
Megyn Kelly's cautionary tale of crossing Donald Trump

New York: Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly has spent the better part of the past year living in the main gladiator pit of 2016, becoming as much a target for Donald Trump as any of his opponents and emerging as a pivotal figure in the forced resignation of Fox News Channel Chairman Roger Ailes, whom she accused of sexual harassment.

On Tuesday, she was in her office at Fox News headquarters in midtown Manhattan, taking stock, preparing for the next phase - a Trump presidency - and warning fellow journalists to look at her experience during the campaign as a potential cautionary tale.

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Donald Trump apologises to news anchor

After a months-long public feud, US Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump clears the air with Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly.

"The relentless campaign that Trump unleashed on me and Fox News to try to get coverage the way he liked it was unprecedented and potentially very dangerous," she said, casual but animated behind her translucent desk. If he were to repeat the same behaviour from the White House, she said, "it would be quite chilling for many reporters."

Until this week, Kelly had generally avoided interviews about her experience with Trump. New details she shares in her book, Settle for More, about what she describes as Trump's attempts to harass and intimidate her, have raised questions from some critics about why she didn't step forward sooner.

But Kelly said the general contours of Trump's campaign against her - which she says included pressure on her bosses to rein her in and led to death threats from Trump supporters that forced her to take on a security contingent - were well known and she did not want to make herself an even bigger part of the story before the election by sharing the inside details.

"Trump wanted to make me a storyline in the race," she said. "I was trying for nine months to get myself off of the playing field and onto the sidelines, where a reporter belongs."


She has emerged from it all as the most sought-after star in television news, entertaining annual salary offers that surpass $US20 million as she contemplates whether to stay at Fox News or leap to a competitor when her contract expires in the summer. Her new book, and the publicity surrounding it, re-litigates her fight with Trump just as he begins to plan his inauguration.

Trump's spokeswoman, Hope Hicks, declined to comment on Kelly or her book.

Megyn Kelly's memoir, Settle for More, details her feud with Donald Trump.
Megyn Kelly's memoir, Settle for More, details her feud with Donald Trump.  Photo: Jesse Dittmar for The New York Times

But speaking broadly about Trump's expectations for his relationship with the press as president, Hicks said that he would abide by "standard press protocols that are in place now, the traditions," and that he saw his presidency as "a fresh start" for his relationship with the news media.

During the interview, Kelly said she feared the election sent a troubling message to women.

"There were a few themes that came out of 2016, and one of them is, as women, we have a long way to go, a long way to go," she told me. Emphasising that she takes "no position on the election," she said the campaign showed "there is a tolerance for some considerable level of sexism and in some corners - let me underscore I'm not referring to Trump specifically, just what we saw this year - even misogyny."

Roger Ailes.

Roger Ailes. Photo: AP

That morning her network colleague and rival Bill O'Reilly appeared to criticise her for sharing new details regarding her allegations that Ailes harassed her. Kelly wrote in the book that Ailes offered her "professional advancement in exchange for sexual favours" and once implicitly threatened her job after she rejected a kiss.

The book was "making my network look bad," O'Reilly said on CBS This Morning. Later, on his own show, O'Reilly suggested Kelly should have shown "allegiance" to Fox by taking her allegations to "human resources," apparently meaning she should not have gone public.

Kelly declined to respond to the comments from O'Reilly, who faced sexual harassment allegations in 2004, which he settled.

During our interview, she said of O'Reilly, "I never see him; we're fine."

Kelly wrote in her book that she had complained about Ailes' harassment to an unnamed supervisor, who told her, she said, to avoid Ailes. After Fox host Gretchen Carlson filed a harassment suit against Ailes this year, multiple other women stepped forward to lodge their own complaints against him, all of which Ailes has denied through lawyers.

In a statement Tuesday, Ailes said, "I categorically deny the allegations Megyn Kelly makes about me," noting he "worked tirelessly to promote and advance her career."

"Think of what would happen here at Fox if we had had a female CEO and it was a COO who was harassing me when I got harassed by Roger Ailes," Kelly said. "I think things would have wound up very differently, and perhaps 12 years of women wouldn't have had to go through those experiences."

Megyn Kelly interviewing Donald Trump in May.

Megyn Kelly interviewing Donald Trump in May. Photo: Fox News

Kelly's feud with Trump started in earnest with her question at the first Republican debate, where she mentioned Trump's past comments about women as "fat pigs, dogs, slobs."

He followed up by repeatedly attacking her on Twitter and telling an interviewer that Kelly had "blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out her, wherever."

Looking back, Kelly said, "It was a prescient question."

She added, "If somebody asks you if you're an idiot and you know you're a Rhodes scholar with a Mensa membership, you don't get upset."

With Trump preparing for a fresh start, Kelly says she is, too. "I'm going to be open-minded to Trump turning over a new leaf and perhaps being more like a president."

The question she had was whether Trump really would change or want to change.

"It's tough to change a 70-year-old man," she said. "However, past sometimes isn't prologue when an extraordinary, intervening event happens in one's life."

But, to be safe, she said, "journalists need to steel their spines."

Because, she said, if past is prologue, they should take heed of her story, which put her on the wrong side of a social media campaign that carried over into real life through curses at her on the street and strangers showing up at her apartment building.

Megyn Kelly, with Chris Wallace and Bret Baier, during the infamous Republican primary debate in August last year.

Megyn Kelly, with Chris Wallace and Bret Baier, during the infamous Republican primary debate in August last year. Photo: AP

Many of Trump's voters are also loyal Fox News viewers who "think their values have been diminished or ignored or dismissed or mocked for too long," which is why, Kelly said, "I completely get why he was elected."

Kelly said she thought some journalists "did go overboard" against Trump. But she said, "The vast majority of the controversy he generated, and in many instances intentionally - with the goal of being covered."

She added, "It's a bit like the boy who kills his parents and then begs for mercy on the grounds that he's an orphan, right?"

One thing about being president is you get covered without even trying. Even if past isn't prologue, this is going to be interesting.

The New York Times
