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More than 2500 Therapeutic Guidelines topics, integrated into a single product for your computer and mobile devices.


Fourteen printed volumes of common collections of topics, aggregated by clinical area.

Independent, reliable, relevant and respected

Health professionals need reliable and independent therapeutic information to help them make the best decisions for their patients.

Therapeutic Guidelines provide the answer!

We pride ourselves on publishing expert, unbiased and objective information you can trust. Our publications are intended specifically to meet the needs of busy health professionals who want reliable, practical and user-friendly therapeutic information.

Independence is an essential feature of this organisation–it is completely self supporting financially through revenue from sales. No grants. No advertising. No shareholders. No sponsors. To protect and maintain this independence a strict policy on conflict of interest is in place.

Therapeutic Guidelines Limited is a registered Health Promotion Charity and Deductible Gift recipient promoting the quality use of medicines. Find out more about our developing countries fund.


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Palliative Care 4

The new update of eTG complete is now available and includes a comprehensive revision of the Palliative Care guidelines. A […]

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Dr Ken Harvey awarded the 2016 ANZAAS Medal

Long term member and foundation director of Therapeutic Guidelines, Dr Ken Harvey has been awarded the 2016 Australian and New […]

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Erin Nunan wins PSA Early Pharmacist of the Year Award

Therapeutic Guidelines would like to congratulate our Developing Countries Program Manager, Erin Nunan, on receiving the Early Career Pharmacist of […]

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