Queensland cafe owner and mum at loggerheads over nappy change drama

Mum changes nappies on cafe table

A Brisbane mother looking for support for changing her baby's nappies on a cafe table has been roundly criticised for being "totally unhygienic".

A Brisbane coffee shop owner would be happy if a female customer who changed her baby's nappy - twice - at a table while people were eating never returned.

Meanwhile, the mother of the baby has written a scathing review on Google about Park Bench Espresso Bar in Bulimba for the reception she received for changing her baby in front of dining customers.

The review, attributed to Stephanie Plahn, first praises the quality of the coffee before taking aim at owner Jocelyn Ridgway and other customers.

The scene of the event, Park Bench Espresso Bar.
The scene of the event, Park Bench Espresso Bar. Photo: Google Street View

She says her baby is 12 weeks old and that she put a mat down before changing the nappy.

"My baby has been having difficulty breastfeeding and gaining weight so I sat to enjoy my coffee and feed her while there," she wrote. 

"She then had a dirty nappy so naturally I go to change it. I put my change mat down to change her so that in this 30 degree heat she doesn't develop a rash sitting in it on our way home. 

 Photo: Getty Images

"Being that there are no public restrooms in sight albeit with a change table, this was the only solution. 

"... I approached her (the manager) upon leaving and asked if she had a problem with my baby and I sitting there. She said in quite a critical tone, that she didn't think it was appropriate to change my baby there," the review states.

"To this woman and the 2 other customers who made comments regarding this. Mothers don't need your judgment or criticism. We have enough pressure and stress we deal with on a daily basis. We rarely get the opportunity to get out and have a coffee amidst the long list of things we are doing for our families every single day.

"I am sorry (not sorry) you are so terribly offended by a tiny baby's tiny little dirty nappy that you think it necessary to criticise."

Ms Ridgeway wrote a reply to the review, asking the mother to have some compassion for her fellow diners. 

"I don't think there is much more to say other than in the same way you don't expect to have to feed your baby in a toilet, I don't expect people to eat while a nappy is being changed. Whilst you invite me to see this from a 'mothers point of view' (which I already do and still would never subject people around me to baby poo) I invite you to see it from my point of view as a woman in business with customers walking out and upset," she wrote.

Ms Ridgway said the lady was at the coffee shop for two hours last Friday.

"She was there that long the baby did two poos," Ms Ridgway said.

"There were people next to her. We had complaints from a group of older women who did not think it was that great."

The coffee shop is an extension of Green Grass and Home Body retail store, which Ms Ridgway started 15 years ago.

The al fresco area opened up in 2011 and a park, with several sheltered tables, is located directly across the road.

Since Ms Ridgway shared the review on Facebook with friends, she's said she's had nothing but support.

"I know in my heart that that was not cool. It's an etiquette thing. She won't be back as a customer, that's fine. I can't afford to have customers like her anyway," she said.