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Freedom of Information (FOI) - Disclosure Log

SBS is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 1992 (Cth) (FOI Act), and is required to publish a disclosure log on its website (section 11C). The disclosure log lists information which has been released in response to a request for access to an SBS document under the FOI Act. This requirement has applied since 1 May 2011.

The disclosure log requirement does not apply to:

  • personal information about any person, if publication of that information would be unreasonable
  • information about the business, commercial, financial or professional affairs of any person, if publication of that information would be unreasonable
  • other information covered by a determination made by the Australian Information Commissioner, if publication of that information would be unreasonable
  • any information, if it is not reasonably practicable to publish the information because of the extent of any modifications that would need to be made to delete the information listed above.
The information described under 'Disclosure log' below has been released by SBS under the FOI Act and is available for public access. A link is provided if the information can be downloaded from this website.

Information that is not available on the SBS website may be obtained by writing to SBS:
  • email:
  • post: Locked Bag 028, Crows Nest NSW 1585
  • telephone: 02 9430 3813 (Tollfree 1800 500 727; TTY 1800 502 828)
A charge may be imposed to reimburse SBS for the cost incurred in copying or reproducing the information or sending it to you.  There will be no charge for the time spent by SBS in processing the FOI request that led to this information being made available. You will be notified if any charge is payable, and required to pay the charge before the information is provided.

There may be documents in the disclosure log that are currently not available in HTML format. If you are unable to read the format provided please contact the FOI contact officer using the contact details set out above. SBS will try to meet all reasonable requests for an alternative format of the document in a timely manner and at the lowest reasonable cost.

Information attached to, or referred to, in the SBS disclosure log will generally be removed after 12 months, unless the information has enduring public value.

The FOI Act also requires SBS to publish a range of information under the Information Publication Scheme (IPS). SBS's IPS entry can be accessed

Information about making an FOI request in relation to information held by SBS is available

Disclosure log

Ref No.

Date of access

FOI request

Information published in the disclosure log

Other information

 30/06/2015Documents, emails and other correspondence generated by SBS senior managers since 30 March this year regarding: the leaking of an email by Andrew Clark in late March about the need for journalists to generate "quirky" stories for the evening news bulletin, which was subsequently leaked to The Guardian; the social media activity of former SBS reporter Marion Ives; the monitoring of staff emails and social media activity.
Document 1 with irrelevant information redacted

 16/02/2014Sections of the SBS Board Minutes (with related minuted text, resolutions and tabled documents if any) in which there is a direct or indirect reference to Save Our SBS, as occurred at Board meetings held between 1 January 2007 and 31 December 2014 (with the date, time and place of the meeting, listing all those who were in attendance).SBS Board paper extracts
Correspondence from Joseph Skrzynski AO Chair of SBS to the Minister of the Department of Communications between 08/09/13 to 20/01/14
Correspondence with redactions
- 2014-02 Attachment (PDF, 484 KB)



Audience and other stakeholder feedback about SBS’s use of Al Jazeera English content for the period 8 August 2011 to 31 December 2013.

Feedback received by SBS Audience Relations. Extracts from documents relating to a complaint received via the office of the Minister. 2014-01 - Attachment (PDF, 256 KB)



Copies of reports or advice resulting from the Arup Pty Ltd ‘Corporate cultural change’ consultancy.

Documents representing the key output of the consultancy:

2013-02 – Document 1 (PDF, 3760 KB)

2013-02 – Document 2 (PDF, 905 KB)

2013-02 – Document 3 (PDF, 39 KB)

2013-02 – Document 4 (PDF, 251 KB)

2013-02 – Document 5 (PDF, 357 KB)

2013-02 – Document 6 (PDF, 538 KB)

2013-02 – Document 7 (PDF, 202 KB)

2013-02 – Document 8 (PDF, 202 KB)

2013-02 – Document 9 (PDF, 604 KB)

2013-02 – Document 10 (PDF, 472 KB)

2013-02 – Document 11 (PDF, 238 KB)

2013-02 – Document 12 (PDF, 377 KB)



Details of programs featuring various classifiable elements broadcast in 2010, 2011 and 2012.

List of programs broadcast for the years specified with classification and consumer advice information.

Available on request from the FOI Contact Officer – refer above.