
When you visit this website, a record of your visit is kept for statistical and research purposes. Similar records may be kept when you use any of the interactive features found in this website.

The information kept for these purposes is:

  •          Your server address
  •          Your top level domain name (e.g. .com, .gov, .au, .uk, etc.)
  •          The date and time you visited this site
  •          The pages of this site you accessed, and the documents you downloaded
  •          The previous site you visited
  •          The type of web browser you used

Some of the interactive features found in this web site may require you to enter personal information, such as your name and address. The Rottnest Island Authority stores this information in encrypted form, and disposes of it once the purpose for which it was collected has been achieved. The length of time for which such information is stored may vary according to the purpose for which it has been collected. No such information will be released to any third party without your prior consent, unless the Rottnest Island Authority is compelled to do so by law.

The Rottnest Island Authority and technology partners employ Spotlight technology Cookies and Pixels or Transparent GIF files to help:

  •          Collect the information referred to under the heading 'General' in this policy statement
  •          Save any preferences you may record whilst visiting this website
  •          Manage online advertising
  •          Create permission-based email marketing communications

A cookie is a small string of text data that a web site can send to your web browser. A cookie cannot extract information from your computer, transmit computer viruses, or capture and transmit your email address.

Pixels or Transparent GIF files are tiny graphics with a unique identifier, similar in function to cookies.

The Rottnest Island Authority uses Omniture/Site Catalyst to analyse usage statistics on our websites. This analysis is performed using data collected from the www.rottnestisland.com website and is used to improve the web experience of our users. No personally identifiable information is collected by Omniture/Site Catalyst this website by the use of cookies, but if you would like to opt-out of Omniture/Site Catalyst anonymous user profiling, you can do so here.

If you delete cookies from your computer's web browser, you may remove the opt-out preference that you have set for the company's listed above. The opt-out cookies set may also expire and may need to be refreshed by using the information set out on this page.

Any person or organisation, whether or not a registered user of this website, who believes that we have gathered and stored personal information relating to them, whether through this website or otherwise, may contact us and request to view that information. They may also request the alteration of that information or its removal from our records.

Any such request or request for further details of our privacy statement should be directed to us by email or via the contact us form. Alternatively you can call us on +61 8 9432 9300, or contact us by facsimile on +61 8 9432 9301.