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Damon Beres
Damon Beres is the editor of HuffPost Tech.

Entries by Damon Beres

The Government Is Worried About 'Pokemon Go' Destroying Your Data Plan

(0) Comments | Posted July 20, 2016 | 3:03 PM

Democratic leaders are worried that “Pokemon Go” may be taking a big bite out of your monthly data plan.

Frank Pallone, Jr (D-N.J.), Jan Schakowsky (D-Ill.) and Diana DeGette (D-Colo.) sent a letter to the game’s developer Tuesday asking if the company is doing...

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Google Just Figured Out A Futuristic Way To Slash Its Energy Bill

(0) Comments | Posted July 20, 2016 | 10:56 AM

Google is getting a lot smarter about how much electricity it uses.

The internet goliath is now using its DeepMind artificial intelligence technology ― the same one that recently trounced one of the world’s best human players of the...

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Twitter's Defense Of 'Ghostbusters' Star Leslie Jones Isn't Good Enough

(0) Comments | Posted July 20, 2016 | 9:13 AM

Twitter poured a cup of water on a dumpster fire Tuesday night, banning one of its most notorious trolls following a sustained harassment campaign against the “Ghostbusters” actress Leslie Jones.

Milo Yiannopoulos, a high-profile editor for the conservative news outlet Breitbart received a “

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Twitter's Latest Change Probably Wouldn't Have Helped Leslie Jones

(0) Comments | Posted July 19, 2016 | 1:47 PM

Twitter is making it easier to become a “verified” user, but is stopping short of creating a system to tone down harassment across the social media platform.

Previously, it wasn’t clear how Twitter...

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You Can Use Your Personal Bitmoji In Snapchat Now

(0) Comments | Posted July 19, 2016 | 9:27 AM

Snapchat just got a little bit more personal.

The popular social app now allows users to stick their Bitmoji characters into snaps, messages and stories, Snapchat announced in a blog post Tuesday morning. If you’ve created a Bitmoji character already, you can link your two accounts and start right away ― otherwise, you’ll need to download the Bitmoji app and create a new avatar.

We were only able to get the functionality to work on an iPhone this morning ― not our Android device ― though a Snapchat representative told The Huffington Post it should be enabled on both operating systems. Make sure your apps are updated if you’re interested in checking the new features out, and maybe check again later if you’re having trouble.

We also got an error message when we first tried to link the two accounts on iOS, though closing out of the apps and trying again fixed the problem.

Snapchat bought Bitmoji for $100 million in March. If you’re not up to speed, Snapchat is a social media app that’s surged in popularity across demographics the past couple of years. It allows users to send “snaps” ― full-screen images plastered with words or “stickers” ― to their friends on a casual basis (the snaps automatically delete themselves after they’ve been viewed). Users can also post to a more public “story” that lasts for a full 24 hours, and, as of earlier this month, use a new “memories” feature to make their content even more permanent, if they want. 

Bitmoji, meanwhile, is a popular app that allows users to make cartoon representations of themselves that they can post to various social networks or send in text messages. 

The fusion of the two, especially considering Snapchat’s reputation as a more “personal” place to talk to your friends than Facebook, is basically the chocolate-meets-peanut-butter of social media startups. 

Now go forth and do something...

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페이스북은 텔레비전 뉴스를 대체할 준비를 마쳤다

(0) Comments | Posted July 19, 2016 | 3:34 AM


누군가에게는 페이스북 뉴스피드를 스크롤해 보는 것이 리모컨을 눌러가며 TV 채널을 넘기는 것과 같은 행동일 것이다. 사실 이 두 가지 행동에는 꽤 유사성이 있긴 하다.

이 유사성이 조금 더 뚜렷해질 전망이다. ABC 뉴스는 월요일 아침, 공화당과 민주당 전국 전당대회 기간 동안 24시간 내내 페이스북에서 2016년...

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Facebook Is Ready To Replace TV News

(0) Comments | Posted July 18, 2016 | 9:19 AM

For some, scrolling through a Facebook News Feed is the modern day equivalent of clicking through television channels with a remote control. 

That analogue is about to become a bit more explicit: ABC News announced Monday morning that it will use the social network to 

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Facebook Gives Pathetic Excuse For Its Diversity Problems

(0) Comments | Posted July 15, 2016 | 10:14 AM

Facebook says it’s having trouble hiring people of color because public schools are failing to educate them properly.

The company is 52 percent white, 38 percent Asian, 4 percent Hispanic and 2 percent black, according to diversity numbers released Thursday. Sixty-seven percent of Facebook...

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아마도, 이것은 아이폰7의 외관을 담은 첫 영상일 것이다 (영상)

(0) Comments | Posted July 14, 2016 | 10:30 PM

아주 짧게나마 곧 출시될 아이폰7의 외관을 볼 수 있게 됐다.

유튜브 채널 9to5Mac이 목요일에 공개한 이 영상은 아주 짧은 순간, 올 가을 출시될 아이폰7의 외관을 보여준다. 이 새로운 모델은 보기 흉한 뒷면의 안테나 라인을 없앴고, 이어폰 잭도 원래 있던 하단에서 확인할 수 없다.

사실, 이렇게 누설된 영상이 진짜일 것이라고 단언할 수는 없다(애플은 절대 루머에 대해 코멘트를 하지 않기 때문이다). 그러나 과거의 경험들과 비교했을 때, 틀린 경우는 많지 않았다.

만약 이 영상이 진짜라면, 올 가을 새로운 아이폰으로 갈아타기 전에 고민을 조금 해 봐야 한다. 이어폰은 어떻게 해야 할까? 만약 정말로 아이폰7에 이어폰 잭이 없다면 3가지 경우의 수를 따져봐야 한다. USB 케이블에 꽂는 이어폰이거나, 블루투스로 연결하는 무선 이어폰이거나, 또는 레노버에서 공개한 정말 이상한 어답터이거나. 레노버는 목요일 USB 포트에 꽂는 이어폰 잭을 공개한 바 있다. USB를 연결한 뒤 이어폰을 꽂을 수 있는 것이다(사실, 그럴 거면 이어폰 잭을 따로 만드는 게 낫다).

결국, 가장 중요한 건 편리함이다. 애플이 이 사실을 명심하고 있길 바란다.

h/t Business Insider

허핑턴포스트US의 This Might Be The First Video Of The iPhone 7를 번역, 편집한 것입니다.

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3 Numbers That Explain The 'Pokemon Go' Craze

(0) Comments | Posted July 14, 2016 | 4:16 PM

If you’re still struggling to make heads or Ninetails of “Pokemon Go,” we’ve got you covered.

On this week’s “By The Numbers,” The Huffington Post’s weekly business and tech talk show streamed on Facebook...

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This Might Be The First Video Of The iPhone 7

(0) Comments | Posted July 14, 2016 | 3:09 PM

We may have just gotten our first look at the upcoming iPhone 7 in motion.

A new video published to YouTube by 9to5Mac Thursday professes to offer a quick look at the device, which is expected to release this fall. The new model is missing the unsightly

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Why 'Pokemon Go' Players Are Flocking To A Town Near The North Korean Border

(0) Comments | Posted July 13, 2016 | 1:05 PM

The promise of a Pikachu is driving South Koreans closer to their neighbors up north.

Would-be “Pokemon Go” masters are traveling to Sokcho, a South Korean fishing town that’s about 37 miles away from the North Korean border, HuffPost Korea reports. It’s apparently the only...

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People Are Using 'Pokemon Go' More Than Facebook And Snapchat -- For Now

(0) Comments | Posted July 13, 2016 | 10:12 AM

There’s no stopping Pokemon ― at least not this week.

The ludicrously popular “Pokemon Go” app climbed to the top of the charts on the iOS App Store and Google Play after its release last Thursday, and new data show that people are spending considerably more time...

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Polaroid Swing, une nouvelle app pour prendre des «photos animées» sur iPhone

(0) Comments | Posted July 12, 2016 | 5:10 PM

Ça n'a rien à voir avec les vieux appareils Polaroid que les hipsters s'arrachent.

La célèbre marque, qui a eu du mal à s'adapter à l'ère d'Instagram, a lancé mardi une nouvelle application sur iPhone permettant de publier et de visionner des «photos animées». L'application gratuite s'appelle

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8 Times The Internet Tried To Explain The World With 'Pokemon Go'

(0) Comments | Posted July 12, 2016 | 12:43 PM

“Pokemon Go” has exploded, becoming one of the most popular apps in the world since its release last week.

As such, internet people are trying to use the smartphone game to make really intense points about, you know, life and stuff.

Let’s take a look...

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Este es el robot que la Policía de Dallas utilizó para matar al sospechoso del tiroteo

(0) Comments | Posted July 12, 2016 | 11:39 AM

El Departamento de Policía de Dallas ha desvelado este lunes los detalles del robot que se utilizó para matar al sospechoso del tiroteo que tuvo lugar la semana pasada en Dallas (Texas, EEUU).

A través de Twitter, la policía informó de que el robot era un Remotec Andros...

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Pokémon Has Been Telling People To Get Off Their Butts Since 1998

(0) Comments | Posted July 11, 2016 | 12:37 PM

“Pokémon Go” is a massive success, but experienced gamers might note that it isn’t totally a breath of fresh air.

The new smartphone game revolves around the discovery of monsters like Pikachu and Zubat in the real world. Users travel to actual outside locations, then use their smartphone cameras to locate and capture the critters.

While it may seem novel for a smartphone game to encourage users to actually walk around, Pokémon first did that nearly two decades ago.

In 1998, Nintendo introduced a small device called the Pokémon Pikachu. It strapped onto your waistband and counted how many steps you took. The purpose was to generate “watts” for Pikachu, which you could then gift to the little electric mouse or use in games. 

A second version, Pokémon Pikachu 2, had a color screen and could connect to certain Game Boy games to generate helpful in-game items, such as berries that healed your Pokémon. You could also send watts to other Pokémon Pikachu 2 devices, as explained in this Japanese commercial depicting a loving relationship between a little boy who loves walking and his father: 

Of course, if you were a lazy pudge factory like me, you probably just shook Pokémon Pikachu to generate watts ― the pedometer couldn’t tell when you were actually walking, obviously.

It’s harder to cheat with “Pokémon Go,” but not impossible. A man has already used a drone to fly to the game’s locations rather than walking to them.

The more things change, the more they stay the...

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This Is The Robot Dallas Police Used To Kill Shooting Suspect

(0) Comments | Posted July 11, 2016 | 11:32 AM

The Dallas Police Department revealed new details Monday about a robot that was used to kill the suspect in a shooting rampage last week. 

Police tweeted that the robot was a Remotec Andros Mark V-A1 and not a Model F-5, as previously reported.

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Polaroid Launches A New App, And It's Not What You'd Expect

(0) Comments | Posted July 11, 2016 | 11:11 AM

This isn’t your grandpa’s Polaroid.

The famed instant photography brand, which has struggled to break into the era of Instagram, will debut a new iPhone app on Tuesday that allows users to publish and view second-long video clips. It’s called “Polaroid Swing,” and Apple is expected to prominently...

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'Pokémon Go' Just Added Billions Of Dollars To Nintendo's Value

(0) Comments | Posted July 11, 2016 | 9:25 AM

A smartphone app just did what years and years of “traditional” video games couldn’t: make Nintendo hot again.

The Japanese game-maker’s stock has soared since last week’s release of “Pokémon Go,” a smartphone game that encourages players to explore real-world locations to find and capture monsters. As...

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