Gertrude Welcker (16 July 1896 – 1 August 1988) was a German stage and silent film actress who appeared in films between 1917 and 1925.
Welcker was born in Dresden. Her father, who was editor-in-chief and general manager of the "Posener Tageblatt", died in 1909. She visited Max Reinhardt's acting school in Berlin during the First World War. During 1915–16 she starred in Albert theater in Dresden. From 1916 to 1919 she performed in the Reinhardt theaters (Deutsches Theater Berlin, Kammerspiele, and Volksbühne). There she was seen as a prostitute in August Strindberg's Meister Olaf in a production of Ferdinand Gregori, as Lesbia in Felix Hollaender's staging of Friedrich Hebbel's Gyges und sein Ring, as Recha in Ephraim Lessing's Nathan the Wise and as sister Martha in Gerhart Hauptmann's Hanneles Himmelfahrt. In addition to these, she played under Marion Reinhardt's direction of Georg Büchner's Danton's Death, a maid Sophie in Friedrich Schiller's Kabale und Liebe and Desdemona in William Shakespeare's Othello and Jessica in The Merchant of Venice.