A six-year-old boy was pulled alive from under the rubble of a destroyed building in a rebel-held neighbourhood of Aleppo, four hours after it was hit by...
Syrian air strikes and shelling killed 25 civilians in eastern districts of Aleppo on Thursday, a monitor said, on the third day of a wide-ranging regime assault...
The US-backed offensive to crush Islamic State in its last major city stronghold in Iraq entered a second month on Thursday as forces arrayed against the hardline...
At least 25 people have been killed in eastern Aleppo under renewed bombing as the mayor of the besieged sector warned of an acute lack of food.
Iraqi troops are advancing cautiously into the outer districts of Mosul, with reports a soldier has been killed, as they face stiff resistance from IS fighters.
The Russian military has for the first time launched simultaneous air attacks on Syrian rebels from land air bases as well as an aircraft carrier.
Human rights observers say they have found more evidence of mass murder by Islamic State in a mass grave south of Mosul.
A British tourist has been charged with having extra-marital sex after she reported being gang raped by other tourists in Dubai.

IS destroys historic Iraqi city

A General who has surveyed the destruction of ancient sites by IS in Iraq says the extremists "don't have a place in humanity".
Iraqi paramilitary forces announced Wednesday that they had entered the Tal Afar airport west of Mosul and were fighting to clear pockets of Islamic State group...
Syrian government and Russian warplanes pounded rebel-held parts of northern Syria Wednesday, including battered second city Aleppo, where food aid rations were...
Bombardments are continuing for a third consecutive day in the eastern districts of Aleppo.
Four people have died in a suicide bombing in Kabul, security officials say, while Islamic State claims responsibility.
At least nine civilians hav been killed as airstrikes on the Syrian city of Aleppo intensify.
Turkey-backed rebels are just 2 kilometres from the northern Syrian city of al Bab and are expected to take it from IS quickly despite some resistance, Turkish...

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World Toilet Day may sound like a joke, but it’s deadly serious. One in three people don't have proper access to sanitation, write Rosie Wheen and Michael Sheldrick.
The inability to understand their native language and a penchant for American snack food results in an awkward homecoming for panda twins.
A dying girl in the UK has convinced a judge to let her body be frozen.
A year ago, medical student Vinka Barunga was determined to become the first Aboriginal doctor in her community. Now, the Worora woman is about to graduate,...
In the international Climate Change Performance index, Australia ranked fifth-last out of 58 countries. So where to from here, and where does climate sit with the...
PM Malcolm Turnbull is heading to Lima for APEC, and SBS Chief Political Correspondent Daniela Ritorto will be there to see what role the US President-elect...
The suggestion of moving a media organisation like SBS, or an event like Tropfest, or a museum like the Powerhouse from the City to the Western Suburbs fires...