PNG Organization becomes a member of the global civil society network

Port Moresby  -  United Nauro-Gor Inc., a community-based organization that works to promote peace, unity and sustainable development in Nauro Gor, Simbu province has become the first civil society organization from Papua New Guinea to join a global civil-society network of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) –...

Land suitability and future deforestation models as support tools for PNG's REDD+ policy
Land suitability and future deforestation models as support tools for PNG's REDD+ policy

A stakeholder consultation workshop on agricultural mapping was held in Port Moresby on the 4th of November 2016. The workshop was organized to present the results of a study that 1) assessed the extent of current agricultural area in five provinces, and 2) estimated future scenarios for agricultural expansion in these provinces.

Vital role of Parliamentarians in the Pacific to implement SDGs

Port Moresby, 16 November 2016 -  Parliamentarians from the Pacific countries, including Papua New Guinea are meeting in Fiji to discuss Sustainable Development Goals and human rights issues. Over three days, members of parliament, human rights experts and development leaders will discuss Sustainable Development...

UN launches Be The Change campaign to drive action on the Sustainable Development Goals in PNG

Port Moresby, November 9, 2016 -  The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) launched new campaign to inspire individual citizens, the Government, civil society and business leaders in Papua New Guinea to collectively realize their promise on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The new campaign – Be The...

REDD+ Expert Training – A keystone to foster knowledge and engage stakeholders towards PNG’s National REDD+ Strategy
REDD+ Expert Training – A keystone to foster knowledge and engage stakeholders towards PNG’s National REDD+ Strategy

UNDP is partnering with the Government of PNG to identify key stakeholders to train on REDD+ to deepen their capacity to engage in the process as well as inform others of what REDD+ is and why it is relevant in PNG.

UNDP environmental portfolio projects - summary and results

UNDP in Papua New Guinea works with the Government to help strengthen its capacity to address environmental challenges at the national and community levels, seeking out and sharing best practices, providing innovative policy advice and linking partners through pilot projects. Through our projects, which are...

Our Campaign || Be the Change - Ideas for Your School

As part of our #BeTheCHange campaign, we are sharing simple tips on how to contribute to Sustainable Development Goals.  In this episode we gathered ideas for your school - simple to implement, but with long-lasting results. Join our campaign, implement these ideas and make your school a changemaker! #BeTheChange...

International Day for preventing the exploitation of the environment in war and armed conflict

MESSAGE ON THE INTERNATIONAL DAY FOR PREVENTING THE EXPLOITATION OF THE ENVIRONMENT IN WAR AND ARMED CONFLICT FROM THE UN SECRETARY-GENERAL, BAN KI-MOON 6 November 2016,  This year, the world began implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.  With 17 universal and interdependent Sustainable...

Good practices to promote women’s political participation

Port Moresby, 25 October 2016 -  Two-day workshop on promoting women’s political participation and supporting political parties in empowering women within their own party took place in Port Moresby. The workshop was organized by the UN Development Programme (UNDP), the Integrity Political Parties and Candidates...

World’s Most Sustainable Corporations - Find it out!

Each year, Corporate Knights, an independent Toronto-based media agency, looks at companies around the world to determine which are getting the most out of their capital, maximizing employee performance, and making careful use of resources. The ranking is released annually at the World Economic Forum in Davos,...

UNDP takes part in the National Development Forum

PNG's major development event -  Consultative Implementation and Monitoring Council’s (CIMC) National Development Forum 2016 today is underway. The CIMC is an independent organisation that brings together all civil society, the private sector and government partners to develop policy and directly influence and...

Papua New Guinea is ready to share REDD+ progress at the United Nations Climate Change Conference

Kokopo, October 18, 2016 - Papua New Guinea (PNG) will be presenting the country’s progress on REDD+ readiness at the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Morocco next month. In preparation, the Government of Papua New Guinea’s Climate Change and Development Authority (CCDA) is currently conducting a...

PNG’s “Phones Against Corruption” initiative recognized globally

Port Moresby, October 2, 2016 - “Phones Against Corruption” initiative from Papua New Guinea received a global GovInsider Innovation Awards as the “best citizen engagement” project. The project was recognized as one of the most innovative public sector practices from across Asia. The award was presented at the...

SURVEY: let us know what workforce skills you are looking for

In partnership with Deloitte, UNDP in PNG launched a national survey on workforce skills in Papua New Guinea. The survey aims to identify current skills gaps and other key constraints businesses face in PNG’s labor market. It will explore specific workforce skills needed by today’s employers, as well as identify...

Up-scaling ICT for Bougainville Parliament

Buka, September 21, 2016 -  Over 30 parliamentarians from the Bougainville House of Representatives (BHOR) received certificates last week after completing a week long computer training in Buka Town. The training was the first of a series of planned Information, Communications Technology (ICT) training to upscale...

Bougainville celebrates 15 years of peace

Buka, August 30, 2016 – The UN Resident Coordinator in Papua New Guinea, Roy Trivedy joined the President of the Autonomous Bougainville Government (ABG), the High Commissioners from Fiji and New Zealand High Commission, high-level representatives from Australian mission along with hundreds of Bougainvillians to...

UN Resident Coordinator's Statement on the occasion of the 15th Anniversary of the signing of the Bougainville Peace Agreement

Statement from UN Resident Coordinator/UNDP Resident Representative, Roy Trivedy on the occasion of the 15th Anniversary of the signing of the Bougainville Peace Agreement. "I am honoured to make a statement on behalf of the United Nations during this momentous occasion to commemorate the 15th Anniversary of...

PNG discussed progress on gender-based violence

Port Moresby, August 30, 2016 – The Department for Community Development and Religion and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Papua New Guinea organized a final conference to review the work on gender-based violence and discuss future steps. The conference brought together more than 50...

New Hansard system to enhance the work of Bougainville’s Parliament

Buka, August 29, 2016 – New Hansard recording system has been installed at the Bougainville Parliament enabling it to record and transcribe its sessions and proceedings. The Hansard system is a digital system used to produce transcripts of the Parliament’s debates and sessions, a global practice that ensures...

Living on the frontline || Mama Bii is a single mother...

Mama Bii is a single mother. Her dream is to educate her only son and give him a brighter future. She was close to realizing that plan – her son is in his final school year – until this year’s flood devastated all her crop and the only fertile piece of land she had. Ever since her husband left her, few years after...

Are you for plastic-free Port Moresby?

Port Moresby, August 8, 2016 - London, the UK capital, has recently launched #oneless campaign, which aims to get rid of single-use plastic bottles and bags in London by 2017. Many businesses, corporate partners as well as the Mayor of London are supporting this campaign. Similar campaigns are taking place in many...

PNG to develop information systems for disasters

Port Moresby, July 27, 2016 – Small-scale natural disasters such as flash floods and landslides have the potential to cumulatively impact communities harder over the course of years – yet they receive far less attention as compared to major disasters. To improve the situation, there is a need to put in place a...

Providing food and nutrition support to vulnerable communities in Papua New Guinea

As part of the overall El Niño response, the UN country team and the Government of PNG are working closely to provide relief and recovery support to the most affected communities in the country. Targeted food and nutrition interventions have been rolled out for the affected communities in Enga and Hela...

UN commends PNG’s lead on Sustainable Development Goals

Port Moresby, May 31, 2016 – Papua New Guinea is becoming an inspiring example of leadership on driving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) agenda forward. In the context of multiple high-level events such as the G7 Summit last week and African Caribbean Pacific (ACP) Summit this week, the Government of Papua...