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Creative Locals: Victoria with Bec Thexton

Bec Thexton of foodie blog Dancing Through Sunday shares her view of Melbourne’s inner north (and a bit about her life, too!)

Creative Locals by Ford Australia

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Bec Thexton’s work first caught my eye on Instagram, and then as part of the Voices of 2015 program (Bec made the grade as a finalist in the Food + Travel category!)

She lives in my (old) neighbourhood in the inner north, and I thought I’d pop over and quiz her about where she likes to go (to see if we liked some of the same places) and what she likes to do.

Turns out she frequents a bunch of places that aren’t on my list… and a bunch that are.

A big thanks to Ford for sponsoring our Creative Locals series and giving me the wheels (hello Ford Everest!) to find my way around Collingwood and Fitzroy.

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Creative Local…

Bec Thexton
Blogger at Dancing Through Sunday

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Local questions

What city or town do you live in?

I live in East Melbourne but (literally) across is the road is Collingwood, which I spend most of my time. East Melbourne is beautifully quaint and holds some of Melbourne’s most stunning heritage listed homes but lacks in food, wine and coffee. Seriously, there’s hardly any shops at all. Being a massive foodie, I spend all my time eating in Collingwood.

like minded

Square and Compassthin border

Describe your average day (bonus points for mentioning local hangouts or routines!)

My average weekday consists of an early rise and (occasionally) a jog through the Fitzroy Gardens. I then go to Square and Compass, Like Minded Projects or Shopfront coffee for my morning fix, then home to shower and head off to work. Although sometimes it’s just wake, coffee, eggs on toast and then out the door. My days consist of meetings, strategy development, creating content for a wide range of brands and of course, revolves around eating!

I try to be well behaved and bring lunch from home which, being a food blogger, is always much better than buying food out every day. I’ve also discovered plus it’s always a great talking point for people in the kitchen to promote my blog. It usually goes like this: “Oh your lunch looks amazing!” says someone with sad lettuce and a tin of tuna. “Oh thanks, the recipe is available on my site, here’s the link.” 😉

On a weekend it starts with a little sleep in (about 8.30am), coffee, epic breakfast at home and either cook up a storm to shoot my recipes, writing articles or out for lunch then a visit to the park with friends.

Builders Arms - Collingwood - Dancing Through Sunday-2

Builders Arms- Collingwood - Dancing Through Sunday-3

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Your favourite person in the whole world is coming to town! Tell us who that is and where you’d take them.

I know it’s foodie-cliche, but Jamie Oliver is a food hero and someone I would love to share a meal with. I’d pick his brain about perfect pasta recipes and shout him a drink as my eternal thanks for this good food movement he has inspired over the world. I’d take him for a meal at the Builders Arms Hotel and we’d order all of the things.

The best view in town is…

Naked in the Sky which is technically not Collingwood but the view is too good not to share. A hop, skip and jump from Gertrude street has the best view of Melbourne’s CBD and the best Bloody Mary on Brunswick St.

Archies All Day

Archies All Day

Archies All Day 2

Archies All Day - Collingwood - Dancing Through Sunday

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The best breakfast in town is at…

Archies All Day. They have a pretty wild breakfast menu and I’m a huge fan of the Huevos Sucios ‘Dirty Eggs’. Two perfectly fried eggs are sitting atop tater tots (aka Potato Gems), all stuck together with melted Monterry Jack cheese, pinto beans, avocado, tomatillo salsa and chipotle sauce. Yes please, thankyou.

If I had to share a secret local treasure I’d choose…

Rupert on Rupert… (Sorry to spill the beans dear Locals). It’s hidden in one of the quiet backstreets in Collingwood still occupied by warehouses and factories. With high ceilings and long tables, this large dining hall slash bar is humming with locals every night snacking and drinking.

Dancing Through SundayLooseleaf

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If I was five years old, my favourite place in town would be…

Looseleaf. It’s like a magical forest in there with weird and wonderful plants. Followed up by a trip to Gelato Messina, yum.

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bec thexton one

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I’m in a motel room in your town and I need to get some dinner. Point me in the right direction?!

You have three fantastic options all within a 100m radius on the corner of Gertrude St and Smith St. If you’re feeling indulgent, Mr Scruffs keeps the burger lovers of Smith St well sated offering stellar burgers, poutine and a the best bloody mary on Smith St (Can you see a theme here?). Ladro offers up refined Italian and their Margherita pizza is A++, Ladro is the perfect place for an aperol spritz, pizza, pasta and some a-grade people watching. Your last option is Trippy Taco for fun vegetarian Mexican food (get the burrito ‘california style’ with chips inside).

Smith St- Collingwood - Dancing Through Sunday-9

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And some more general questions

Describe your perfect day?

My perfect day would be a Saturday with an early start, and either going to the markets with my boyfriend or coffee and brunch at home. Then I’d head down to a cafe (Maybe CIBI) and do some work for a few hours and head off to the park with my friends. We’d laze in the sun and snack on cherry tomatoes then all head out to somewhere tasty for dinner, BYO of course. Potentially Tibetian, Japanese or Thai. We’d eat then wind down with a drink and I’d be in bed reading by 11.

Describe yourself?!

I really like being productive and am always doing something. It’s very rare you’ll catch me watching TV or a movie but I wouldn’t change it because working hard has created all the opportunities I’ve been lucky to encounter. I’m pretty happy go lucky and will do anything I can to help someone. I’m obsessed with France and will eat cheese any time of the day. I love cooking for anyone who comes within a 2m radius and may try to feed you so watch out…

Tell us something you are proud of?

Having my work published in a few notable publications. I deadset squealed when I picked up my first piece of published work (that wasn’t an online publication). To touch something tangible that you’ve produced is something I’m really proud of.


South Of Johnston - Collingwood - Dancing Through Sunday-11

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Something you are scared of?

BANANAS. Seriously ick. Someone sitting next to me on a plane and eating one is a deadset nightmare. It’s such an inconvenient fear :’(

What’s really delicious?

Anything brunch-y. Avocado, potato hash, sourdough, beans, baked eggs, grilled tomato. Brunch is something Australians do really well and the brunch movement is slowly spreading overseas because it’s such a good idea and everyone must know.

Share something you’d really like to achieve in this lifetime

I would really like to own a successful business. I’ve always known I want to own my own business, growing up in a family of entrepreneurs and it’s taken me a few years to figure out exactly what I want to do. Now that I do, it’s a really exciting time and I can’t wait for what’s to come in the future.

And something we should all know about?

Being kind.

Which historical figure do you most admire?

Anne Frank. Her views, values, sense of humour and general outlook was so fascinating and humbling. I felt a sense of sadness and loss after reading her Diary.

Smith St - Collingwood - Dancing Through Sunday-10

And which living person/s do you most admire?

Oh so many. Anyone who is living their passions and what they believe in.

What is your favorite journey?

I’m quite a fan of road trips with family or friends, and currently obsessing over the Mornington Peninsula.

Which word or phrases do you most overuse?

YAS, yaaas. Thanks cat video.

What is your most treasured possession?

I’m tossing up between my laptop (boooo) because of everything it allows me to do, experiences and create, and a ring my Grandfather made for my Grandmother. Can I pick two pleaseee?

What would you like to be better at?

Prioritising what I have to do and focusing on only a small handful of things. Also, having less tabs open.

And what are you good at?!

Problem solving and cooking!

Where would you most like to live?

Anywhere in France or Denmark. Please please.

Shop Front Coffee

What gets in the way of creativity?

Routine and stress.

And what inspires it, for you?

Re-filling my brain. Input = output. That means walks, cafes, podcasts, magazines, movies, books, walks and music.

What is your favourite quote?

Here’s to the good that you found… and the great that awaits.

It was on a gift I received last Christmas from some blogging buddies and it’s stuck with me.

What are you working on right now?

Right now I am writing an eBook for all my vegetarian pals on the interwebs which will be full of fantastic recipes and some pointers for following a vegetarian diet. I’m also consulting to small businesses (namely the Hospitality Industry) about Social Media Marketing and online branding. Oh, Blogging and working as per usual.

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Read Bec’s blog
Follow Bec on Instagram
Follow Bec on Facebook

Dancing Through Sunday

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Creative Locals by Ford Australia

Ford Everest