A bill in Turkey that would overturn men's convictions for child sex assault if they married their victim provoked fury on Friday, with critics accusing the...
US President-elect Donald Trump and France's far-right leader Marine Le Pen are part of "identical phenomena" that have swept the two countries, the mayor of...
A neurosurgeon planning to carry out the first human head transplant hopes to perform the operation in the UK.
Polls suggest a tight race to become the Republicans candidate for the French presidential election.

WHO declares end of Zika emergency

The World Health Organisation says the Zika virus no longer constitutes an international emergency but it will continue to counter it with a "robust program".
US President Barack Obama has sought to assure Euroopean leaders that his successor Donald Trump will not break up the transatlantic alliance.
Several passengers have been injured when a train collided with a truck in the Netherlands.

Obama meets EU leaders on final trip

US President Barack Obama is meeting key European leaders against the backdrop of a Donald Trump presidency and rising populism.
The US has cited freedom of speech issues after voting against a UN resolution condemning the glorification of Nazism.
Right-wing French presidential hopefuls faced off Thursday over the repercussions of Donald Trump's election in the last debate ahead of the first round of their...
A dying girl in the UK has convinced a judge to let her body be frozen.
Scotland's Brexit negotiator said on Thursday it was still frustratingly unclear what kind of divorce the British government was seeking from the European Union,...
Three workers are dead and 13 remain trapped after a copper mine collapsed in Turkey.
It remains frustratingly unclear what kind of divorce the British government is seeking from the European Union, says Scotland's Brexit negotiator.
The European Union is in danger of breaking apart unless France and Germany, in particular, work harder to stimulate growth and employment and heed citizens'...

Editor's Choice

Our pick of the best content from SBS News & Current Affairs and our content partners.

World Toilet Day may sound like a joke, but it’s deadly serious. One in three people don't have proper access to sanitation, write Rosie Wheen and Michael Sheldrick.
The inability to understand their native language and a penchant for American snack food results in an awkward homecoming for panda twins.
A dying girl in the UK has convinced a judge to let her body be frozen.
A year ago, medical student Vinka Barunga was determined to become the first Aboriginal doctor in her community. Now, the Worora woman is about to graduate,...
In the international Climate Change Performance index, Australia ranked fifth-last out of 58 countries. So where to from here, and where does climate sit with the...
PM Malcolm Turnbull is heading to Lima for APEC, and SBS Chief Political Correspondent Daniela Ritorto will be there to see what role the US President-elect...
The suggestion of moving a media organisation like SBS, or an event like Tropfest, or a museum like the Powerhouse from the City to the Western Suburbs fires...