- published: 25 Sep 2012
- views: 467769
Lame may refer to:
NoPetsAllowed - The Lame Song
Admit it: Clubbing is LAME
the lame song-nopetsallowed by ch0yax
Lame Things People Should Stop Doing
Seven Mary Three - Lame
Top 10 Lame Nintendo Made Peripherals And Accessories
Totally lame
Chiste de Pepito o Jaimito - chupa, muerde o Lame
Those of you who have been to a club know this video speaks the truth. I've actually had a good time while clubbing once or twice butttt the majority of the time... lets be honest... goes a little something like this.... ▼Watch more: Your BAE!!: http://youtu.be/qNACe-wp3u8 I Kissed a YOUTUBER: http://youtu.be/_XDDZw8C7YI sWooZie T-Shirts: http://www.districtlines.com/swoozie ----------------------------------- ▼🐤 Birds of a feather stalk together: INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/swoozie06 YOUTUBE: http://www.youtube.com/swoozie06 FACEBOOK: http://www.fb.com/adande TWITTER: http://www.twitter.com/swooz1e TUMBLR: swoozie.tumblr.com SNAPCHAT: swoozie_snaps Music: "Tie Her Down" off some random Royalty Free CD
for my ex gf
Click here to share this on Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1gVUepN Click here to Tweet this video: http://ctt.ec/f5clz I'll be judging Bollywood Dance Canada: Saturday, March 15, 2014 Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre in Toronto! Tickets are $25 Online Tickets: http://www.desiticket.ca/events NEW VIDEO EVERY MONDAY & THURSDAY! Bookings & Business Inquiries: iisuperwomanii@gmail.com Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/iisuperwomanii Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/iisuperwomanii Tumblr: http://iisuperwomanii.tumblr.com Vlog Channel: http://www.youtube.com/superwomanvlogs Official Superwoman Merchandise: http://www.unicornisland.ca The Official Superwoman App: For Android: http://goo.gl/nsr1qm For Apple: http://goo.gl/701IYu PO BOX: 1661 Denison Street (PO Box 76596) Markham, ON L3R 6E0...
Seven Mary Three - Lame Universal Music Group Owns all rights to this song. It's beautiful. So I thought I'd put it up. Please rate and comment. Oh and I cut off the end a few seconds. Sorry Lyrics there's a tall, mulatto. boy i know and he comes to every party - he stands alone viewing them the rest, from the corner of his glance it gets so clear, he's not judging anyone the way his arms float around his cage, he's caged canary sings, silently brings, his voice to rage the way they stop and stare, the way they turn their heads it's enough to make him want to run away but he stays, he stands his ground and I I'm so damn lame the way I condescend without ever knowing his name he keeps it in a box, hangs it from his ear looks at everyone without the slightest fear i...
Lips are locking in todays kiss contest! Don't forgot to vote at http://www.MatthewLush.com/vote and subscribe to: http://www.youtube.com/sammiespeaks JOIN YOUR FAVORITE TEAM ON TWITTER: FI: http://www.twitter.com/Thatshortgal_fi IAN: http://www.twitter.com/ianwass DOMINIQ: http://www.twitter.com/ohheyitsdom_ TROY: http://www.twitter.com/ItsTroyYoung CHASE: http://www.twitter.com/__ChaseYoung Please subscribe and follow: http://www.YouTube.com/GayGod http://www.Twitter.com/MatthewLush http://www.Instagram.com/MatthewLush Every 3rd Thursday of each month MAIL VLOGS: Matthew Lush 1626 N Wilcox Ave #290 Hollywood CA 90028 Song is Lucky by Lucky Twice! xoxo LUSH YOU! Sound design by http://lukesound.wordpress.com Graphics by http://www.KaipoJones.com
Hey, even the best companies make mistakes from time to time. Join http://www.WatchMojo.com as we countdown our picks for the Top 10 Lame Nintendo Made Peripherals And Accessories. Suggestion Tool►►http://www.WatchMojo.com/suggest Subscribe►►http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=watchmojo Facebook►►http://www.Facebook.com/WatchMojo Twitter►►http://www.Twitter.com/WatchMojo Instagram►►http://instagram.com/watchmojo Channel Page►►http://www.youtube.com/watchmojo For this list we’re taking a look at special peripherals and accessories that were designed by the big N themselves, as opposed to third party peripherals that were made for Nintendo systems. That means if you were expecting the Power Glove, that was actually made by Mattel, so it doesn’t count for this list. Special...
13 contestants are willing to do ANYTHING for fame! Including getting naked! Who should make it through to the next round? Vote at http://www.MatthewLush.com/vote JOIN YOUR FAVORITE TEAM ON TWITTER: FI: http://www.twitter.com/Thatshortgal_fi IAN: http://www.twitter.com/ianwass BRENDEN: http://www.twitter.com/BrendenHensley HANNAH: http://www.twitter.com/hannahrabatin SAMMIE: http://www.twitter.com/twinbuns DOMINIQ: http://www.twitter.com/ohheyitsdom_ DYLAN: http://www.twitter.com/dxylan16 ALEJANDRO: TBD ANNA MARIE: http://www.twitter.com/ann_forcino SIMON: http://www.twitter.com/SmartiXIX CARYLANN: http://www.twitter.com/ludicrous_lexi TROY: http://www.twitter.com/ItsTroyYoung CHASE: http://www.twitter.com/__ChaseYoung ZACH: http://www.twitter.com/_zachmay_ CITLALLI: http://www.twitter.c...
Jaimito, dijo, si hubiera 5 pájaros posados en un alfeizar y le disparases a uno con una pistola, cuántos pájaros quedarían? - Ninguno, contestó Jaimito, porque uno moriría y el resto saldría volando. - Bueno, la respuesta que estaba buscando era cuatro, dijo la profesora, pero me gusta la forma en la que piensas. Entonces Jaimito dijo: - Tengo una pregunta para usted. Si hubiera tres mujeres sentadas en un banco comiéndose unos cucuruchos de helado, una estuviera lamiendo el helado, la segunda lo estuviera mordiendo y la tercera lo estuviera chupando... Cuál de ellas estaría casada? La profesora se sonrojo y contestó tímidamente: - Bueno no estoy segura. Supongo que la que estuviera chupando. - No, dijo Jaimito, la que estaría casada es la que llevase el anillo de bodas en el dedo, pero...
Judge harshly for a very anti climactic fight! :DDDDDDDDDDDD
A lame Mynah often comes to my house . This is a short clip of her sitting on an Ac with her relative.
Salut à tous, voici le 4eme épisode de la série inter saison, et cette fois ci on se retrouve avec ma lame noire de la saison 2 pour un seul objectif... le duel. abonne toi https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCM9lMVOzOVwgWmKdhul7FFQ playlist inter saison https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyHh9yLVqtLagmrpxZSH4fJMlXNMCAiom
Decouvrez Le 1er [DLC] de Dishonored
Voici cette fois-ci, un build "spé pute" (qui permet de lourds dégâts en furtivité). Avec sa récupération et vigueur maximal, il permet également de réaliser des duels, ou des combats groupes vs groupes sans soucis. Musique(s) : - Crazyx - The Mystic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AOQkJphSStI - Buddy - Bensound https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_YRJjEEnSqw ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon site : www.Zhog.fr Chaine de Drakumuluss : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_HcCJR-Mi7LDPnyZG-jIRQ Abonnement de Teso (2 mois + 3000 couronnes) au meilleur prix ! - https://goo.gl/xz2h2j Besoin d'un site pour votre guilde ? Découvrez gratuitement wpmanager 4 ! - http://goo.gl/s3pgY7
Corto documental que cuenta la historia de Quintin Lame a través de su obra escrita y de testimonios de personas que le conocieron, o han sido influenciados por la lucha de este importante líder indígena
Vidéo de présentation de mon lame noir PVP, il est pas parfait. Mais c'est pour aider des amis de la guilde à avoir des bases pour leurs sets. (oui je parle vite, oui je dit souvent d'accord, oui le micro est bas... j'y ferai attention la prochaine fois; c'est ma première vidéo et j'avais pas le temps de faire un nouveau shoot). Tout retour constructif est bien entendu la bienvenue, je suis un débutant/intermédiaire du PVP et j'essaye de progresser autant que je peux :). A bientôt pour une nouvelle vidéo sur le gameplay! (By the way, I understand english, if you have questions).
FingerCramp's NYChrisG and BrokenTier's Dieminion discuss defensive play is, what lame play means to them, and just what you should be doing about Morrigan. Follow them: twitter.com/nychrisG twitter.com/Di3mini0n www.fingercramp.com www.brokentier.com
Atheist Experience #887 October 12, 2014 with Matt Dillahunty and Don Baker. Lame Rationalizations. Don explains what you get when you get an apologist off his script. We welcome your comments on the open blog thread for this show. ► http://freethoughtblogs.com/axp/2014/10/12/open-thread-for-aetv-887-lame-rationalizations-with-matt-don/ Aftershow for this episode #887: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xk3KUPbxQIE ------- WHAT IS THE ATHEIST EXPERIENCE? The Atheist Experience is a weekly cable access television show in Austin, Texas geared at a non-atheist audience. The Atheist Experience is produced by the Atheist Community of Austin. VISIT THE ACA'S OFFICIAL WEB SITES ► http://www.atheist-community.org (The Atheist Community of Austin) ► http://www.atheist-experience.com (The Athei...
Ne studio: Vehbi Kajtazi Betim Musliu Halil Matoshi Driton Selmanaj
Robot Food-Lame snowboard video Starring David Benedek, Chris Engelsman, Christoph Weber, Josh Dirksen, Scotty Wittlake, Wille Yli-Luoma, Travis Parker, Louie Fountain, Jaako Seppala, Bobby Meeks, Scotty Arnold, and Jussi Oksanen.
There's a tall, a mulatto, boy, I know
And he comes to every party, he stands alone
In viewing them the rest, a corner of his glance
It gets so clear, he's not judging anyone
The way his arms float around his cage, he's caged
Canary sings, silently brings his voice to rage
The way they stop and stare, the way they turn their heads
It's enough to make him want to run away
But he stays, he stands his ground
And I, I'm so damn lame
The way I condescend without ever knowing his name
He keeps it in a box, hangs it from his ear
Looks at everyone without the slightest fear
It's making me so ashamed
Slender body, slip through his glance, I don't give it a single chance
The way he's rocking back and forth, makes a buzzing in my ear
Constantly reminding me that I never stop to hear
Him say, hello, hello
And I am, I'm so damn lame
Like a moth bumping off his godless flame
I cannot condescend, even apprehend, what comes over me
When I see his shameless face
So rage, please rage against me
Beat me down, beat me down, forgive me
For what I've done, I'm so lame, I'm so lame, I'm so lame