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  1. Today is the 80th anniversary of the Battle of Cable Street. . See you all on Sunday for the shindig!

  2. People of London — come show your support, and share widely! This year's the 80th anniversary of the Battle of...

  3. No fascists in ! This Sat, 11am, Bargate.

  4. No fascists in ! This Sat, 11am, Bargate.

  5. Nazis have been putting up these stickers in Walthamstow, north London

  6. Oppose the racist White Lives Matter march - join Margate Rocks Against Racism festival, 22 October.

  7. Safa proud to have sent a few to the demo in London today. Not a racist in sight.

  8. Neo-Nazis Are Using a White-Only Homeless Charity to Spread Race Hate via

  9. conference will be at Jackson's Corner, Kings Road, c. Reading. See you there!

  10. We are a ~super active~ group & it's so boss to finally have an online store so y'all can support us! check it out!

  11. Join our comrades and the at the conference, 10th Sept in Reading!

  12. Come find out about the struggle, AFN conference in Reading this Sat!

  13. Don't forget- this Saturday: Southern conference in . Doors at 11:30am

  14. conference timetable released! 10th Sept, central Reading. Doors at 11:30am

  15. If you want to get involved in opposing the racist 'White Lives Matter' demo in Margate, 22 Oct. inbox us for meeting in Thanet this Wed.

  16. Here's the second installment of our guide to far right symbols

  17. The National Front are Nazi scum and are not welcome in our city. No place for their hatred and they should stay off our streets!

  18. Don't wanna give the Nazis pointers but they need to keep their guard up and act with a touch more agression. 4/10 poor show lads.

  19. Nazis "National Action" have released a promo video for their fight training. It's really, really bad. Seriously.


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