A Look At How Good (And Bad) 7 Of The Most Popular Fad Diets Are

It's not great news for the Dukan or alkaline diet.

18/11/2016 5:51 AM AEDT | Updated 18/11/2016 5:51 AM AEDT
Getty Images/iStockphoto
Juice cleanses aren't all bad.

It's safe to assume that most of us have tried out some form of diet in our lives.

Guided diets are wildly popular and although the specifics of what you can and can't eat differs, the common thread is the promise health and often, weight loss.

A few of the most popular diet modules include the Blood Type Diet, Juice cleanses and the Mediterranean Diet. So, which are worth it?

The below infographic details seven of the top diets and takes a look at pros and cons of each.

Infographic from Compare The Market.

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