Cloudinary Blog

Archive for 2015
Happy New Year and a hat trick

As the end of 2015 approaches, we wanted to share a quick summary of Cloudinary’s accomplishment this year and some of our plans for next year. We couldn't possibly do this without including an image manipulation example! That's our hat trick in the title :-)

2015 was a great year for Cloudinary. We more than doubled our numbers, including our team size, offices, customers and revenues. During 2015 we’ve hit another significant milestone, crossing the eight-figures in annual run rate.

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10 Startups managing images in the cloud, Part 7
What better way to sum up the year than with our latest 10 Startups compilation (part 7!)? As Cloudinary continues to grow, so does our customer base, with customers ranging in size and variation. In fact, out of our 2,500 paying customers, many are startups in various stages. We are always pleased to share the different use cases and verticals of these customers, and hope you find them interesting. 
Below is our latest collection - interested in reading back to previous roundups? Check out: Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5 & Part 6
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Dynamically distort images to fit your graphic design

It can be quite a challenge to graphically design a website or mobile application that displays images in very precise shapes and orientations. This can take the form of warping 2D pictures to have a 3D perspective, placing images in precise shapes or overlaying images in specific locations within another image, for example: overlaying an image over the screen of a smartphone.

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How Under Armour save development time with Cloudinary

High Performance App for High Performing Athletes

Under Armour is a global leader in performance footwear, apparel and equipment, made for athletes. An extension of its brand is the Under Armour Connected Fitness™ platform, which powers the world's largest digital health and fitness community through a suite of applications: UA Record, MapMyFitness, Endomondo and MyFitnessPal.
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Build A/B Testing & Personalization creative on the fly

Content Optimization and Personalization programs can deliver tremendous ROI to an organization but tend to be very resource intensive, requiring developers to build the code for alternate experiences and creative folks to generate the content. Many of the content optimization/personalization tools out there today (Maxymiser, Optimizely, Adobe Target, Ensighten etc.) have created WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editors to help relieve the code/development bottleneck but the creative bottleneck stubbornly remains.

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Magento with enhanced media and image optimization

(Guest post by Grant Kemp)

Over the past few months Inviqa have been working to build an official plugin to simplify the process of adding Cloudinary to the 100,000s of Magento sites around the world. Inviqa is one of Magento’s largest partners in Europe and has been working with customers to integrate Cloudinary and ensure that the plugin can cater to a Magento store’s needs.

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As the use of mobiles grows, are websites fading away?
At the end of 2014, activity on smartphones and tablets accounted for 60% of the time Americans spent online, according to comScore. Given the fast migration to mobile, these figures have been growing every year, and this trend in migration is not limited to the US market alone. According to a recent IDC report, the leading mobile vendors shipped a total of 334.4 million smartphones worldwide in the first quarter of 2015 (1Q15), up 16% from 288.3 million units in 1Q14. With this rise in mobile adoption, it seems like more users are turning to their mobile devices to perform online activities rather than their desktop computers.
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Automatic image tagging and categorization

If you have an application that allows users to upload their own photos, it can be very useful to be able to organize these photos according to their content. This will allow you to categorize the content for displaying to all your users and make your image library searchable. Furthermore, you can also learn more about your users according to the content they upload and find different trends of what people care about. Other added benefits can also include the ability to display matching content to your users according to their interests or even match them with other users that share similar interests.

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Cloudinary at AWS re:Invent 2015

Last week Cloudinary attended, and exhibited at, its first ever Amazon Web Services (AWS) re:Invent. The event was packed with a multitude of companies, promoting their products and enticing passers by into their booths with cool t-shirts mini robots and even freshly baked cookies. With a full team manning the booth, we perfected our pitch and attracted a steady stream of visitors. Even some of Cloudinary’s favorite customers stopped by to say hello! Redbull, Stylight and Accenture to name a few.

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How to generate waveform images from audio files

Many social networks, websites and messaging applications allow users to upload a wide variety of media files, and although the majority of files are in the form of images and video clips, a significant minority are audio files. When the website or application subsequently needs to display a thumbnail that describes the uploaded content, images can be cropped and resized down to scale, and a single frame from a video clip can be converted to an image and then also cropped and resized down to scale.

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5 ways to optimize images for effective social sharing

As a website/app developer or owner, you’ve undoubtedly experienced your fair share of glitches and mishaps when it comes to users or site visitors sharing your content. Many outlets such as news and media sites, social networks, or e-commerce sites include the option to "like" or "share" content such as blog posts or images. Once shared, the social network site displays a snippet of the shared content alongside a featured image. This way, your site content gets maximum exposure in social networks and attracts additional visitors.

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Transcode, convert, resize, crop and manipulate videos

Videos are becoming more prolific with people having the capability to capture videos with a wide variety of cameras, including smartphone cameras that are available almost everywhere. Web and mobile applications that display videos online can be faced with a challenge when the videos are created or uploaded from different devices and in various formats, and then need to be delivered in a multitude of resolutions and aspect ratios to various web browsers, laptops and all kinds of mobile devices in HTML5 web friendly video formats.

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How Baby's Firsts save development time with Cloudinary
Cloudinary helps Baby’s Firsts App deliver images quickly and preserve consistency from app to print. Baby’s Firsts is a free iPhone app that helps parents collect photos, instantly share photos via Facebook, Twitter and Flickr, and produce photo albums of their baby’s first year. Using more than 300 creative, developmentally timed reminders to capture key moments and milestones, the easy-to-navigate app enables parents to store photos in the cloud and create customized photo pages that are then transformed into heirloom-quality, printed baby books. 
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How to optimize animated GIFs with lossy compression

Animated GIFs keep getting more and more popular, but they are generally very big files with slow loading times and high bandwidth costs, while the format itself is quite old and not optimized for modern video clips. As developers, you need to allow users to upload their animated GIF files, but you also need to deliver them optimized, which can be a complex, time consuming process.

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Building and scaling a cloud service for developers

Last month I was invited to speak at, Munich's developers conference. This conference was organized by Stylight, a very successful fashion technology startup.  Stylight signed up for a free Cloudinary account about 3 years ago and similarly to Cloudinary back then, Stylight were quite a young startup. Since then both companies have grown impressively together and Stylight are now a premium customer of Cloudinary, managing hundreds of millions of images.

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10 Startups managing images in the cloud, Part 6
Cloudinary’s customers can range in size, be found in a variety of verticals and boast multiple use cases. Large and small, our customers are our backbone and we like to support them by highlighting their stories on our blog.
Check out the ten featured startups below who are Cloudinary’s customers and utilizing the service as their image management system of choice.
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Automatic visual image enhancement for web apps

Various factors can have an effect on the visual quality of photos captured by a wide variety of digital cameras. Technical limitations of cameras, coupled with changing conditions in which users take photos, results in a wide range of visual quality. Camera-related limitations arise from a combination of poor optics, noisy sensors, and the modest capabilities of mobile camera phones that are used to take photos in conditions that range from bright daylight to indoor scenes with incandescent light or even dark night scenes.

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Automatically create images for Responsive design

Responsive web design is a method of designing websites to provide an optimal viewing experience to users, irrespective of the device, window size, orientation, or resolution used to view the website. A site designed responsively adapts its layout to the viewing environment, resizing and moving elements dynamically and based on the properties of the browser or device the site is being displayed on.

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How utilizes Cloudinary to manage millions of images

When was the last time you've asked Google about your favorite band, movie star, or personal hobby? I can only assume that one of the first results that came up was from Nearly everyone knows this website, which is on the Quantcast Top 10 most visited sites in the world.

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Control the zoom level with automatic image cropping

Many websites now offer their users the ability to upload images and profile pictures, making it a challenge for web designers to maintain a certain graphic design and style when subsequently displaying these images. The profile pictures may need to be smartly cropped to focus on the faces, with some sites that prefer close-ups of faces and others that prefer including more background when displaying images of people.

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Introducing cloud based service for video management

They say that a picture is worth a thousand words. For modern websites, a video surely takes the visual impact to a whole new level.

Nowadays, people enjoy the amazing capability of shooting videos with smartphone cameras that easily fit in their back pockets and are accessible nearly everywhere. Modern web applications have an opportunity to dramatically increase their visual impact by showcasing these videos online. Between news reports, user shared video snippets, explainer videos and ad campaigns, we see more and more videos appearing daily in our visited websites.

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Automatic and accurate red eye removal with Cloudinary

Red eye often happens due to the use of flash in low light conditions as the light hits the eye very quickly and into the retina. It then bounces off of the back of the eye and emits a red color due to the blood vessels there. Although more professional modern cameras and flashes generally prevent this from happening, red eye may still occur with simpler, smaller cameras (including smartphones). There are various software solutions for red eye removal available on mobile devices and desktops, some of which require manual processing to get good results.

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How to detect and prevent malware infected user uploads

Social networking sites allow users to upload images or other types of files that are immediately available to other users via news feeds or notifications. In some cases, attackers can directly spread infected files, but more commonly, they leverage the viral effect and the fact that users are simply unaware that their files are infected through sharing and collaborating with others. As a site owner or application developer, it is your responsibility to protect users and prevent these situations from occurring. Fortunately, Cloudinary makes this easier with its Metascan add-on.

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Automatically and professionally remove photo backgrounds

It is common for e-commerce, media, and news sites to remove image backgrounds or make them transparent in order to place the main element of the image on either white or color backgrounds. The final result better integrates an image into a site or specific page’s graphic design. For example, a fashion site that presents clothes or shoes should have the main element of a photo (e.g. shoes) extracted from the original image background, then edited to fit the site’s catalogue design and structure.

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How-to automatically identify similar images using pHash

Photos today can be easily edited by means of resizing, cropping, adjusting the contrast, or changing an image’s format. As a result, new images are created that are similar to the original ones. Websites, web applications and mobile apps that allow user generated content uploads can benefit from identifying similar images.

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View semantic image data with a cloud-based media library

Cloudinary offers you a comprehensive online interface that allows you to arrange and manage your image assets. With Cloudinary’s Media Library, you can easily view, upload, moderate, and search through your images. We recently enhanced this web interface with a new feature that allows you to instantly view semantic image data (descriptive image metadata), that is automatically extracted from your images.

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Introducing Cloudinary’s new website design

By Lilach Chetrit
Introducing Cloudinary’s new website design

Here at Cloudinary, we always strive to develop the best possible product, answer as many of our customers' needs and offer a superb support. Since launching 3 years ago we worked tirelessly to build the technology that empowers the Cloudinary product and supports our customers. While doing so, we haven’t really given a lot of love to our website design.

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