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Gary Shaul's picture
Liberal ambiguity on electoral reform can't continue for much longer | Nov 19 2016 | Gary Shaul | As the deadline approaches for the House of Commons electoral reform committee to make its report(s), the pressure grows on the Justin Trudeau and the Liberal Party to tell Canadians where they stand.'s picture
Why won't Minister Joly and Minister Bains take the Internet tax off the table? | Nov 19 2016 | Cynthia Khoo | Cynthia Khoo briefly analyzes how federal Ministers Mélanie Joly and Navdeep Bains are responding to rumours of the “Internet tax” -- a tabled idea that has taken the digital rights world by storm.
djclimenhaga's picture
Former PC leadership candidate Sandra Jansen, subjected by Tories to 'intimidation and harassment,' joins NDP caucus | Nov 18 2016 | David J. Climenhaga | The Notley Government surely hopes Calgary MLA Sandra Jansen can help them recover ground in Alberta's largest city.
Brent Patterson's picture
How will Trudeau approach NAFTA renegotiations? | Nov 18 2016 | Brent Patterson | U.S. president-elect Donald J. Trump has promised to renegotiate NAFTA. What will the Trudeau government's position be going into these talks?
Oct 27 2016
In "Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City" sociologist Matthew Desmond offers a critical examination of urban poverty and homelessness told through the stories of eight families.
Sep 15 2016
New collection "In This Together: Fifteen Stories of Truth and Reconciliation" describes what reconciliation can mean to the individual. But are words enough? Our reviewer says it's time for action.
Sep 8 2016
'Forbidden Fruit' is Gail Pellett's raw and highly personal memoir of the year, mid-1980 to mid-1981, when she lived in Beijing as China was just emerging from its decade-long Cultural Revolution.

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Current rabble poll

Which failed pipeline project is about to get a major facelift?

Is a week enough to mourn yet? No, of course not. But there's work to be done. Namely, Canada is about to undergo a pipeline renaissance. Justin Trudeau's Liberals are definitely toying with the idea of reviving at least two, if not all three major bitumen pipeline projects that had been all but crushed by the First Nations, advocacy groups and millions of Canadians who opposed them. There have been occupations, court challenges, petitions and marches. But now, pipelines are back in a big way -- and about to get bigger.

This Saturday, will be marching with the thousands of British Columbians and Indigenous people who oppose Kinder Morgan's Trans Mountain pipeline. And TransCanada has already issued a statement indicating its intent to re-open the defeated Keystone XL pipeline now that Donald Trump is in the White House. And let's not forget Northern Gateway or even Energy East, as Trudeau and Environment Minister Catherine McKenna have repeatedly said that pipelines form a key plank of their climate change agenda.

Don't let those eyes roll out of your head: which pipeline should we roll up our sleeves for first?

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