Trump's new world order is confounding Australian leaders

As if politics in Australia was not already complicated enough, Donald Trump has just squared the difficulty factor.
As if politics in Australia was not already complicated enough, Donald Trump has just squared the difficulty factor.

It is not often the world operates on the basis of no one believing, or choosing not to believe, what a world leader has said.

But just more than a week after the United States presidential election, politicians, policymakers, markets, commentators and voters around the world are still hedging their conversations in terms of what Donald Trump might actually do in office, as opposed to what he promised during the election campaign.

Just as there was a dismissive denial of his chances of winning the election – a collective refusal to believe that American voters would do such a thing – political conversations around the world are framed on the basis the President-elect didn't really mean what he said during the election campaign, or that he might be persuaded to change his mind.

It is happening in Australia, just as it is happening elsewhere in the world. But there are signs the government and policymakers are starting to take a multi-track approach to Trumpworld.

Turnbull may have a formula that echoes Trump's platform of tax cuts. But we already know that it's a hard argument to ...
Turnbull may have a formula that echoes Trump's platform of tax cuts. But we already know that it's a hard argument to mount to people concerned about inequality Andrew Meares

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull's initial comments after the US election were about how the President-elect seemed to be a "pragmatist" with a background as a deal-making businessman (a bit like himself really).

But hours before he jetted out to Lima, Peru, for a trade meeting, which in many ways was over before it begun thanks to Trump, the Prime Minister was trying to gather some of the strands of domestic politics thrown up by the Trump win, as well as recognise the new forces at work in foreign policy, when he spoke at the Business Council of Australia's annual dinner.

The previous day Turnbull's department head, Martin Parkinson, had given a speech to the American Chamber of Commerce that seemed like an attempt to remind Americans of a world order over which they presided, and was now about to be demolished by the incoming regime.

So there is the denialist/just-don't-know politics of trying to keep open paths back to the pre-Trump world order in the wild hope that it might somehow survive, then there's the more pragmatic approach to foreign policy that recognises the old order is as good as dead and buried.

TPP a dead duck

Turnbull's department head, Dr Martin Parkinson gave a speech to the American Chamber of Commerce which looked for all ...
Turnbull's department head, Dr Martin Parkinson gave a speech to the American Chamber of Commerce which looked for all the world like an attempt to remind Americans of a world order over which they had presided. Alex Ellinghausen

Consider the Trans-Pacific Partnership. Even President Barack Obama appears to have conceded it's a dead duck. Trump has said he would kill it, and it is hard to see why a lame duck Congress would suddenly turn around and pass it in some sort of rush of blood to the head.

Yet the official position of many countries going to the APEC talks in Peru is that they are still trying to persuade Trump (who of course won't actually be there, but who will hover in spirit like a giant black cloud) to change his mind on the issue.

Of all the things that Trump might change his mind about, why on earth would the TPP be one of them? Not only has he persistently and aggressively attacked it, there's little cost in dumping a deal that hasn't even officially been ratified yet.

There's more of a chance the nitty gritty of his proposals to put punitive tariffs on Chinese goods will come under intense pressure from the US companies manufacturing many of their goods in China.

Labor leader Bill Shorten has started calling Turnbull's company tax cuts "Donald Trump's tax cuts".
Labor leader Bill Shorten has started calling Turnbull's company tax cuts "Donald Trump's tax cuts". Paul Jeffers

In the meantime, Australia and other countries in the region have to consider what other approaches they might take pending developments in the US or, as Turnbull told the BCA on Thursday night, "we need also to capitalise on this moment in the global economy by seeking out new openings for trade and investment".

Yet this is a fraught path that struggles not to veer into a US-less strategic regional world, which has come to meet us as a result of Trump's election.

It would be the antithesis of what Martin Parkinson observed on Wednesday about the TPP.

"The TPP is more than a trade deal; it is a sign of US strategic commitment to our region," he said. "US Secretary of Defence Ash Carter said the TPP is worth an 'additional aircraft carrier' as a sign of strategic commitment."

Anger's in the minority

Finally, there's the selective take-up of the themes and policies of the 2016 presidential election, by all sides of Australian politics, to feed back into the domestic debate, and the dilemma of keeping our own policy agenda afloat in the face of the Trump battle cruiser bearing down upon it.

After several years of increasing ideological division, or at least ideologically framed language, in Australian politics, Trump represents the mish-mash of Left and Right that both confuses the political establishment and opens up opportunities.

Trump's victory is also being seen as a victory for the same sort of anger with politics that has been alive in Australia since at least 2009 and which has resulted in the relentless peeling back of major party primary votes and the entrenching of minor parties in the federal system, even if the votes that go to minor parties shift around from One Nation to Palmer United, and back to One Nation and the Nick Xenophon team.

Both major parties now pay even more lip service to acknowledging that change is unsettling, that there is a sense of growing inequality.

"As people see things change around them, they are concerned they could be left behind", Turnbull noted this week. "Weaker growth in incomes is feeding uncertainty, helping anti-trade sentiment find a foothold."

Turnbull may have a formula that echoes Trump's platform of tax cuts. But we already know it's a hard argument to mount to people concerned about inequality.

Bill Shorten certainly knows that, and has started calling Turnbull's company tax cuts "Donald Trump's tax cuts", saying it's not a plan for jobs "but a recipe for more inequality".

"Repeating the failures of Reagan and Thatcher isn't a plan for Australia's future," he told a welfare conference on Thursday.

Protectionism dangers

But both sides of politics recognise the dangers for Australia of a US-led retreat into protectionism around the world.

The Prime Minister noted on Thursday that "in the past year, we have seen economies introduce new protectionist trade measures at the fastest pace since the global financial crisis; the equivalent of five per week".

"But retreating from policies that have delivered us prosperity and opportunity is the wrong call," he said. "We ignore the gains from openness at our peril."

Turnbull went on to quote the eminent US economist Paul Samuelson, who once remarked "economic history and best economic theory together persuade me that leaving or compromising free trade policies will most likely reduce future growth in well-being in both the advanced and less productive regions of the world".

"Protectionism breeds monopoly, crony capitalism and sloth," he said. "It does not achieve a happy and serene egalitarian society."

However, that's just the problem for Turnbull, Shorten and politicians around the world confronting the Trump juggernaut; from the average voter's perspective that's just what the free market of the past 30 years has done.

As if politics in Australia was not already complicated enough, Donald Trump has just squared the difficulty factor.
