Democratic Modernity vs Capitalist Modernity: Rojava’s Alternative Model

Kurdistan Solidarity Network

Today, in the 21st century, we live in a world where exploitation, oppression and basic human rights violations are at an increase and are being legitimized. As a result of capitalism, within political, economic and social life all kinds of inequality and injustices are never ending. One can argue that the capitalist-imperialist system with the problems of nationalism, racism, militarism, statism and sexism has put society in a state of chaos. This hegemonic system feeds on and creates wars, destroys nature, causes disasters and poverty and keeps us under a constant threat of such instabilities. Capitalism, which is the global economic and social order, has fatal contradictions between reality and reason, and consequences by threatening human welfare and causing ecological catastrophes, thus, one can argue that capitalism has reached its limits of sustainability. The end of the cold war gave a rise to the embracement of neoliberal social democracy

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Notes on the material basis of racism, nationality and solidarity

Cautiously pessimistic

Derek Simpson with some friends.The Angry Workers of the World collective (AWW) recently set out some thoughts on the legacy of the 1970s US-based group, Sojourner Truth Organisation (STO). I’d recommend reading their piece even if you don’t know the STO from a hole in the ground, because their thoughts on racial/national division and the material factors that produce “bad ideas” are really useful for anyone trying to get to grips with the situation we face at the moment.

Here are a few further notes on some of the points they raise:

One point that the AWW make is that “the major movements in the US have largely been by black Americans protesting against cop/state violence whereas protests, riots and demonstrations over here have not had ‘race’ explicitly as their focus
 In recent years, street movements and violence against the cops/state in many European cities have been more explicitly a reaction to nose-diving

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The story that’s being missed

Protesters gather in Oakland, California, U.S. following the election of Donald Trump as President of the United States November 9, 2016. REUTERS/Noah Berger TEMPLATE OUT

With Donald Trump winning more electoral college votes than Hillary Clinton and being elected president, there has been wall to wall coverage of the implications of this across the media. It seems that pretty much every aspect of what was a bitter and sordid campaign has been analysed to the nth degree. The social, economic, domestic political and geo-political consequences of Trump’s election are now being subjected to intense scrutiny and analysis. But, there’s one story which for some inexplicable reason, seems to be eluding the attention of the commentators
the turnout
 Here it is in stark figures:

231,556,622 eligible voters
46.9% didn’t vote
25.6% voted for Clinton
25.5% voted for Trump
1.7% voted for Johnson


Almost half the US electorate chose not to vote in what has been described as one of the dirtiest election campaigns in living memory. The stark fact is that regardless of whether Trump

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Violence, Money, Revolution: A Year of Anarchist Discussion

Bristol Anarchist Federation


Good news, everyone! Bristol Anarchist Federation has been running its monthly discussion nights for an entire year. Over the past twelve months, we have covered a range of subjects from ‘anarchism and violence’ and ‘revolutionary women’, to ‘mental health under capitalism’ and ‘a world without money’. The talks have been consistently popular, with most meetings seeing about 40 people attending – although, over 200 people showed up for our talk on mental health! We have met lots of new people, some of whom have gotten involved in anarchist organising in Bristol and helped to develop our ideas and actions.

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A date for your diary


As you can see from the above image of the poster, we’ve sorted a date and booked the venue for the Southend Radical Fair next year. The aim is to bring a range of radical / alternative groups together so we can a) network and support each other and b) let the people of south east Essex know what we’re all up to and how they can get involved in whatever way they want or can in the struggle for a more equitable, sane and sustainable world. All we need now is help to build a successful and productive event. To that end, we’ve produced an A4 poster and an A5 flyer to get the ball rolling and build interest. Printable PDFs can be downloaded from the links below:

A4 poster

A5 flyers

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Donald Trump and the Environment

No he isn’t fit to be in charge of these matters, and nor is anyone else. If you don’t vote, you may not criticise the outcome of the election, but you can certainly criticise politicians. Of course we don’t expect readers of this blog would endorse any presidential candidate.

Fighting The Biocrisis

57b38b731700002b00d1f389 Source: Huffington Post

So, it’s election day in the US and the world is waiting to see who will be their next president: Donald Trump or Hilary Clinton. In this article focus on Donald Trump  and what he has (or hasn’t) said regarding the environment if he ends up in office. Sources for all the information are listed at the end.

Denial of Climate Change

Firstly, Trump doesn’t outline any environmental policy on the issues section of his campaign site. To my mind this indicates he doesn’t think the environment is a worthwhile issue and there is information to back up this theory; he denies climate change. It is well known that back in 2012 he tweeted “The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive.” He hasn’t deleted this tweet, so presumably he still believes this. In fact, if he were to be elected

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Manchester & Salford Anarchist Bookfair 10th December 2016.


Manchester & Salford Anarchist Bookfair 2016.