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Dad shares terrifying video of his daughter being attacked by another girl

Kidspot Editor |

This heartbreaking footage strikes fear into the heart of any parent. The fact that it’s girls is even more shocking.



It’s hard to say which part of this video is more disturbing.

The fact that it’s a girl attacking another girl, that no one helps the poor victim, or that it’s clearly happening in or around school hours.

The sickening video has been shared almost 300, 000 times and has had 8.5 million views, after the victim’s dad posted it online this week with the caption:

“I am the dad of the girl being beaten in this video - if you agree that it is disgusting please share and re post.”




Someone is clearly filming, knowing the fight is about to happen. The sound of kids cheering and shouting can be heard as the attacker moves in on her prey.

She grabs the victim by the hair, gets her in a headlock and punches and kicks her head.

At no point does any one of the dozens of kids watching intervene.

She walks away

Amazingly, and to her great credit, the victim simply stands and walks away.

People reacted with horror to the dad’s post on Facebook.

“This is very sad and lot of this is going on now every where. My suggestion is put your kids to martial arts schools invest on it for your child sake,” someone wrote.

Accessories to assault?

“All those watching need to be charged with been an accessory to the assault and not doing anything. The one filming needs to be charged with distributing violence and assault,” someone else wrote.

“My best wishes to your daughter. I was bullied to the point of thinking of suicide. Being six foot tall most of my life, for me it was all verbal. She walked away, for that, she’s awesome. I hope the idiot gets charged and the idiots video taping it instead of stopping it!” someone else added.

We hope this poor girl is getting the help she needs.

If you or someone you know is being bullied, or may be at risk of suicide or self harm, please contact Lifeline (13 11 14), Kids Helpline (1800 551 800) or BeyondBlue (1300 22 46 36).