

The Note7 is dead, but what does Samsung do now?

Samsung usually can sit confident in its position in the smartphone market. It's the biggest player by a huge margin in the Android world and, between it and Apple, taker of the majority of profits made in premium smartphones as well. This is why its flagship models such as this year's Galaxy S7, S7 Edge and Note7 are so important to the company.

So when Note7 phones start catching fire, it's a big problem. When they start catching fire to the point where every phone has to be recalled, it's a huge problem. Words such as "apocalyptic conflagration" come to mind when the replacement, meant-to-be-fixed-phones also start catching fire.

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She had just visited the Samsung website on her new Galaxy Note 7 when Dee Decasa's phone began smoking in her Honolulu home.

Still, that's where we are, with Samsung this week recalling all Note7 phones, original and replacement alike.

Samsung has "halted" Note7 production, but really, who would trust a Note7 the third time around? Not many, I'd wager, so stopping making them at all is sensible.

Samsung's Note7 was a great phone, apart from the overheating, but the Note name may now be tarnished forever.
Samsung's Note7 was a great phone, apart from the overheating, but the Note name may now be tarnished forever. Photo: Bloomberg

Sadly for Samsung, outside the safety issue, it managed to deliver an excellent premium handset, easily one of the best of the year to date. But smartphones that explode, no matter how fine, simply aren't worth the risk.

It's a prime opportunity for Samsung's Android competitors to leap in and offer up their phones as alternatives. Most other Android makers have struggled with profitability, but the likes of Sony (with its new albeit smaller Xperia XZ phone), Huawei (with its older Mate 8 and newer creations on the way) and especially Google with its high-end Pixel XL phone are likely to see a small sales boost on the back of Samsung's short-term Note7 woes.


The recall then creates the problem for Samsung as to what to do next. It doesn't take much of a crystal ball to suggest that the Galaxy S7's successor will launch at or just before next year's Mobile World Congress (MWC) in March, because that's long been Samsung's pattern.

Usually the premium phones unveiled at MWC are released about a month later, and then the larger and slightly improved Note variant is shown off around the time of the later IFA conference in Berlin, with a rough September/October release timeframe.

Google's Pixel and Pixel XL could step in to fill the gap left by the Note7.
Google's Pixel and Pixel XL could step in to fill the gap left by the Note7. Photo: Bloomberg

As such, what you could confidently call the Galaxy S8 will probably feature the iris scanner that was a feature of the Note7, along with USB-C charging and, hopefully, a slightly less explosive power pack under the hood.

Still, with the Note's credibility thoroughly torched, it's not at all clear what Samsung will do in the larger phone space. In some ways it might not matter. Samsung's offered replacement for Note7 owners wanting to keep their thumbs uncooked has been the equally large screened (and excellent) Galaxy S7 Edge smartphone.

If you didn't care about the iris scanner or the S-Pen stylus, it was already a solid contender. Samsung could simply ditch the Note concept and declare its next "Edge" phone its replacement with little fuss, although that would leave it in a similar position to that faced by Apple up until recently, having only one annual "premium" smartphone pair to hype. A year is a long time in smartphone evolution, and having the Note as a secondary bite at the premium market has to be appealing.

As a brand it seems unlikely that Samsung will want to face the torrent of jokes, scorn and diminished sales that persevering with the Note brand would bring were a Note8 to still be on the drawing board around September 2017. Certainly, the early sales figures for the Note7 suggests that there's a market and a hunger for a premium Samsung phone at around that time.

I suspect that while the technology team beavers away at making the next large-screened Samsung phone, the marketing team will be busy coming up with new brand names and slogans. Although, presumably, they'll be steering away from declaring their Note successor as "hot".

Alex Kidman is the tech & telco editor at comparison site