Yowie Hunters interview

Yowie sighting near Toowoomba claimed in YouTube interview

A BUSHWALKER claims to have spotted the mythical Yowie in the Darling Downs mountain ranges near Toowoomba.

In an audio interview posted this week on the Yowie Hunters YouTube page, the woman says she was 6m away from Australia’s answer to the Himalayan Yeti and the North American Sasquatch.

media_cameraThe mythical Yowie has been immortalised with a statue at Kilcoy in the Brisbane Valley.

“It was probably around seven foot tall, it had a head like a gorilla and long arms, I couldn’t see it from the waist down because it was walking through the long grass,” she said.

The woman, who was not identified, said the creature sat down in the long grass and ignored her.

“I tried to get it to turn around but I was scared and didn’t want to aggravate him,” she said.

The Yowie Hunters run the Australian Yowie Research website and say they have recorded more than 10 sightings in Queensland in the past five years.

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Originally published as Bushwalker spies mythical creature: claim