<i>Having dogs doesn’t automatically mean you have to give up dreams of having a lawn</i>
media_cameraHaving dogs doesn’t automatically mean you have to give up dreams of having a lawn

How to dog-proof your garden design

After many years in the business, and with two border collies of his own, landscape designer Daniel Tyrrell has seen what dogs can do to gardens. Here he shares 4 ideas for dog-proofing your design, along with a compact garden in Melbourne’s Elsternwick which he designed with dogs in mind

1. Raise garden beds in entertaining areas

“Often in landscapes design we border entreating areas with garden beds,” says Daniel, “and if you have pets, it’s a good idea to have these garden beds raised. It just creates less of an interest area for pets, keeps the area clean and tidy and allows you to enjoy the space and entertain guests with lovely gardens beds and greenery without it being invaded or damaged by your pets.”

2. Leave space along the fence line and plant deep garden beds

“Dogs can be quite territorial and also just quite curious and wary in nature – they like to create a boundary of the space they are in, to protect it. A good way to keep them off your actual garden is to have really deep garden beds but then allow access and space behind the beds for dogs to get in and run along the fence line,” says Daniel.

3. Choose hardy, self-repairing grasses

“Having dogs doesn’t automatically mean you have to give up your idea of having a lawn,” says Daniel. “In fact, a nice flat space to play with them, and for them to sit and roll is always nice. But your choice of lawn is important and obviously the hardier types are best. With animals and children there are always areas that get worn and used more than others. so self repairing species such as couch, buffalo grass and kikuya are your best options.”

4. Use rose clippings to deter ‘diggers’

“If you have dogs that like to dig up your garden beds a good deterrent is placing clippings from rose bushes along the edges or in key digging areas,” says Daniel. ” Dogs are quick learners and they don’t getting spiked in their snout and feet from the thorns, so they soon give up on digging in those areas.”

Check out a compact garden that puts these ideas into practice, or visit Daniel Tyrrell Landscapes to see more of Daniel’s work.

Originally published on insideout.com.au

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