Why Brexit is bad for UK banks

Jamie Dimon pointed to looming challenges. "In the months ahead, however, we may need to make changes to our European ...
Jamie Dimon pointed to looming challenges. "In the months ahead, however, we may need to make changes to our European legal entity structure and the location of some roles. David Paul Morris

In the hours after Britain's shock vote to leave the European Union on Friday, Jamie Dimon dispatched a memorandum to JPMorgan's employees around the world.

The US bank has 16,000 staff in the UK. The chairman and CEO's tone was one of calm – but he also flagged some approaching storms.

"Regardless of today's outcome, we will maintain a large presence in London, Bournemouth and Scotland, serving local clients as we have for more than 150 years," Dimon and two other senior colleagues wrote.

"The framework of the UK engagement with the EU, including trade agreements, will be negotiated over a period of years. For the moment, we will continue to serve our clients as usual, and our operating model in the UK remains the same."

Front page of The New Yorker shows its views on Brexit.
Front page of The New Yorker shows its views on Brexit. Supplied

But Dimon also pointed to looming challenges. "In the months ahead, however, we may need to make changes to our European legal entity structure and the location of some roles.

"While these changes are not certain, we have to be prepared to comply with new laws as we serve our clients around the world."

How Brexit will ultimately affect the financial services industry won't be known for a long time and depends on the diplomatic model that is chosen for the future UK-EU relationship. But changes to banking laws will inevitably reverberate throughout the British economy, given financial services represents 7 per cent of Britain's GDP and 4 per cent of all jobs (around 1.2 million people). Brexit will propel a wave of volatility that will wash over the City of London.

That was already on display on Friday as investors dished out savage punishment to bank stocks: in London, Barclays closed down 17 per cent, RBS shed 18 per cent and Lloyds lost 21 per cent. Clydesdale Bank, the UK bank only recently spun out of National Australia Bank, lost 17 per cent on the ASX. Germany's Deutsche Bank fell 14 per cent, while European banks were down 9 per cent. US banks, Macquarie and the major Australian banks also fell on Friday.

Three big changes

There will be at least three main shocks from Brexit for the financial services industry in London, as identified by global banks and their advisers over the weekend.

First, it seems tens of thousands of jobs will leave London; second, the shape of banking operations in London, and the type of business done in the city, may look very different in a few years; and third, market volatility and a potential UK recession in the second half could put a brake on bank earnings. This could be a result of pressure being applied to lending income, and fees from M&A; and ECM advisory which tends to fall when volatility rises.

On jobs, London has been an attractive place for US investment banks to do business in Europe. Around 90 per cent of EU-based US investment bank staff currently work in Britain and US banks have nearly £1.5 trillion ($2.7 trillion) in assets in the UK, according to the Financial Times. This is mainly due to the EU's "passporting" regime, based on the principle of mutual recognition which allows a bank in one EU member state to provide services in other states without additional licensing.

The UK financial sector could pay a high cost for the loss of the financial services passport. If banks can't passport out of London, they will have to set up different operations in Europe.

By 2020, Brexit could cost between 70,000 and 100,000 financial services jobs in the UK, says PwC, including in the insurance and managed funds industries. HSBC said on Friday it was likely to cut as many as 1000 staff from London, while bank analysts at Keefe, Bruyette & Woods said US banks could move just over 7200 from London.

To understand why some banking jobs will move to Europe, it is necessary to consider the type of banking business built up in London over recent decades which may not be possible to conduct at scale post-Brexit.

The UK is the leading market for global foreign exchange trading in euros. According to the Institute of International Finance, nearly 80 per cent of EU capital markets activity is conducted in the UK and more than 75 per cent of European hedge fund assets are based there. UK-based fund managers sell funds throughout EU countries. Clearing houses in London work with many euro-denominated instruments.

Some of these activities could need to relocate to European centres such as Frankfurt or Paris, harming London's competitive position as a financial centre for EU business.

Financial policy fallout

The Institute of International Finance, representing 500 banks in 70 countries, said ahead of the vote that in the near term, Brexit "would put a higher risk premium on UK assets across the board, UK banks' cost of funding would be expected to rise".

In an email to members over the weekend, the IIF pointed to fallouts from Brexit for financial policy. "Globally, there is a higher risk that anti-immigration and anti-free trade sentiment could invigorate anti-establishment populist movements in other countries, including the US, threatening to undermine the post-war global trade, investment and financial order."

The IIF also warned members the quality of economic policy could suffer, impacting on central banking and flaring up new nationalist political debates. "Specifically, there could be policy inertia as officials cannot agree on how to move forward – for example, to advance fiscal integration to sustain the European monetary union," it said.

"There could also be policy mistakes, for example, in adopting more protectionist measures including those designed to weaken currencies for competitive advantage. More generally, loss of credibility could undermine policy effectiveness, for example, of monetary policy."

If they lose access to the EU passport, UK banks will have to create European subsidiaries rather than merely setting up branches. This will add costs and additional layers of bureaucracy and require banks to satisfy EU and UK regulatory requirements, to the extent those end up differing.

King & Wood Mallesons London-based partners Tamasin Little and David Calligan say there will be uncertainty about passporting rights, the UK's access to the EU single market and the continuing impact of EU legislation on the UK for quite some time. They also point to the potential for lower quality regulation in other markets as the UK regulators withdraw their participation from key EU regulatory discussion groups.

"As the UK has such an active market and strong industry bodies, it has often voiced the interests of industry during the legislative process. This industry-focused input could be lost if the UK were to lose its say in EU rules, which could lead to the legislation emanating from Brussels becoming ever less practical to implement," said Ms Little and Mr Calligan in a note to the law firm's clients.

In his staff memo, Dimon said: "We recognise the potential for market volatility over the next few weeks and we are ready to help our clients work through it.

"As of today, there are no changes to the structure of our clients' relationships with JPMorgan Chase or their ability to work with our firm, but again this may change in the coming months or years."

Central banks' pledge

In the coming days, markets should take some calm from the actions of major central banks during recent weeks; they have pledged to do what's needed to meet liquidity demand from the markets, including by providing currency swap lines; the Bank of England committed to supply an additional £250 billion to the markets.

The Switzerland-based Bank of International Settlements issued a statement on Saturday, pointing to the extensive preparations made to ensure the financial system would cope with market volatility around the Brexit vote; on Friday, a Lehman-style moment was avoided.

"Extensive contingency plans by the private sector and central banks have been put in place to limit disturbances in financial markets," the BIS said.

"Stronger capital and liquidity buffers in the private sector have also made financial systems more resilient. Central banks have already communicated that they are closely monitoring the situation and stand ready to take the necessary actions to ensure orderly market functioning.

"There is likely to be a period of uncertainty and adjustment. The United Kingdom is closely integrated in the global economy, and it hosts one of the world's most important financial centres. With good cooperation at a global level, we are confident that uncertainty can be contained and that adjustments proceed as smoothly as possible."