Wesfarmers sticking with its strategy despite setbacks for Target and coal

Target is expected to post an end-of-year loss of $50 million.
Target is expected to post an end-of-year loss of $50 million. Christopher Dilts

One of the first things Guy Russo did after taking the top job at Target was pay a visit to the accounts department to get to the bottom of why a department store group with $3.5 billion in annual sales was not making any money.

Russo has spent more time than he would like with the company's bean counters, poring over invoices in the last two months.

Rather than relying solely on direct reports, which did not have the level of detail he was after, Russo is leaving no stone unturned as he focuses on costs in the first phase of his plan to turn Target around.

Conglomerate Wesfarmers has a lot riding on Russo, the former McDonald's Australia chief executive who has made his name turning around dysfunctional companies. He doubled profits at Kmart, which was on the verge of collapse when he took on that role, between 2008 and 2015.

The fast-talking Russo, who also fixed McDonald's China business after convincing his American masters that Chinese consumers preferred chicken over beef, does not fit the usual mould of a Wesfarmers executive but he has the full confidence of chief executive Richard Goyder.

The feeling in the industry is if anyone can fix Target it is Russo – the department store group's fourth managing director in three years.

He had better, for Goyder's sake. Because while Target is a fraction of the conglomerate's overall business, its poor performance coincides with a commodities downturn which is pummelling Wesfarmers' coal mines and overshadowing the rest of the stable.

Goyder, one of the country's most respected chief executives, last month conceded the conglomerate's reputation had been hurt by the $2 billion in write-downs and $350 million in losses from Target and its coal mines. They will wipe-out most of the group's profits this year.

As a result, the tone of Wesfarmers's annual strategy day last week was different to previous years. Instead of focusing on the conglomerate's next big acquisition or capital management, analysts were airing concerns about slowing growth at the engine room Coles and the performance of Target and its coal operations.

Goyder opened the presentation with a strong defence of the conglomerate's business model, highlighting its track record of strong shareholder returns, and that model's ability to support under-performing businesses during tough times. Wesfarmers' total shareholder returns since it floated in 1984 have increased 19.7 per cent compared to 10.8 per cent for the All Ordinaries index. But that rate of growth has slowed sharply in the last five years.

Wesfarmers also told investors last week Target has an additional $100 million of excess inventory in the pipeline which still needs to be cleared next year. While finance chief Terry Bowen has mentioned this publicly before it was not widely known. He signalled Target will take longer to get back on its feet than was previously expected.

After meeting investors in Sydney all day Wednesday, Russo flew back to Melbourne late that night ahead of a meeting with 700 suppliers at the MCG on Thursday.

The Target boss is not just focused on costs. He wants to better manage inventory by narrowing the range and focusing on cheap products that people actually want to buy, while closing or re-badging under-performing stores to Kmart.

Target is expected to lose $50 million this year, or almost $200 million after provisions and restructuring costs. With another $100 million in stock to clear over the next six months, more losses are likely in 2017.

However, Target's performance needs to be looked at in the context of the wider group. Goldman Sachs says Coles, Bunnings and Kmart account for around 96 per cent of its projected 2017 financial year earnings before interest and tax (EBIT) but the stock has been sold off on concerns around Target which will account for less than one per cent earnings. Coles accounts for around 90 per cent of earnings, which means its performance matters above all else in the long-term.

The challenge for Wesfarmers is that the issues at Target come at a time when price deflation and stiff competition means earnings growth in its core grocery business will slow. Analyst's main concerns centred on its ability to maintain the earnings growth momentum at Coles and Bunnings.

That alone is no cause for panic. Coles is clearly the market leader in the $100 billion-a-year grocery market and outshines its nearest rival Woolworths in terms of price and a disciplined strategy. Relative newcomer Aldi is also making its presence felt, while Costco has been opening new stores.

On Citi numbers, Coles' earnings growth peaked at 21 per cent in the 2011 financial year and has gradually fallen to 7 per cent last year and an estimated 5 per cent this year. Citi only expects 1 per cent growth in earnings in the 2017 financial year. It also believes Coles' margins have peaked and will fall slightly to 5 per cent over the long term.

Bank of America Merrill Lynch's outspoken retail analyst David Errington has been the conglomerate's most vocal critic, taking Goyder to task over the company's push into Britain's home improvement market with the $705 million acquisition of Homebase and expressing concerns around its flagging total shareholder returns. While a lot of the narrative coming from Coles boss John Durkan has been around what it is doing for the consumer, Errington wants to know what it can offer investors.

"The food retailing industry is heating up in terms of competition, and we question whether too much focus is on the customer and not enough on the shareholder," Errington says.

Coles boss John Durkan has told analysts not to worry, saying Australia's population growth and the lower market share the big players have in fresh food compared with other parts of the world mean there are opportunities to expand the market.

"The fresh market was still, depending on the measure you take, around 30 per cent of the grocery market. So there's a huge opportunity for us and of course we've got a growing population. So there's a lot of growth still left in the marketplace," he says.

Long CEO tenures at Wesfarmers are not unusual

Wesfarmers's strategy has not really changed since its mammoth $19 billion Coles acquisition in 2007, although it is highly unlikely it would embark on a deal anywhere near that size again despite the availability of cheap debt.

Goyder has been at the helm for more than 10 years and is not making any noises about moving on. The company's chairman Michael Chaney  was chief executive for almost 14 years from 1992 to 2005, so longer-than-average CEO tenures are not unusual for the company.

Goyder has signalled a continuation of Wesfarmers's conservative acquisitions strategy and use of capital and the pursuit of long-term growth.

While the company is kicking itself for not selling the coal operations at the top of the cycle, this will not put it off making more acquisitions in the future. The company has around $5.5 billion in debt, with no more than $1 billion to be refinanced in any one year.

For now, it has its hands full with the Homebase deal. Errington also questions the wisdom of that move, but other analysts say Bunnings spectacular growth in Australia, even before the demise of Woolworth's failed competitor Masters, is evidence it has a good chance of succeeding.

Goyder does believe Britain's shock decision to leave the European Union will impact the strategy.

"We've looked at all sorts of scenarios. We also think that it's a pretty resilient sector even when an economy turns down. We've had this experience in Australia and New Zealand as well in our home improvement business. People tend to spend money around the home and that's the case in the UK as well we think," Goyder told ABC radio just hours before the vote results were in on Friday.

In the short-term, the immediate pressure on the share price is partly due to expectations Wesfarmers's dividend will fall this year as it sorts out Target. Unless it embarks on asset sales which looks unlikely, the dividend payout ratio could slip to 70 to 75 per cent.