Nine Network hope to lure women with 9Honey

At its industry upfronts on Tuesday Nine network announced it is launching an online page aimed at women called 9Honey. 

In charge of the new network is Helen McCabe, who edited The Australian Women's Weekly for 6½ years. 

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When asked about the name, which sounds like something straight out of a Mad Men handbook for housewives, McCabe said: "How that name came about? I wasn't around for the day that it was born or why. But it was developed as a fun brand to replace some of the content that the magazines had taken off them."

Asked if she's worried about the name's patronising and sexist overtones, McCabe said: "That's not how I see it and it's certainly not how the business sees it ... nobody else has actually raised it directly with me, to be honest." 

9Honey boss and former Australian Women's Weekly editor Helen McCabe.
9Honey boss and former Australian Women's Weekly editor Helen McCabe. Photo: Jim Rice

No signs of panic then, huh?

"It's like Apple, or Google, or Buzzfeed. It's just a name. My view is it was a name we already had, so let's not over-think it and [let's] make this name be the brand that we want it to be, which is for mainstream Australian women."


And just to ensure everyone got the point: "That's entirely up to you if you think it sounds regressive. But I'm just making the point that nobody else at all has mentioned that to me at any stage of this process." 

To be fair to Nine, CBD's publisher Fairfax Media, knows how difficult it can be naming a gender-specific.

Mike Fitzpatrick's investment in PAC is down some $27 million since last April – his shares are now worth $10 million – ...
Mike Fitzpatrick's investment in PAC is down some $27 million since last April – his shares are now worth $10 million – which far outweighs the rookie-level $130,000 salary he picks up. Photo: Joe Armao

Fairfax's women's site was called Daily Life and was swiftly dubbed Daily Wife on social media. But our site about men's fashion, styling trends, cars and fitness is called ... Executive Style. 

Imagine what will happen when that great Fairfax/Nine merger goes ahead to create the Daily Executive Honey Life.

Carlton footballer Mike Fitzpatrick in 1981.
Carlton footballer Mike Fitzpatrick in 1981. 

Bench warmer

Good thing it's the AFL off-season for the code's chairman Mike Fitzpatrick

He is facing a further investor revolt at the boutique fund manager he also chairs, Pacific Current Group (PAC).

Illustration: John Shakespeare
Illustration: John Shakespeare 

Following the protest vote against the pay packets he doled out at PAC last year – a record 84 per cent of shares voted on the remuneration report voted against it  – at least one investor is seeking to claw back the lion's share of the offending pay packets and bench the Carlton legend. 

Michael de Tocqueville's "constructivist investor", Advocate Strategic Investments (ASI) – one of the leading voices against Pacific's pay practices – said more needs to be done about the excesses that saw former CEO, Tim Carver, paid $1.72 million despite the fact he resigned in April. 

In the same year, the company plunged to a massive loss and the stock has lost more than half its value this year. 

"Shareholders at the annual general meeting last week were adamant – to the tune of an 84 per cent vote against the remuneration report – that these payments were manifestly excessive," said ASI. "In the wake of the shareholder vote, ASI proposes that 84 per cent of these amounts are returned to the company."

De Tocqueville, is also seeking Fitzpatrick's head, given he has presided over Pacific for 12 years and is the person who should be held to account. 

"He really does need to consider his position for the good of the company and its shareholders regardless of his own shareholding," de Tocqueville told CBD. "I am and will be calling on more shareholders to have him removed." 

It will be de Tocqueville's second attempt. He tried to prise Fitzpatrick out of the hot seat in 2009 when the company was still called the Treasury Group. 

PAC does not seem worried by the latest tilt.

"Every single shareholder is entitled to a view and also – importantly – to vote on the election of directors at our AGM where the directors standing for re-election were returned with substantial majorities, including Mike Fitzpatrick who was returned with more than 90 per cent of the vote," a company spokesperson said. 

At least investors have no reason to doubt Fitzpatrick's incentive to fix things.

His investment in PAC is down some $27 million since last April – his shares are now worth $10 million – which far outweighs the rookie-level $130,000 salary he picks up. 

Coal twins 

There's no killing the coal bug, it seems. 

Nathan Tinkler's former lieutenants – the two Todds, Todd Hannigan and Tom Todd – have started a new adventure at coal miner Paringa Resources.

Hannigan has taken the CEO job at Paringa with immediate effect – pushing current CEO, David Gay, from the CEO role to "president and executive director". The other Todd will take up a role as executive director. 

"Paringa has an outstanding coal development asset – one that can be developed quickly at a very low capital cost," said Hannigan. 

The duo were key members of Tinkler's Aston Resources when the coal baron was near the peak of his wealth in 2011.

News corpse

It looks like the $40 million of cost cuts at Rupert Murdoch's News Corp will not be the only blood letting from his local empire.

CBD is told that Foxtel, which is half-owned by Telstra, is also wielding the axe. The pay TV provider was pushed into the red last quarter by the closure of streaming service, Presto.  

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