British Tourist 'Gang-Raped' In Dubai Could Be Jailed For 'Extra-Marital Sex'

She needs £24,000 for legal fees.

16/11/2016 7:10 PM AEDT | Updated 17/11/2016 12:36 AM AEDT

A 25-year-old tourist who claims she was raped by two British men in Dubai is facing jail after being accused of having sex outside of marriage.

The UK woman was locked up when she reported the crime while the alleged perpetrators flew home to Birmingham.

She was subsequently released on bail but needs to raise £24,000 for legal fees, reports The Sun.

Visions Of Our Land via Getty Images
A British tourist who claims she was raped by two British men in Dubai is facing jail after being accused of having sex outside of marriage

The woman was on a five-day break in the United Arab Emirates when she was allegedly lured to a room by the two men who filmed the attack on their phones.

Her mother said: “We know who the culprits are but as far as I’m aware West Midlands Police aren’t doing anything.”

The Foreign Office said it was aware of the case and was working with the victim’s family.

The United Arab Emirates has strict laws against extra-marital sex.

In 2008 an Australian woman was jailed for eight months in a similar incident.

A Norwegian woman was given a 16 month prison sentence in 2013 after she reported an alleged rape but was later pardoned.

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