However, regardless of whether the diocese is governed by a newly elected bishop or an apostolic administrator, this person must fulfill the mission of the Church, which every bishop assumes upon his consecration." And further: "To reduce tension in the diocese of Chur, Chur's priesthood pleads for more prudence and self-reflection, with the help of the Gospel. The latter moves us to contradict the regional Vicar-General: Hope dies last, and for the diocese of Chur, the proverb is that those declared dead live longer!"
The "tensions" in the Bishopric of Chur are attributed above all to the public-law Landeskirchen. Their existence is a peculiarity of Switzerland, which is connected with the Reformation and with the victory of the Liberals in 1847. In contrast to the state, the diocese is not a corresponding partner (church tax, parish property, finances, annual budget, employees), but to the canton which  a  corporation in public law, called a "Landeskirche", which must be democratically constituted by law. What applies to the cantonal level continues in every parish. In addition to the church-legal structure there is a state-church structure parallel to all levels (federation, cantons, municipalities).
In the historically Catholic cantons, the church has more room for maneuver. In the historically reformed cantons, including Zurich, the Protestant constitution is imposed upon the Catholic Church. The tone is not given by the diocese, but by the public-law body "Roman-Catholic Landeskirche". As is known in the Catholic Union in the Federal Republic of Germany and in Austria, the bodies of these committees are very progressive. And 500 years of the formation of the Reformation seem to encourage new elements of Protestantism imposed upon parts of the Catholic Church.
The progressive initiative wants petition to continue by the end of the year, then the petition, including signatures will be handed over to the Apostolic Nuncio and the Swiss Bishops' Conference.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Diocese of Chur / SMM (screenshots)
Trans: Tancred
Link to Katholisches...

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Cardinal Robert Sarah -- Assigned by the Pope and Isolated at The Same Time

Cardinal Robert Sarah, Appointed by the Pope
\and isolated at the same time
(Rome) On October 28, the Vatican announced the appointment of 27 new members of the Roman Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments.It's an intervention that shifts the internal equilibria, and that is exactly what is intended. It was not said who which members were confirmed previously by the pope, including known names from the pontificate of Benedict XVI. Now there is clarity.
It is thanks to the Vaticanist Sandro Magister, who has made the effort to understand the extent of "renewal".The circle of the newcomers does not show a uniform manuscript, but points in a particular direction.

The newly apppointed

Francis' new members are:
  • Rainer Maria Woelki, Archbishop of Cologne
  • John Olorunfemi Onaiyekan, Archbishop of Abuja (Nigeria)
  • Pietro Parolin, Cardinal Secretary
  • Gérald Cyprien Lacroix, Archbishop of Québec (Canada)
  • Philippe Nakellentuba Ouédraogo, Archbishop of Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso)
  • John Atcherley Dew, Archbishop of Wellington (New Zealand)
  • Ricardo Blázquez Pérez, Archbishop of Valladolid (Spain)
  • Arlindo Gomes Furtado, Archbishop of Santiago de Cabo Verde (Cape Verde Islands)
  • Gianfranco Ravasi, President of the Pontifical Council for Culture
  • Beniamino Stella, Prefect of the Congregation for the Clergy
  • Dominic Jala, Archbishop of Shillong (India)
  • Domenico Sorrentino, Archbishop of Assisi-Nocera Umbra-Gualdo Tadino (Italy)
  • Denis James Hart, Archbishop of Melbourne (Australia)
  • Piero Marini, Archbishop and President of the Pontifical Committee for International Eucharistic Congresses
  • Bernard Nicolas Aubertin, Archbishop of Tours (France)
  • Romulo G. Valles, Archbishop of Davao (Philippines)
  • Lorenzo Voltolini Esti, Archbishop of Portoviejo (Ecuador)
  • Arthur Joseph Serratelli, Bishop of Paterson (USA)
  • Alan Stephen Hopes, Bishop of East Anglia (Great Britain)
  • Claudio Maniago, Bishop of Castellaneta (Italy)
  • Bernt Ivar Eidsvig, Bishop of Oslo (Norway)
  • Miguel Ángel D'Annibale, Bishop of Rio Gallegos (Argentina)
  • José Manuel Garcia Cordeiro, Bishop of Bragança Miranda (Portugal)
  • Charles Morerod, Bishop of Lausanne, Geneva and Friborg (Switzerland)
  • Jean Pierre Kwambamba Masi, Auxiliary Bishop of Kinshasa (Democratic Republic of the Congo)
  • Benny Mario Travas, Bishop of Multan (Pakistan)
  • John Bosco Chang Shin Ho, Auxiliary Bishop of Daegu (Korea).

The non-confirmed

The Vaticanist Sandro Magister researched the names of former members who were not confirmed by Francis:
  • Norberto Cardinal Rivera, Archbishop of Mexico City
  • Zenon Grochowevsky, em. Prefect of the Congregation for Catholic Education
  • Angelo Cardinal Scola, Archbishop of Milan
  • Geoge Cardinal Pell, Prefect of the economic secretariat
  • Marc Cardinal Ouellet, Prefect of the Congregation for the Bishops
  • Oswald Cardinal Gracias, Archbishop of Mumbai
  • Angelo Cardinal Amato, Prefect of the Congregation for the Causes and Saints
  • Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke, Patron of the Sovereign Order of Malta
  • Mauro Cardinal Piacenza, Grand Penitentiary
  • Mario Oliveri, Emeritus Bishop of Albenga-Imperia
Almost all of them are known Ratzingerians, or were in conflict with Pope Francis. Usually both are true. The Cardinals Piacenza and Burke were dismissed in 2013 and 2014 as heads of dicastries. In replacing the head of the dicastry by Cardinal Grocholewski,, Bergoglio appointed his former ghostwriter in 2011, Victor Manuel Fernandez, who was rector of the Pontifical Catholic University of Argentina. Sparks flew between Cardinal Rivera, Primate of Mexico, and the pope in Mexico during the Pope's visit and even now with the appearance of the new apostolic nuncio in the conflict over the legalization of "gay marriage". Sawing the legs of the chair of Cardinal Pell in papal circles has been going on for quite some time . The Cardinals Scola, Ouellet and Amato seem to be already scheduled for the replacement. Pope Francis did not confirm the Emeritus Bishop Mario Oliveri of Albenga-Imperia, as expected.
Only two, Archbishop Michel-Marie-Bernard Calvet of Nouméa in New Caledonia and Bishop Julián López Martín of León were confirmed among the Archbishops and Bishops, who were previously members of the Congregation, but nine were not.

Archbishop Piero Marini and Cardinal Stella as "Watchers"

In the Vatican, it is denied that the reformation of the Congregation had taken place to "discipline" its Prefect, Cardinal Robert Sarah. The talk is of "necessary adjustments". The reality looks different. "Cardinal Prefects Sarah has not been given," said the Vaticanist, Sandro Magister, "the supporters of the reform he had hoped for." What was meant actually is the reform of the post-Conciliar liturgical reform of 1969/1970.
The new appointment of the Congregation was by no means accidental, after Cardinal Sarah had come out with the public demand for a "reform of the liturgical form". Before the summer break, he asked all the priests worldwide to go back to celebrating Mass facing the East, and cited the coming First Advent Sunday as a suitable deadline to implement this change. The Vatican denied changes to the liturgy, but the Cardinal insisted. Among other "unfriendliness" was the reorganization of the Congregation at the end of October.
Albert Cardinal Ranjith, Archbishop of Colombo (Sri Lanka), who was himself secretary of the Congregation for several years, is among the "survivors" on the side of Cardinal Sarah. The friend of the traditional rite has a solid liturgical education. He speaks fluent English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, and also speaks the ancient Greek and Latin languages. The Cardinal seems to have impressed Pope Francis during his visit to Sri Lanka in January 2015.
More important, however, are the "watchers" placed aside the cardinal. This obviously applies to Beniamino Stella, who is not a liturgist, but a close confidant of the Pope. The same is true for the Bugnini student, Piero Marini, who is, however, a proven expert. The co-architect of the post-conciliar liturgical form is regarded as a decisive opponent of a recovery of the traditional form of the Roman rite. 

The Confirmed

The names of all the cardinals and bishops who were confirmed as members:
  • Peter Cardinal Erdö, Archbishop of Esztergom-Budapest
  • Juan Luis Cardinal Cipriani Thorne, Archbishop of Lima
  • Jean-Pierre Cardinal Ricard, Archbishop of Bordeaux
  • Angelo Cardinal Bagnasco, Archbishop of Genoa
  • Kazimierz Cardinal Nycz, Archbishop of Warsaw
  • Albert Malcolm Cardinal Ranjith, Archbishop of Colombo
  • Dominique Cardinal Mamberti, prefect of the apostolic signature
  • Michel-Marie-Bernard Calvet, Archbishop of Nouméa (New Caledonia)
  • Julián López Martín, Bishop of León (Spain)
The General Assembly of the Congregation, together with Cardinal Prefect Robert Sarah and Secretary Archbishop Arthur Roche, now has a total of 38 members, eight more than before. More than 70 percent were newly appointed.
The first phase of the reconstruction of the Congregation had already taken place in the summer and autumn of 2014 when Pope Francis returned the then Prefect of the Congregation, the "Little Ratzinger" Antonio Cardinal Cañizares as Archbishop of Valencia to Spain, for construction in the Dicasterium. All advocates of a "reform of reform" were replaced by liturgists of the cut of a Piero Marini. When Cardinal Sarah was appointed as new Prefect on 24 November 2014 and took office soon afterwards, he was already isolated from the Congregation of Worship. In the words of Magister,
"Cardinal Sarah is condemned to lead offices that work against him."
This should also explain his change of strategy, to be heard in other ways, especially through his books. In recent his book "La Force du silence " (The Power of Silence), which was published on 6 October in France, he reaffirms in the face of Vatican denials whether by announcement, desire or prophecy that the "reform of the reform" would take place.
Pope Francis and his circle seem to have understood the words as a threat. Three weeks later, phase two was carried out in the reorganization of the Congregation.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Sacra Liturgia (Screenshot)
Trans: Tancred
Link to Katholisches...

Pope Bergoglio Not Answering Cardinals -- Devastating Critique by Sandro Magister of Pope's Banana Republic

[Rorate] You will not believe the ridiculousness of it all, but Bergoglioland has finally reached full Banana Republic status. Pope Francis, the Anastasio Somoza of Adultery, the Papa Doc of Sinful Cohabitation, has under him now a Secret "Police", the Osservatorio per l'Attuazione della Riforma della Chiesa di Papa Francesco (OARCPF - Observatory for the Implementation of the Church Reform of Pope Francis) sending our e-mail letters of official tone to professors in Roman institutions demanding them to teach Amoris Laetitia according to the mind of the Pope (that is, Holy Communion to public adulterers and fornicators) -- or (the threat is obviously implied) to face expulsion.


Pope fails to address Cardinals...


Monday, November 14, 2016

Four Cardinals Issue Dubia Against Ambiguous Amoris Laetitia

Edit: this came in from Dredgister and Ed Pentin. It will be interesting to see what this accomplishes. The link goes to the full text:

[Catholic Register] Four cardinals have turned to what they call an "age-old" process of posing a series of questions to Pope Francis in the hope that his clarification will help clear up “grave disorientation and great confusion” caused by key parts of his summary document on the Synod on the Family, Amoris Laetitia.
The cardinals — Carlo Caffarra, archbishop emeritus of Bologna, Raymond Burke, patron of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, Walter Brandmüller, president emeritus of the Pontifical Committee for Historical Sciences, and Joachim Meisner, archbishop emeritus of Cologne — sent five questions, called dubia (Latin for ‘doubts’), to the Holy Father and Cardinal Gerhard Müller, prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, on Sept. 19, along with an accompanying letter.
Each of the dubia is aimed at eliciting from the Apostolic See clarification on key parts of the document, most notably whether it is admissable to allow any remarried divorcees without an annulment holy Communion.

Sunday, November 13, 2016

War on the Church: Pope Francis Visits Seven Ex-Priests Who Have Married

Pope Francis received seven ex-prists and their families in a visit,
who have given up their priesthood in the past years to marry
(Rome) The papal remedy of Misericordina is not a cure. It is bestowed upon some, some not. This is decided according to how the affected parties will fit into the papal line. Last Friday, the Pope visited seven former priests, who were laicized, and allowed to marry.
Not participating were the defenders of the Sacrament of marriage and the Church's moral teachings.  At least not those who turned in public appeals with the requests to Pope Francis, to correct the controversial passages of the Post-Synodal Exhortation Amoris laetitia or completely withdraw the letter ( reported).
On the previous Friday, there were seven former priests who had given up on their priesthood and married.
On November 11th, the head of the Catholic Church visited seven "young" men who had given up on their priesthood in recent years, according to the Spanish press agency EFE.
The gesture is part of a papal initiative within the framework of the Holy Year of Mercy, which is called the "Fridays of Mercy". On these Fridays Francis holds private visits "without prior notice", according to EFE. This means that the visits will not be announced to the public, so that they can take place undisturbed.
At 3.30 pm the Pope left Santa Marta and went to the Roman quarter of Ponte di Nona on the outskirts of the city, where he visited an apartment.
"Not less than two hours," Francis met with seven families founded by as many young men who had given up their priesthood in the past years.
According to the Vatican Press Office, they belong to the diocese of Rome where "they were pastors in different parishes of the city."  One was from Madrid and another from Latin America, both of whom live in Rome. The seventh is from Sicily.
Pope Francis "gave his affections" to these men and their families, who "devoted themselves to priestly ministry in the parishes for several years," the Vatican said. "Loneliness, misunderstanding and fatigue because of the great effort and pastoral responsibility have brought their original decision for priesthood into a crisis." They would have spent "months and years of uncertainty and doubt," which often led them to make the wrong decision with the priesthood. Therefore, the decision to give up the priesthood and establish a family," says the press release of the Vatican.
"In this way, Pope Francis once more offered a sign of mercy to those who live in a situation of spiritual and material discomfort," and to make it clear that no one should remain without "the love and solidarity of their shepherds."
The Holy See did not announce the visit to the "Friday of Mercy", yet there is an interest in making the case public.
In the past, Francis had explained that the question of the married ex-priests "is on my agenda." There followed a series of signals around the "Amazon Workshop" that the "practice" of priesthood admission criteria could be changed while maintaining the teaching. The visit to seven former, married priests is also read as a signal that fits into this picture.
It is also astonishing the way the Vatican press office has expressed itself on the office of the priesthood.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image. Mi
Trans: Tancred

Friday, November 11, 2016

Pope Reveals His Contempt for Catholics Faithful to Ancient Liturgy

Edit: we could just as well have stopped at "Pope Reviles Catholics", since those who don't cherish the traditions and doctrines handed down by the Apostles are hardly Catholic themselves.

The war against the Reform of the Reform continues apace and it is only its resemblance to true and authentic public worship and the faith which they seem to abhor.  It causes the Pope to sneer and revile young people who embrace it.  You will recognize some of the usual slights made by leftist and effeminate clergy against the faithful who remain true to the traditions of the Church.  We were wondering when he'd take a swipe at Pope Benedict's project to restore the liturgy after the depradations of a half-century of modernist innovation.

Picked this article up from Catholic Culture and Catholic Family News:

He also discussed the sacred liturgy. Crux reported:
Asked about the liturgy, Pope Francis insisted the Mass reformed after the Second Vatican Council is here to stay and “to speak of a ‘reform of the reform’ is an error.”
In authorizing regular use of the older Mass, now referred to as the “extraordinary form,” now-retired Pope Benedict XVI was “magnanimous” toward those attached to the old liturgy, he said. “But it is an exception.”
Pope Francis told Father Spadaro he wonders why some young people, who were not raised with the old Latin Mass, nevertheless prefer it.
“And I ask myself: Why so much rigidity? Dig, dig, this rigidity always hides something, insecurity or even something else. Rigidity is defensive. True love is not rigid.”

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Pixar to Release Cartoon for Centenary Fatima

Edit: a regular reader sent us this.   Is the message of the Gospel really so hard to communicate that we have to resort to these kinds of degrading, pedestrian portrayals of the divine?  The production values and spiritual sentiments of the man producing this are completely ill matched to the beauty and majesty of the message of Fatima.  They do not send the message, they degrade and demean it by such trivializing portrayals.  We shudder to think what the rest of the film looks like.


Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Donald Trump is Elected President of the United States

The War on Christianity Ends.


Election: Peronist Pope Disfavors Donald Trump -- Supports Hillary Clinton

Edit: at the matriarchal society of the Huffington Post, this article appeared.  What better endorsement do American voters need to vote for Donald Trump?
When we were in school, most of the clergy teaching at our school were evil, and therefore voted for Democrats.
[Puffington Post] If you’ve ever wondered how terrible a person must be to get the pope to condemn them, look no further than GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump.
At the World Meeting of Popular Movements at the Vatican on Saturday, Pope Francis spoke about the danger of building walls to keep people out and “false prophets that exploit fear and hopelessness to sell magical formulas of hate and cruelty.” 
Sound familiar?
Francis never uttered Trump’s name, and, as The Atlantic points out, his comments could generally apply to other leaders. But it’s hard not to think of Trump himself when the pope talks about walls. 

Monday, November 7, 2016

Father Cavalcoli: "Pope Francis is Not Heretical. But He Surrounds Himself With False Friends and Bad Advisors"

Pater Giovani Cavalcoli: "There is a lot of disinformation.  The signs
of a confused Church. It appears there is a masonic maneuver against
Radio Maria in process."
(Rome) Last Saturday, the 5th of November, Radio Maria Italy has dismissed Father Giovanni Cavalcoli, one of the best-known moral theologians in Italy, who is close to Pope Benedict XVI. The Vatican dissociated itself publicly from the statements by the Dominican, which the latter, really need had not have done at all.  He was alleged to have claimed that the earthquakes in Central Italy was the punishment of God for the legalization of "homosexual marriage." [Homosexual is such a ridiculous word.]

The Catholic online daily La Fede Quotidiana (LFQ) spoke to the 75-year-old priest about the criticism from the Vatican. The moralist found clear words of disapproval for the Vatican's approach. The Secretariat of State publicly "contradicted" him and the Vatican media prepared the spreading of blame against him worldwide.

Father Cavalcoli had not used public criticism of Pope Francis in the past. Rather, he has defended Pope Francis against a "too quick" criticism, which "goes astray in some Catholic circles." Nevertheless, he became a victim of his faithfulness to ecclesiastical wretchedness.

"I confirm everything I said about the earthquake. What should I apologize for? If anyone needs to correct themselves, and to ask for forgiveness, it is they who should ask for forgiveness for their valorization of the heretic, Luther. "

LFQ: Father Cavalcoli, do you regret it?

Father Giovanni Cavalcoli: No. To me, many have rushed at me with wild methods, including many journalists, and this proves how great the disinformation and the ignorance of theology, doctrine, and catechism are. We are at the point where whoever observes these categories, causes  commotion and outrage.  Signs of a confused Church.

"No one is authorized to change the teaching and the Scripture."

LFQ: Does God send punishments or not?

Father Giovanni Cavalcoli: The Catechism, the Holy Scripture and the Doctrine are clear, and no one is authorized to change them. God sends penalties, and the earthquake stands like our catastrophe before our eyes. The punishment of God is a response to the action of man. A simple example: If I drink ten liters of liqueur and then die, I have to attribute the blame to myself, that is my punishment. The Holy Scriptures are full of God's punishments. "

Interview with Father Cavalcoli

LFQ: You have spoken of civil unions (gay marriage) ...

Father Giovanni Cavalcoli: I was misunderstood, or perhaps I expressed myself incorrectly. I have not referred to this law in the narrower sense. An explicit connection with a particular action can never be produced with ultimate certainty. But it involves vice and sinful and disordered behavior like homosexuality. God sends punishment to him who sins and knows what he is doing, consciously acting against the law of God.

LFQ: The State Secretariat, on the other hand, is in revolt ...

Father Giovanni Cavalcoli: I worked there myself. I see with bitterness that today everything is different. And there are also Masonic infiltrations there.

"Freemasonry maneuvers against Radio Maria"

LFQ: This is where your reflections are called pagan ...

Father Giovanni Cavalcoli: The true heathens are those who attack me. I am of the opinion that there is a masonic maneuver underway against Radio Maria, which is disturbing, and the station is probably at risk. Satan has long since penetrated into the Church and also into the Vatican. The pope is not heretical, but he surrounds himself with false friends and bad advisors like Kasper, Ravasi, Bianchi, Ronchi and Cantalamessa.

"Perhaps to apologize to those who have recently revaluated Luther"

LFQ: Will you correct yourself or apologize?

Father Giovanni Cavalcoli: I do not think of it, and confirm everything I said. In actuality they should apologize, those  Catholics who had lately valorized Luther, who may have done good, but is a heretic, and thus have caused much confusion. I am a serious Dominican with a straight backbone and not a bootlicker.

LFQ: And if Radio Maria should finally dismiss you?

Father Giovanni Cavalcoli: Then I will draw my conclusions from it. But I do not think so. I will not change my orthodoxy. The point is that a humanitarianism and a "misericordism" are being spread, but justice is neglected. This is a disservice. God is infinitely good, but He desires repentance and punishes us if that does not happen. The mercy as a scatter gun principle, of which they are telling us, is really a deceit of a Lutheran manufacture. I do not think they will attack me any further, or put me on the sidelines. I have wide shoulders. They'll think twice about that.

Translation: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Fede quotidiana (Screenshots)
Trans: Tancred
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