Resources for anti-fascist action

7 06 2015

Following on from our guide to ‘How to set up an anti-fascist group’, here’s some useful resources for those thinking of taking action against the far-right.


Here’s a PDF download of a useful pack of documents about organising grassroots responses to the far-right: No Right Turn


Computer security

Legal advice/support for actions and demonstrations


Running a group

Community organising

  • Check out Sostenga’s No Right Turn website which has lots of downloadable resources for educating about the far-right with school groups, youth and community groups.

Planning actions, demonstrations and campaigns

Media and publicity


  • Very comprehensive (if a few years old now) guide on general security for activists and campaigners from Activist Security, including advice on phones (never send texts!), computers, infiltrators and police attention. Also a useful guide on meeting up in pubs and other public spaces.

Getting the message out


  • Lots of anti-fascist groups have sections on their blogs, websites and Facebook pages with resources that can be downloaded and printed off (e.g. Brighton Antifascists)
  • There are also many sites like Active Distro, Pozor Distro and SabCat that produce anti-fascist stickers and posters that your group could buy and distribute.
  • There are lots of recipies for wheatpaste online, some of the best are on WikiHow. Urban75 have written an “essential guide” on how to flypost once you’ve got the paste ready.
  • Once your group is established, it’s always worth getting a Facebook, Twitter and blog going to get the message out online. But remember, keep it secure and professional.
An example of inventive flyposting.

An example of inventive flyposting.

How to Raise Money

  • Seeds for Change guide on fundraising.
  • Some groups make applications to activist funds such as the Edge Fund and XminY.
  • If you get a blog up and running, stick a Paypal “donate” button on it, you never know, you might get a few quid!
  • Some groups lauch online funding appeals using sites like GoFundMe and IndieGoGo.

Prison (just in case!)



3 responses

7 06 2015
More notes from the struggle: early June round-up | Cautiously pessimistic

[…] and the Anti-Fascist Network have published two guides to setting up a local anti-fascist group and resources for action, which are worth a read for anyone thinking about getting […]

8 06 2015

Reblogged this on True Liberty Australia and commented:
A collection of resources for Anti-Fascist Action – worth checking out.

25 03 2016
How to set up an anti-fascist group | We are brothers

[…] For more help and pointers for how to get active check out our ‘Resources for anti-fascist action’. […]

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