

If we can save one baby why can't we save more?

It is ironic, albeit black irony, that the doctors and nurses at the Mater Hospital this week conducted life saving in-utero surgery on a 24 week foetus when other people are trying to abort foetuses this age and older.

Of course, I am talking about the Bill put forward by Rob Pyne MP to allow later term abortions, and indeed abortion for any reason. Mr Pyne has claimed that he has not set an end date on when abortions should be available because he wants experts to decide, but that hides his broader agenda to make abortion freely available.

Dr Glenn Gardener performs groundbreaking in-utero surgery on a baby with spina bifida.
Dr Glenn Gardener performs groundbreaking in-utero surgery on a baby with spina bifida. Photo: Supplied

What Mr Pyne should do is use his considerable influence as a Member of Parliament to help save and improve lives, not take them away. That includes the lives of unborn children like the one who was operated on in Brisbane this week.

If we can save one baby, why can't we save more?

The extraordinary efforts mobilised to cure this unborn child of spina bifida - five specialty teams worked together to make it possible - is in stark contrast to the small number of people needed to take away an unborn child's life in an abortion clinic.

My opinion here is shared with Dr Ray Campbell, who has been a bioethicist for over 30 years.


"To my mind it highlights the lack of rationality behind our willingness to kill babies at 25 weeks when in actual fact we know we can save their lives," he said.

At just 60 days, an embryo has already developed 90 per cent of the structures of the adult body, and is already a foetus.

Dr Campbell told me that at 24 weeks the foetus would have an audible heartbeat, and react to sensory stimulation.  

In my mind, an unborn child that can do those things deserves a fair go at life. That means we have an obligation to protect it against those who might want to take it's life away.

Sadly, there are some who will claim that protecting unborn children is somehow an attack on women.  Nothing could be further from the truth, although somehow some people have lost sight of the need to protect the truly vulnerable.  

Dr Campbell makes a very good point here.

"Being pro-life does not mean being anti-woman. The ideal is to remember we have two patients, and we do all we can for both patients. When it comes to abortions, surely we should be trying to remove the factors that cause people to feel they have to resort to abortion," he says.

"There are all sorts of organisations where people give their own time and money to support pregnant women, but what is the government doing for pregnant women? Surely that's where a humane society should be putting its attention."

To my mind, the very fact a foetus is human, but can't speak for itself, is why it must be afforded our protection.

Instead, Mr Pyne and others would mobilise the resources of the state to see more unborn children die, or to be denied the chance of life if born alive after a failed abortion.

If you are in any doubt about this debate, ask yourself a simple question.  What would make you feel better: to be part of a team that used its accumulated medical talents to advance a life, as at the Mater this week, or to be someone who took that life away?

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