Federal Politics

'Punitive' Australia responsible for damage to offshore detainees, says United Nations report

Australia is responsible for the "damage" inflicted on asylum seekers and refugees in offshore detention, with the "cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment" resulting from its "punitive" attitude towards boat arrivals, according to a United Nations investigation. 

After completing his 18-day mission investigating Australia's treatment of asylum seekers and migrants at the invitation of the Australian government, the UN special rapporteur on the human rights of migrants, Francois Crepeau, reinforced conclusions drawn by others who have examined the nation's mandatory detention policy.

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He praised the nation for increasing its humanitarian intake from 2018, its acceptance of 12,000 Syrian refugees, the moves to remove children from detention and its "generous and well thought through integration programs" for those accepted under resettlement programs. But Mr Crepeau's preliminary report took aim at boat turnbacks, mandatory detention and the differences in treatment between those who come by sea and those who come by plane.

"I think the Australian authorities have put in place a very punitive approach which specifically targets unauthorised maritime arrivals who are treated very differently to unauthorised air arrivals," he said. "For example – although in both cases it was unauthorised and in both cases they may make protection requests – one is treated completely different to the others and I think this is a distinction that should not exist and is not supported by international human rights law.

"The treatment is predicated on the idea that it sends a message to the smugglers, a message to the candidates that may want to come in an unauthorised fashion, but to me that is not a justification.

"In the human rights doctrine, you cannot punish John to prevent Bill from doing something. In the human rights doctrine, you focus on the individual."


Mr Crepeau said that while Australia was to be commended for reducing "considerably" the number of people in detention, it needed to scrap its long-held policy of mandatory detention, which "to me is a violation of international human rights law".

"Deprivation of liberty is only justifiable in international human rights law if it is legal, necessary, proportional, reasonable and a measure of last resort for each individual – one cannot mandatorily detain everyone," he said.

Francois Crepeau talks of his fact-finding mission on Australia's treatment of asylum seekers.
Francois Crepeau talks of his fact-finding mission on Australia's treatment of asylum seekers. Photo: Rod McGuirk

"An assessment has to be made for each individual as to whether this detention is necessary, proportional and reasonable."

The length of detention was also an issue, Mr Crepeau said, with the majority of people held for at least two years.

The detention centre on Nauru.
The detention centre on Nauru. Photo: Department of Immigration

"I've met people who have been held for seven years, eight years, in administrative detention without charges and after having committed no crime," he said. "This is quite an extraordinary regime."

The effect of this detention was "incalculable", he said, citing people he had met as "deeply damaged" by the length of their detention, with self-harm and post-traumatic stress disorder common.

The detention centre on Manus Island. The special rapporteur has urged the government to put into law a statutory time ...
The detention centre on Manus Island. The special rapporteur has urged the government to put into law a statutory time limit on detention. Photo: Andrew Meares

"Many of them are on a regular diet of 'happy pills' in the morning and sleeping tablets in the evening, because that is the only way to get through the days and the nights," he said.

He urged the government to put into law a statutory time limit on detention, investigate a bill of rights that would also protect refugees and asylum seekers, and put into law the removal of children from detention.

"I believe that Australia is responsible for what is happening to the refugees and the asylum seekers in Nauru," he said. "These regional processing centres were established at the request of Australia, they are funded by Australia, the private contractors are contracted by Australia and that is not me saying it – the Senate inquiry has said that, the Human Rights Commission has said that, many UN procedures and mechanisms have said that as well.

"I think this is purposely engineered by Australian authorities and therefore Australia is responsible.

"I understand the deterrent aspects that were invoked to 'stop the boats', but considering the incredible hardship those migrants have experienced before coming to Australia and then to Nauru, and considering the Australian authorities have been alerted to these issues for several years now, I think Australia is responsible for the damage inflicted to these asylum seekers and refugees, and that the confinement amounts to cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment or punishment – this is a position that is shared by many others.

"And I would say that Australia would vehemently protest if its citizens were treated like this by other countries, and especially if Australian children were treated like this by other countries.

"So I think the only solution is to quickly close these centres, as quickly as possible."

The United Nations Human Rights Council, which Australia is lobbying to join, will receive Mr Crepeau's final report in June.

The Department of Immigration and Border Protection said it does "not accept some of the preliminary observations made by the Special Rapporteur on Australia's compliance with international obligations and human rights principles".

"If the department had been given the opportunity, these inaccuracies could have been addressed in the initial findings," the department said in a statement.

"Australia's humanitarian dividend has been possible due to the success of Operation Sovereign Borders. It is Australia's view that strong border security measures, including mandatory detention, ensures the integrity of Australia's migration programs."



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