What’s Happening on June 4th?

By now, most of you will have heard that a previously unknown far-right group has called a demonstration in Brighton on June 4th.

South Coast Resistance, the group calling the demonstration, has stated that they oppose “Brighton & Hove council secretly housing hundreds of refugees while ignoring homeless on the streets”.

But who are this group, why are they really coming to Brighton, and what can we do about it?


Fascists being outnumbered on a previous trip to Brighton.

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Levelling out Racism: StopMfE’s international picnic

Good to see everyone who came along to share food, cups of tea on the Level and spread some anti-racist solidarity on The Level. Thanks to all those who made the bright bunting and to the Re-Making Picassio’s Guernica banner-makers. Last year the banner led a Migrant Solidarity bloc to the seafront to protest against March for England’s fascist parade. It was great to see it again.


Levelling out Racism

unnamed-1A community celebration of resistance to racism and fascism in Brighton.

For the last few years, the people of Brighton have stood together against organised fascists, particularly the EDL, who have tried to use St George’s Day with its crusader imagery to promote forms of religious and ‘race’ hatred. We have successfully turned this march away and this year we holding our own event:

An International Picnic 1pm to 4pm Sunday 26th April 2015

On the Level

Everyone welcome, all communities, all peoples

EDL Cancel Planned March in Brighton

In a victory for community-based anti-racism, the far-right English Defence League (EDL) have announced that they have ‘postponed’ (ie cancelled) their planned march in Brighton on April 18th. It is clear that the threat of a large, diverse counter demonstration from the residents of our city was too much for them, and they have chosen to attempt to march in other cities, that they believe they can bully more easily. This victory clearly shows that communities do not have to put up with these racists, and that they will back down if it looks like they will be given a hard time.

Screenshot showing the EDL's announcement on their facebook page.

Screenshot showing the EDL’s announcement on their facebook page.

However, StopMfE urges anti racists and anti fascists not to rest on their laurels. The situation could change and we are committed to opposing the EDL if they ever do raise their unwelcome heads in our communities! Watch this space for more info.

EDL coming to Brighton, April 18th!

The far-right English Defence League have announced a national demonstration in Brighton on 18th April 2015. With no Islamophobic issue to hang their demo from, it is clear the EDL simply want to cause trouble for the residents of Brighton because we are a tolerant and diverse community that has successfully defeated the racist March for England.

EDL in Brighton on a March for England a few years ago.

EDL in Brighton on a March for England a few years ago.

StopMFE are disappointed that the EDL have decided to bring their drunken, racist caravan to Brighton. In previous years, Brightonions have risen to the occasion brilliantly in successfully seeing off the March for England with colourful mass demonstrations and blockades. We call on all the vibrant communities of Brighton to unite and stop the EDL’s message of hate.

Details are yet to be announced. Keep an eye here, or on our Twitter or Facebook.

Facebook event here.

No Pasaran!

The March for England have a crap time in Brighton, 2013.

The March for England have a crap time in Brighton, 2013.


Brighton anti-racist campaigners were left cautiously jubilant this morning with the March for England’s Facebook announcement that they will not be returning to our town next April.

Tony Campbell of STOP THE MARCH FOR ENGLAND said “We welcome the news that next year’s St George’s Day will not be marred by gangs of racist thugs marching in the streets of Brighton. This is a victory for a city that was prepared to come out and defend its reputation for tolerance and diversity. We will offer our support to anti racists in whichever city or town the March for England chooses to afflict next – if they change their minds then we are ready”


MfE Announcement