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Bioresonance Therapy


Invented by German Dr. F. Morrell in the 1970s, Bioresonance is a non-invasive natural therapy that uses electromagnetic waves to diagnose and treat the symptoms of a range of health conditions. Bioresonance has its foundations in the belief that illness and dis-ease are states caused by the body’s failure to self-regulate.

Practitioners measure Bioresonance with a tool called the Mora device, which receives and measures subtle electromagnetic waves emitted from the body. Once any electromagnetic waves related to a state of dis-ease or the presence of environmental stressors (biological, physical or chemical) are identified, the Mora device then “normalises” or “inverts” the waves, reducing the potential for detrimental effects or harm on the body and sending them back to the patient via an output electrode.

Conditions treated with Bioresonance include: allergies, pain, headaches, migraine, circulatory conditions, and skin diseases.

Bioresonance should not be used as a replacement for medically proven diagnostic or treatment techniques.

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