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Price your albums and tracks

What is Retail price?

Retail price is the price the shopper pays for a track or album when buying it from Google Play.

What is Suggested Retail price?

The Suggested Retail price is the amount you suggest Google Play sets as the Retail price. Google will separately set the retail prices that it actually displays and charges end users for sales of your tracks and albums.

How do I know what I’ll earn?

Google Play will use your Suggested Retail price to calculate what you earn for each store sale, as seen in the Your Earnings column.

Your Earnings are calculated by applying the current revenue share amount to your Suggested Retail price. That way, even if Google Play chooses to set a lower retail price than the one you suggest (for example, when there is a store-wide sale on music), you will still earn revenue based on your Suggested Retail price.

How do I suggest prices?

You will have the opportunity to add album pricing during the original album creation process, but can update both album and track pricing at any point as part of your marketing strategy.

To make it faster to suggest prices across all markets to which you are publishing, you can select the option to automatically price the album and tracks in other markets. When you select this option, the artist hub will convert to other currencies, based on prices you have already suggested. You will be able to review the prices that are set this way before you publish, and can always choose to set prices independently by market instead.

It is important to know that you will not be able to update pricing on any content submitted to Google Play from your label or distributor via the Google Play artist hub. To update album and track pricing on label and distributor-submitted content, please contact your distribution representative and request that they submit an update to Google Play for pricing. Google Play cannot update information submitted by a label or distributor.

To update pricing on an album that you have uploaded directly into the artist hub:

  1. Under the Artists & Music tab, click the Upload & Edit Music button.
  2. Then, find the album that you’d like to update album pricing on, and click the Edit Album button.
  3. Next, you will be taken to a general editing page, where you can click Edit Prices.
  4. In the next page, input the desired album price. You can also mark the album as free.
  5. Click Save Changes.

To update track pricing on content that you have uploaded directly through the artist hub:

  1. Under the Artists & Music tab, click the Upload & Edit Music button.
  2. Then, find the album that you’d like to update track pricing on, and click the Edit Album button.
  3. Next, you will be taken to a general editing page, where you can click Edit Prices.
  4. In the next page, use the drop down menu next to the track to set the desired track price. You can also mark the track as free.
  5. Click Save Changes.

You will have the option to mark any of your album tracks (or all of your tracks) album only. If you have questions about this, read our article on album only tracks.

Note: Check your math! Confirm that the album price is lower than the sum of your track prices.