ACT News

Two elections and a wedding - it's been a big year for the Australian Sex Party's Steven Bailey

The Australian Sex Party's Steven Bailey stood for the Senate in the federal election and for the seat of Brindabella in the ACT election - and now he's capped off a busy year by getting married.

He quietly married federal public servant Angela Johnstone at Old Parliament House on October 29, exactly two weeks after the Legislative Assembly poll.

"Ange knew that I was going to ask her but she asked me first," he said with a laugh.

Bailey's faithful dog Bruce was not in the wedding party but home babysitting the couple's new puppy.

The couple has been enjoying little trips away, back and forth from Canberra, savouring some quiet time after what has been a hectic year.

"One wedding and two elections in a year certainly did take it out of me but I'm still keeping a keen eye on the local political scene," Bailey said, saying the two campaigns had cost a lot financially and emotionally.

And with a good showing in Brindabella, Bailey reckons "the Sex Party has a bright future in the ACT".