A watchful Pakistan have nearly knocked off their first innings deficit against New Zealand in the first Test.
Thousands of anti-government protesters are expected to gather in Malaysia's capital on Saturday to demand the resignation of scandal-tainted Prime Minister Najib...
China's Shenzhou 11 manned space capsule has returned to earth after two astronauts spent 30 days aboard the Tiangong 2 space laboratory.
New Zealanders are being warned to expect big aftershocks and to be wary of waterways on the east coast where landslip dams might burst.
Former Sri Lankan president Mahinda Rajapakse is planning to break away from the ruling coalition, his brother has announced, a move that could threaten...
South Korean President Park Geun-Hye will not be ready to appear before prosecutors until next week despite their demand to question her sooner over a snowballing...
The Feed
An Australian woman has been in a Cambodian prison for three years after being scammed into smuggling drugs. The Australian Federal Police has information that...
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is set to meet the United States president-elect Donald Trump.
The Philippines might follow Russia's lead and leave the International Criminal Court, president Rodrigo Duterte says.
Taiwan is facing protests over a bill that could make it the first place in Asia to legalise same-sex marriage.
Prosecutors at a Mauritanian appeal court have requested 13 anti-slavery activists have their sentences increased to 20 years each for protesting against a forced...
Hundreds of survivors stranded by a huge earthquake that struck central New Zealand three days ago reached Christchurch by a naval ship early on Thursday, as...
Four people are dead after a fire at a mall in Peru ahead of the highest-level, most influential economic forum in the Asia-Pacific.
A controversial Indian mining tycoon has taken over a royal palace and flown in Brazilian dancers at a reported cost of $75 million to celebrate his daughter's...

Editor's Choice

Our pick of the best content from SBS News & Current Affairs and our content partners.

World Toilet Day may sound like a joke, but it’s deadly serious. One in three people don't have proper access to sanitation, write Rosie Wheen and Michael Sheldrick.
The inability to understand their native language and a penchant for American snack food results in an awkward homecoming for panda twins.
A dying girl in the UK has convinced a judge to let her body be frozen.
A year ago, medical student Vinka Barunga was determined to become the first Aboriginal doctor in her community. Now, the Worora woman is about to graduate,...
In the international Climate Change Performance index, Australia ranked fifth-last out of 58 countries. So where to from here, and where does climate sit with the...
PM Malcolm Turnbull is heading to Lima for APEC, and SBS Chief Political Correspondent Daniela Ritorto will be there to see what role the US President-elect...
The suggestion of moving a media organisation like SBS, or an event like Tropfest, or a museum like the Powerhouse from the City to the Western Suburbs fires...